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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. And finally, a MK64 album? I believe there was someone trying to get something like that off the ground in the past year or so, but it died for some reason.

    Yeah, that was me, but it flopped- there was cross-angst between me and Brandon S, and it involved trolling with a lot of egg pictures, and other issues tanked the project.

    I should probably try to resurrect it sooner or later...

  2. And yeah, Trolysis (You don't mind me givin' you a nickname right?) and I have to show you our track.

    Don't mind.

    Also, I need to receive a zip of the individual recording tracks, because I want to work on the drum track, and if the original drum track is mixed in, I can't remove it or anything...

    :-D The project is a rollin' on!

    (Also, I might wanna do a a capella mix... hmmm that will be hard though by myself)

    EDIT: In regards to:

    (Also, I might wanna do a a capella mix... hmmm that will be hard though by myself)
    I think I might do a piece on The Flower, not sure though.
  3. This thread needs a bump :P

    Massive is a yes. The only thing I don't like about Massive is how un-modulative it is.

    Don't get me wrong, the wiring on that thing is incredible, but I don't like how low the number of editable parameters is.

    I guess my main pet peeve with Massive is that you can't change wavetables mid-track unless they were to add a wavetable switch control. (otherwise you need more than one instance of massive with otherwise-identical control settings, but different wavetables)...

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