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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I can just be a star this round. I just feel like I have a lot to learn still and this compo has helped me a lot. Plus I only barely fit the criteria haha

    We still need one more star in order for everyone to be able to participate.

    You know what, MindWanderer go ahead and give Hollow precedence for pairing over me. If another star signs up, then absolutely fantastic! If not, then strike me from the roster this round. I have a feeling school is going to get really busy in the coming weeks for me anyway.

  2. A few hours left to sign up! Anymore takers? Another star would be pretty sweet.

    How many stars are there anyway? three (including Esperado who seems to always be on the fence about this)? If Esperado is a star again this round, then that's five novices to three stars, so we'd need at least two more stars, three in order to have Esperado as a novice.


  3. Seems like the markers keep moving slightly. Like all of them.

    Just checked. Mine moved maybe a half-mile fom its original spot.

    I took my marker off when I saw that they posted this on the OCR twitter. I thought it was just going to be a community thing.

    Probably being over-precautious but you never know.

    Well in theory it shouldn't be a problem if you don't pin your exact address. However, I see your concern with the map being shared so openly instead of just here on the forums. We don't need all the ladies trying to find our humble abodes :lmassoff:

  4. Looks like I'm the only North Carolinian on here so far (and may be the only North Carolinian besides LuketheXJesse, and I don't even think he's active here anymore).

    Great advice, you never know who is going to look at this, and what they have against you. :lol:


  5. Not yet. Haven't been able to talk to pokemoneinstein.

    I've been fairly busy and will be up until around summertime when it'll begin to settle down a bit. I'm still planning on making this happen, but for the moment I'm not digging myself into it because I've got quite a few other things I need to take care of first.

    I'm hoping everyone is still interested in this; I'd rather it not die out again.

    Hell, I'd love to see this project survive. I would have loved to see the Breath of Fire project survive too, but it seems it's officially dead now.

    I'm all for this project staying on course, especially since I tried making a MK project years ago, and that ended disastrously (mostly on my own part due to my excellent leadership skills at the time </sarcasm>). Try keeping this alive dude, most projects take years to complete so don't lose faith if it's slow to get off the ground. Keep on keeping on.

  6. If you fellows don't mind, I'm going to give this thread a bit of a necro-bump.

    Ok, done. Have a nice day!











    Ok in all seriousness, I came back to this thread recently and I noticed that there isn't a list of people willing to offer their musical talents to arrangers. Did I simply miss that somewhere or do we really not have anyone willing to blow their own horns?

    Also, in the interest of time, Tuberz check your PMs.

  7. Ouch that's harsh. I've had my project files bung up on me like that too. So now I keep back-ups ;) - it's a good thing to practise. Well, hopefully we'll see you next round.

    Mixcraft creates backups of each save. For some reason the midi kept getting mangled on export. Hopefully next round fares better

  8. Well, I had intended to submit something for this time around, and actually uploaded it yesterday, but I discovered today that somehow the subtle pitch correction I had set up became not-so-subtle because the plugin was receiving the wrong MIDI data. weirdly enough, it works just fine in my DAW, bu it just screws up on mixdown. I don't think I'll be able to get it figured out in time.

    EDIT: Nope, it totally screwed up. DAW crash and everything, every time. Took me four hours of straight recording last night too, and now? Useless.

    Good luck to those who actually could get a finished product out!

  9. So, with the eventual move to IPB, will the move be to IPB 3.X or IPB 4.0 which is supposedly coming out in Q2 this year?

    All this resting on the fact that OCR is actually moving to v6, which may never happen within the next three years but could also happen quickly and suddenly. We could log onto OCR next Wednesday and find ourselves staring at a bright purple HOLO-themed OCR forum page. Who knows.

  10. Just had an idea... my first real crush as a kid was on Misty from the show...

    and it totally makes me wanna do a love song from Cerulean City. For fun.

    I'm very good with words (and poetry according to a literature professor who I don't know... long story), so lyrics are no problem. It's just arranging anything from the original Pokemon games seems like a big challenge.

    Do the lyrics have to be like epic battle songs about the gym leaders? If so then I can think of something else.

    I don't think so? I think the idea is to tell their story, which is something we don't really learn about when we play the games. We only really experience the protagonist's story, and sometimes part of our rival's as well. This album (I think) is supposed to reveal the people behind the badges

  11. Eh, I'm burnt out from it already lol. I may return to it when I get some more shiny vst/sample libraries. But I'd be interested to see your mix lol. Maybe we'll have an unofficial vote after the main vote on who's track is better - 'course you already know what mine sounds like so it'd be easier to countermeasure it - no pun intended.

    well, if Shadow Cyclone is Esperado's side account, then I'd say he's already posted his too. If not, then we're going to have three bonus mixes this round.

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