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Posts posted by Anorax

  1. Alrighty, I need LOTS of synths. I just can't seem to synthesize any of them myself, on any synth. So here.

    I need the ambient one from this, and also the bell-like one (possibly a gamelan?):


    Any and all help would be REALLY appreciated!

    EDIT: I use FL9, and if you're giving me a preset for a synth, the synth better be free! :mrgreen:

    hmm... bserrano's Artemis can create a similar effect, and it's also in it's main preset set as: "Prologue". (And Artemis is free!)

  2. relyance's system fell through due to personal stuff, so i used his parts and build RECKENEFIN of paper mario project fame a computer. i7-870, GTX 460, 4gb of RAM, TX650 PSU (it came in a velvet bag inside the box :< ), and an asus P7P55-E deluxe mobo, which is gorgeous and awesome and i want it now.

    RECK is one lucky dude...

  3. OK, just to clarify--we're a completely normal European country. No wars, no violence, no crazy laws, and no tyrants, but a lot of forests and a beautiful river that was featured in the second Narnia movie. =D

    There's no hand-chopping in Europe. At least not legally enforced!

    Let's get back to Donkey Kong, this is not the place to discuss wacky politics. =D

    Who's making the trailer that's usually released on Youtube before the album comes out?

    Probably Drew Gurley, the same guy who's doing the webpage

  4. Griefers are dicks. Also, teach me how to protect my crap sometime.

    It's not as simple as you're thinking it to be. Well, it is, but...

    You can lock doors, chests, and furnaces. I also think that you can lock crafting tables too, but I doubt it.

    You can either lock them to open only to you, or you can lock them to only open to a certain password...

    the lock command (as you probably already know) is /cprivate (you-only) and /cpassword <password> (password protected).

    However, I don't think that individual blocks can be protected, so if griefers can get in, then the lapis will be stolen again

  5. Really? I thought the train tracks were all locked? Me and tjo_06 were trying to re-route and old unfinished track past knowhere a few days ago and it wouldn't let us.

    Oh, beyond knowhere? I was working out there a long time ago, trying to set up a new kind of station starter, one that forces inbound/outbound travel. As of why it's locked, I have no idea

  6. Cause i missed what he said, Gilliam the stuff at spawn is fine, but someone nabbed the train tracks that goes out to everywhere. And we are gonna find out who.

    This happened once before, but it was more or less sabotage at the Zero City station...

    Is the server still down while we sort out this matter?

  7. The last six to eight posts are very off-topic IMO.

    Are we still talking about guitar amp and cabinet sims?

    or has this discussion degraded to whatever-the-next-person-types-is-the-new-topic?

    as for buying shreddage, I'm sure zircon is very pleased with you for the decision to purchase an ISW product.

    (Just between you and me, I like to take advantage of free, albiet trial-slash-demo, Kontakt files because I can take the samples and recreate the instrument in a different program and get a similar sound... This is basically an apology to ISW for taking samples from their GB Tape demo)

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