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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. I missed this post~! Thanks man... :-) I don't think any of them passed ocr but hopefully people like 'em and don't think they're terrible and that I defiled dkc3

    You defiled DKC3. We are forever cursed to play the game and hear your remixes looping in our heads instead of the OST while we play...

    just kidding dude. Can't wait to hear it all!

  2. Yo, can I do "Home Sweet Home" from BoF II? :D

    Thanks a lot, Tuberz!

    Most definitely. I would be overjoyed for that! Marking you down now! :razz:

    EDIT: Dude. Just heard the first WIP you sent me as well... holy hell.

    This motivates me SO much. I CRIDE MANLY TEERS LOL

    It was really good. Can't wait to see where it goes next.

    Just listened to the OST track for this and I can tell that it will be good. (I doubt Tuberz would float a version of your WIP my way :-))

  3. OCAD has been wiped and is now available for 1.0 players.

    I just got a PM from Stevo that the OCAD IP has changed to some number that I just forgot. Be right back

    EDiT: Found it, but I don't know whether to post it or not. Will ask David or Stevo

  4. Okay firstly like I said, I no basically nothing about FL Studio whiiich is what I'm using. Not quiiite sure how to set filters and things. So I'm going to look up a tutorial or something on that. I know what you mean about that bell sound but funnily enough it isn't a bell o_O it's actually a piano of some form.

    It does get cluttered and yeah my favorite thing in the whole thing is the strings xD

    So maybe I just need to stop adding a ton of stuff together and spend a few days on something. xD

    ok, that's fine. I understand. FL can be confusing to begin with. I use Mixcraft 5, and the layout is very different to that of FL9.

  5. The opening bell sound (or whatever it is) needs more "ring" to it, in my opinion. Maybe some FM?

    about a minute into the song, it begins to sound very muddy. it sounds like several synths are all playing within a single frequency range. You might want to apply some filters, maybe some highpass filters at some point. (Filters can totally change how a synth sounds. Don't overlook effects. I made that mistake early on)

    I'm guessing the BPM is 120, right? :D the guitar (I guess it's a guitar) that comes in could probably be replaced with a more etherial-sounding synth. It's also a bit muddy, which ties back to the earlier filter comment.

    I have to say, it does get repetitive, but I do like the strings at 1:20. opens up the upper frequency range.

    Overall good job. Better than my first, second, third, 70th mixing attempt :-|

    Needs work, but this has potential. keep working on it!

    Edit: A little friendly hint: if this is a mix you feel like you will keep working on, mark it as Work in progress. If you plan on submitting it someday, you will want to keep it at WIP status until you feel it needs to be judged by a staff member, in which case, you change the suffix to Mod Review. When you feel like the mix is at it's pinnacle, mark it as Finished, whether or not it was Mod Reviewed.

    I plan on watching this thread! Good Luck! :-D


  6. This was a very nice game, and I loved the soundtrack. It's simple gameplay wasn't the easiest to work with, but the soundtrack was memorial to me.

    I would love to hear a remix of any of it's songs!


  7. Chiptunes are raw music data. In this case, they have been cache dumped from the game cartridge itself.

    WinAmp can open and browse chiptune files when you install OCR's ChipAmp (www.chipamp.org), and makes it easier to listen to old VG OST's than hunting down each video on youtube and then using a downloader.

    Chipamp is a series of plugins that allow WinAmp to open and play these files, almost like a MIDI file. Chiptunes are instructions for a game console's sound chip. It tells the chip how to make the song, and these plugins emulate the soundchip.

  8. Frackin' hell it's good. And I'm not even a fan of Dubstep.


    Which reminds me. I'll keep working on dubstep, then see if I can do something for this album. Maybe ambient/cinematic dubstep? (Interesting concept)

    I'm sure me and Tuberz can discuss crazy-ass music combinations all day long, but that can be saved for later.

  9. I would like to join the project. The only thing is I'm not a posted mixer. I can show you some work that I've done recently so you could decide if I'm or not ready to claim a track .
    Send me a PM and we'll talk it over.

    It'll depend on a few things. Whatever you can show me to prove you've got the touch is a must.

    Check Rockos' Soundcloud Callum. He's good with the wub, if there's a track for that :-D

  10. Got a few questions for ya Callum:

    -is the project still dubbed The Dragon's Tale? If not, what the new concept?

    -why open the whole BoF soundtrack but omit halt the tracks for BoFII?

    -have you started recruiting pro-actively yet? (mixers list, invites, etc.)

    Also, I'd like to point out that making such an album is a pretty long endeavor/commitment on the director's end.

    Having sources claimed, finding a place to organize the project and motivating everyone to finish their tracks can be tough.

    Not to mention all the administrative work going alongside the project to ensure it can be completed and released properly.

    So I hope you're ready to get down to business and that it's not just distraction from studies for you. ;)

    Best of luck man. :)

    I'm not sure what Callum will say about this, but what I do know is that the current tracklist was copied right from the original list, in Brian's thread. I think he decided for only half (or so) of the BoFII tracklist, and either Callum didn't realize this, or he hasn't fixed it yet. He's a lazy dude sometimes :-P

  11. Is You Tube really that out of touch? How can they not know what OCRemix is about. This whole debacle has got to be the work of some moderator over there that is living under a rock.

    Nope, it's an automated server that's done it.

    Apparently, if a channel gets enough flags, then a server will suspend the account. Then someone else has to come and check out the claim, then decide to fix it or not, based on the claims and the flags sent, in this case, "spam".

    How about we begin emailing Google and YouTube about it?

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