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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I don't start a track because I want to write one, I start a track because there's some musical element in my head that I want to get out. I would suck in a (musical) job with deadlines.
    ^ this this

    Problem is, I get ideas when I can't put them down, or I an unable to return to a certain inspiration later on. (Maybe this is a help thread?)

  2. I have a track ready for this, if there is still room/time?

    First Post:

    By the way, ALL TRACKS are due by 12/20. This will give me time to tag, prep the web site, and get everything uploaded, and for once, I should be able to release on Christmas Eve, long before I leave for my usual annual party. Therefore, 12/23 will be the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY that you can submit your track.

    So, I guess yes

  3. If that doesn't work well, GlovePIE plus a MIDI yoke (LoopBe, for example) will be able to do it if you're willing to deal with the setup and scripting involved. I use GlovePIE to map a Wii controller to MIDI commands; a mouse should be no problem.

    So, vimidi isn't as friendly as I thought it was. I did find a MIDI yoke though (loopbe1), and another mouse mapper (AnalogX MouseMod), so all is good on my side of the computer screen :-P

  4. This is probably a ridiculous idea, but does anyone know if there is a program, batch file, or other software that allows you to track mouse movements and convert them into MIDI CC data?

    Say, it could be set up for vertical mouse movement to be logged to Mod wheel, horizontal movement could be set to some other CC, scroll wheel or clicks could also be mapped to controls?

    And if this doesn't exist, does anybody know of a way to create this?

  5. So what's the direct IP address of OCR? As I understand it, the bill only provides means of removing the DNS entry from your internet service, not removing the site itself, so getting to a site by the IP address would still work. I've taken to gathering up IP addresses for many of my frequented sites just in case. What's OCR's?

    Ninja'd to it, but I'll elaborate a bit:

    Edit: Also, remember folks, two things:

    1) this is still just getting doctored up before it gets voted on on the House floor, it still would have a WAYS to go and lots of roadblocks before it would ever be put into place. So yes, there's concern, but it isn't like this will impact us all whenever they have to vote on it in the House next year.

    2) Keep your eyes on PIPA, the Senate's version of SOPA which should be causing similar concern.

    These points may have already been raised earlier in the thread.

    HalcyonSpirit, you are thinking of PIPA, a somewhat watered-down version of SOPA. They are both being pushed for by the entertainment industry, but I believe SOPA gives companies the right to sue OCR from even existing. Not just DNS lookup refusal, but if it's not hosted privately, they can force the serverhost or ISP to block it, possibly by refusing IP traffic as well (If this is possible, then will not connect you to the forum index of OCR)

  6. backreading a little bit here...

    As to the idea of Anonymous opposing this bill, all I can say is lulz...

    You guys realize this bill gives Anon more power then they could possibly ever want. Now they can take out every internet business they choose that has an option to upload. So I doubt they are going to be to much against this bill, but I'm sure for PR purposes to keep the bs about them being "heroes" up that they'll hack a gov site or two.

    How the hell would this give ANON power? If Anon has a website of some kind, its DNS address would be denied through PIPA, and they could be tracked through any connections that someone slips open. By that time, someone's screwed. When SOPA comes in, only God knows what could happen. I think that the US has finally found a way to stop ANONYMOUS from operating within the US, at the expense of the First Amendment

    EDIT: just received this email:

    Holy moly. We did it -- at least for now. The House Judiciary Committee looked certain to vote for the Stop Online Piracy Act today.

    Instead, because of the work of so many rank-and-file Internet users, the bill's lead sponsor acknowledged that our concerns are legitimate, and adjourned the committee without holding a vote!

    Of course, there's always more to be done. Will you shoot a quick email to Harry Reid to tell him to stop pushing the Senate version of the bill? He's threatening to call a vote in January.

    Here's Wired's take on what went down:

    The House Judiciary Committee considering whether to send the Stop Online Piracy Act to the House floor abruptly adjourned Friday with no new vote date set – a surprise given that the bill looked certain to pass out of committee today.

    It's amazing work: Politicians are, for the first time, having to contend with the Internet as a political force -- and we might actually win.

    But now we need to focus attention back on the Senate, where Marjority Leader Harry Reid says the PROTECT IP Act will be the first bill he calls for a vote next year.

    Will you let him and your Senators know that they need to stop pushing this legislation? It's an election year, and they don't want to do any heavy lifting. Pushing hard now could get them to back down altogether.

    Keep up the great work.

    -Demand Progress

    P.S. This week has been incredibly inspriring to all of us, and it'll probably inspire your friends too. Will you let them know what just went down? Just use these links:

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    Hopefully this means something

  7. Well right now I'm just seeing if people would potentially be interested in one sometime in the future. I'm not trying to get anything started right away. Plus it's always nice to get the idea out there, because Mario Kart is a big series with a lot of music, but not a single accepted ReMix. An album devoted to Mario Kart would be a lot of fun. I'm relatively new, but I know at least the gist of how these processes work. But if you think I should have a big project plan before even asking, I could figure things out and then come back with a specific plan in mind.

    Hmm... I started this once and it flopped miserably and was scrapped in a bout of depression, and I think that there's another idea floating around somewhere for this...

    i will talk to brushfire about this. Maybe in the future

  8. Here's the previous year's albums ...


    the files aren't working for me. Dunno why

    EdiT: Apparently the files cannot be found. If I click one of the tracks (for example, PrototypeRaptor - Chimes from AOCC 2k9), this message appears on the next page:

    Not Found

    Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.

    Obtuse? Any help?

  9. how much work have you done with vocal dubstep Rockos?

    problem here would be finding a song that would work with lyrics, then writing said lyrics, and everything else that has to be done...

    Not that much. The vocals were already written by Death of Paris. I just remixed the whole song. That's it. No effort was put into vocals.

    :-D lemme reiterate.

    problem here would be finding a song that would work with lyrics, then writing said lyrics, and everything else that has to be done...
    I meant from the BoF OST. Similar to what me and Callum did for You Will (or is it shall?) Live. (I'm not looking at the first post as I type, obviously)
  10. This is not a bad idea. For project completion in term of ocremix, the standard are high. This is why I didn't join right away. I'm still awaiting mixes to be judged. If this won't pass, it won't pass either in this project. Same for people who get involved in here.

    The idea of collab is not bad and is very smart. It would help the guys that don't get posted but near to it, to see what's missing in their production.

    Personnaly I would like to get involved. IF I can get some spare time I'll check it out to collab with someone already posted and then (WE) gonna claim something ^^.

    how much work have you done with vocal dubstep Rockos?

    problem here would be finding a song that would work with lyrics, then writing said lyrics, and everything else that has to be done...

  11. Seriously no offense intended whatsoever to anyone, but you really should focus more on having posted mixers join... no offense to Hoboka, he's been trying really hard to pass and I realize that. You could probably ask some of these people on the roster to collab with someone who is capable of passing if you're super serial about being OCR album.

    I want to make a smartass comment but I am in a really good mood that may be linked to sleep deprivation in some form or another.

    maybe later, eh?

  12. I feel bad for double posting and all that...

    But HoboKa has just taken Clean Hit from BOF 2.

    It's a really cool track, so I personally can't WAIT to hear what he gives in! :razz:

    Double post?


    What, are you NUTS!?!?

    haha, just kidding. This is good news. Welcome to the project KoboKa

    Also, in the interest of mixing, what are the "easiest" or "simplest" melodies in the OST?

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