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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Just to let you know, in case you haven't checked the minecraft forum,

    the /shop command has bit the dust it seems

  2. Stevo, in regards to the Shop system, the only commands that appear when you type /shop are: /shop search /shop find No other commands are present. Can you fix?
  3. It's all fun and games until they show you the circuits...
  4. Well, I guess that the Knowhere area of the OCAD server is dead- Several members of the community are gone, but as far as I'm concerned, this means their property is fair game. (Minus the protected chests, of course)
  5. It's not as simple as you're thinking it to be. Well, it is, but... You can lock doors, chests, and furnaces. I also think that you can lock crafting tables too, but I doubt it. You can either lock them to open only to you, or you can lock them to only open to a certain password... the lock command (as you probably already know) is /cprivate (you-only) and /cpassword <password> (password protected). However, I don't think that individual blocks can be protected, so if griefers can get in, then the lapis will be stolen again
  6. Oh, beyond knowhere? I was working out there a long time ago, trying to set up a new kind of station starter, one that forces inbound/outbound travel. As of why it's locked, I have no idea
  7. This happened once before, but it was more or less sabotage at the Zero City station... Is the server still down while we sort out this matter?
  8. Hey, Abadoss, can I be added to the whitelist? IGN: ElectricSystem
  9. The last six to eight posts are very off-topic IMO. Are we still talking about guitar amp and cabinet sims? or has this discussion degraded to whatever-the-next-person-types-is-the-new-topic? as for buying shreddage, I'm sure zircon is very pleased with you for the decision to purchase an ISW product. (Just between you and me, I like to take advantage of free, albiet trial-slash-demo, Kontakt files because I can take the samples and recreate the instrument in a different program and get a similar sound... This is basically an apology to ISW for taking samples from their GB Tape demo)
  10. heh didn't know you were the Darke's brother.

  11. yup. took long enough

  12. I'm not quite sure what this thread is about... anyway, Acme Bar Gig has some decent amp sims, but I'm not quite sure if we're still on that subject...
  13. So, anyone and everyone from Knowhere?
  14. You DARED to desecrate Zero Hamlet?!? meh... I'm sure Stevo and David are miffed about that. I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, by the way (just to be safe...) I see their point though. Zero city was way underused. the only thing it was used for was the spawn house, and the capital building.Other than Lawson's Zero City rail station, there was nothing there.
  15. Was your grammar skills griefed along with the server too? Do we know who's guilty of griefing?
  16. Um, yeah that would help... Ign is ElectricSystem
  17. hey, can I join the "official" OCR minecraft server? I"m sure anyone from the OCAD server can vouch for me if the vouch system is still in place
  18. Hey man,

    It seems that the OCAD server is still down...

    Any details on this?

  19. Whelp, I'm trying to play through the minecraft.net browser window, but I can't seem to reverse-engineer the 1.7.2 minecraft jar to play nice. (to be fair, I am playing from a 3rd party computer, with access to my minecraft bin files) In other news, OCAD seems to be down again, but that may just be 1.7.3 being a [explicit], er, pain in the ass
  20. Dammit, Brian! Did you HAVE to set it so far away? I procrastinate like hell the further away a deadline is... Meh, I'm just pulling your leg
  21. From what I can tell, so has the OCAD server
  22. Well, according to Bukkit's twitter page, this is the 1.7_01 build: http://t.co/wpaDC5a
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