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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Frankly, I don't mind the ass-backwards way it's set up. I can read the most recent posts without wading through posts and pages I've already visited and read.

    I suppose it's set the other way upon logout because vBulletin assumes that because you are logged out, you are new, and want to read the first post as the first page.

    That, and I guess it's easier to distribute non-member advertisements.

    I Dunno. I'm rather used to this recent first view, so i will have to be conditioned if other forums do not use this method by default.

  2. Hey all! Long time lurker / listener, first time poster. Looking to really expand my musical technique here and share some of my creations with you all. Just graduated from college and now I have nothing else to do but find a job and produce some music. I am hoping to jump right in and get some solid feedback.
    I only just found this thread. :lol:

    Greetings, everyone. I am a sophomore college student hoping to be a music composer for games. Hoping I can start off here because I'm not satisfied with whether I'm original or not, yet, as well as getting interested in remixes, covers, and the like.

    I already have some original releases available on Bandcamp, if anyone wants sonic reference as to what I do.


    I look forward to the experience, here. :smile:

    Well, as you two probably know, the best place for feedback is the Workshop forums.

    Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

  3. Just finding this now, I guess I'll introduce myself, despite having been here for a while.

    So I'm pokemoneinstein. Shocker, huh? I'm 15 years old, and I've been gaming since I was three, starting with Donkey Kong Country and DKC2.

    Are we related?
    I started "remixing" on YouTube a couple of years ago, but I've really only gotten good in the last few months. For the longest time I would just take MIDIs and run them through GarageBand. But I'm a very fast learner, and I've managed to teach myself a lot about music theory just by listening to remixers here, as well as a YouTube user named skotein. I just finished my first attempt at a "real" remix, called Land of the Beans, and it's a huge improvement even from what I was uploading a few months ago.

    Anyway, it means a lot to me that I get to be here! Glad to meet some of you, and to know some others, and I look forward to spending even more time around these parts!

    Well, pokemoneinstein, I guess this is your official welcome to OCR. Welcome, and have fun!

  4. ████ ████ ███ ██ ██ ██ ████████ ███ █ █████ █████████ ███ █████ ██ █████ ████████ ███ ███████ ████ █ ████. ███ █████ ██ ███ ██ ██ ███ ████ █████████ ██ ████████.

    um, aren't you supposed to supply a link to uncensor this (while the internet is still free?)

  5. The project will include those tracks. Anybody who wants to make extras is welcome, but it's a little shaky, because the track list is big enough as it is. Because you said your song may not be up to OCR standards, I'm a little iffy about putting you down before I hear what you have to offer. I'm more than willing to work closely with you and get your remix in tip-top shape.

    Pretty much, yes. Any thoughts on what you'd like to remix?

    lemme finish drowning through Exam Week, and i'll think then. For now, glub glub glub

    Sorry, couldn't resist

  6. My name is Demetrius, but I go by NerdMeech; and I have been lurking this website for a loonng time. I dunno what took me soo long to gather the courage to join the forum; but I finally got around to it. I love the music that comes from this site and the love for just videogames and their music period. For now I am just a listener and fan [but soon I will be learning to play the Bass guitar and when I get good enough, hopefully uploading remixes of my own one day]. Some of my favorite soundtracks are DK64, Shaq Fu, FFIX and Brave Fencer Musashi. I am sorry that this intro was soo long lol.

    Welcome to the forums!

    Long intro? Psssht we've had longer. Welcome and enjoy your stay!*

    *Some restrictions apply

  7. The doctor's prescribed you a diet!

    The Dr Pepper Diet, that is!

    I've been a fan of this site and its contents for years and years; only now, though, have I really gotten the nerve to join in and try my hand at remixing. I've no real experience, besides screwing around with MIDIs and percussion IRL, but I'm eager to learn and open-minded!

    Mega Man, Sonic, and F-Zero, mainly have brought me great joy through their music. Prog rock and jazz are also genres that really appeal to me.

    Anyhow, I hope to learn a lot and have fun!

    Trust me,I'm a Dr.

    Welcome you two!

  8. (btw VST does not mean Virtual inStrument)

    VST= Virtual Studio Technology.

    VST in general is (an) audio effect, such as eq, delay, chorus, etc.

    A VSTi is a VST Instrument, or synth.

    And then you can divide "synth" into a large amount of subtypes. But yeah, go read Rozovian's guide. If you want to know specifics on synthesis types, just ask (if Rozo hasn't specified in his guide)

  9. What freeware vsts would you most highly recommend for someone looking for something real basic, user-friendly, and easy-to-understand?

    B. Serrano Artemis

    I've also heard that LinPlug FreeAlpha is good, too.

    If I were you, I wouldn't use Synth1 quite yet as its GUI is cluttered and somewhat confusing the first time you look at it.

    There are hundreds of freeware VSTis on the interwebs, just gotta find the ones that work best for you.

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