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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Also, Shinny, you might want to update the names of the files to what they are labeled in their Chiptunes - which can be found here (BoF I BoF II) This would make it easier for a chiptune user to find what files are what
  2. Tuber, I have a Katt sig for you, and a Ryu sig for Shinny. They're basically renditions of characters found on google search and the Project image that's in Mr. Metal's sig. Katt sig: [ URL="http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=784626"][ IMG]http://db.tt/KQuVNHr[/IMG][/URL] Ryu sig: [ URL="http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=784626"][ IMG]http://db.tt/mIDVvCP[/IMG][/URL] Both contain the link to this thread. Please remove the spaces in the [ url] and [ img] or they won't work
  3. hmm... You know what? We should all find images of BoF characters and have "custom" signatures. They don't really have to be uber-personalized, just something to use for the project. Shinny, do you happen to have a BoF logo that has a transparent background?
  4. Alright, because I've never really played Breath of Fire, can someone describe to me the gameplay? i.e. turn-based rpg or something like that? The point of this is to see if I can visualize the "feel" of the game and work that into a remix for this project.
  5. But only the red and yellow and orange and maybe green. Other than that you won't have a problem, especially with cocoa beans!
  6. For a second I thought it was me, then i saw the description. Oh well
  7. No, what I'm saying is that I can't really find the tune because of the dissonance. I would clear up the guitar part first, then build around that
  8. Okay, well, for one thing I can't really find the melody in this song anywhere... All I hear is adjacent keys being played all at once, then changing pitch somewhat. It's not a lo-fi sound I hear, it's the playing of several notes that overlap in frequency without any balance. In fact, sound quality is being depleted only because of the guitar. If you were to maybe play only the melody notes, and maybe add a fifth in there, then it would be easier to distinguish (and maybe sound quality would improve?) EDIT: Scratch that. I now here a small chord in there, but you played it so close together (and probably used a bitcrusher?) that it's hard to catch the melody.
  9. One idea is that they used DBlue Glitch. Other than that I have no idea.
  10. !! Just noticed this. Does FL Studio use pitch bend as a MIDI controller? If so, what CC? That should be easy to rewire if you knew what FL used as pitch bend
  11. Yeah, I read the wikipedia page on it minutes after I posted about this. If you didn't notice, I edited my post. EDIT: yeah, I know. the post didn't update obviously, so I re-edited (?) it. Do you mean controls similar to that of the NI Massive envelope editor? Hmm... Would you be able to work with a data matrix with this? Also, I would like to have a little bit more information on what you mean by delay wheel.
  12. ^This. Very much this^ I'm basically asking you what you would want in a VSTi. I'm not asking for sample libraries. I'm asking what features you would like to have control of in a virtual instrument. An off-the-bat example would be 43 oscillators. In no way would anyone want to do that, but that's an example for you guys of what I'm asking for
  13. Yup. Bukkit runs without even downloading the server jar from minecraft.net The problem with this is that you have to wait for them to build a new craftbukkit to run the compatible server
  14. ... and I have NO idea what you just said EDIT:Okay, to make sure I don't look completely stupid, I edited this post, but it somehow didn't update. Anyway, receiving the waveform structure of this would be "fun" (as in hard) to get, let alone getting the module set to play and modulate it as well.
  15. "Perfect" as in perfect for you. I want to see people's ideas of what they want to see in a VST. (Personally, I would like to see a synth with a lot of power under the hood, but a oh-so-simple GUI to go with it)
  16. [Off Topic] You did good compared to your other posts [End Off Topic]
  17. If someone were to ask you what you would want in your own "perfect" VST, what would it be? I'm asking because I saw a thread over in KVR about doing this with SynthEdit and I want to at least see what your ideas are for such an instrument. So, what would you have in it? EDIT: And whatever it is, it has to be possible in SynthEdit. Current idea list Advanced Envelopes - GeckoYamori plenty of LFOs - GeckoYamori Delay wheel - yet again, GeckoYamori Simplicity - PrototypeRaptor What I would like to know is how many/what kind of oscillators
  18. Nah. It was bugging me, that's all. I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. [End Off Topic]
  19. Is is just me, or is the text in your posts a different font? (Sorry. Off Topic)
  20. Holy. Crap. This is awesome. Kind of reminds me of Trans-Siberian Orchestra a little bit, mixed with SoaD EDIT: I Love it. Keep up the work!
  21. Nice. I like it so far, and I am only :32 into it. However, I do think that the opening rhythm is too overbearing. However, I am listening to this on my speakers while eating lunch, so I haven't really payed attention to the finer details. Overall a good mix. However, I think it needed one or two pads that weren't saws or ramps or pulses. A triangle-pulse pad would work to create a more, say, "etherial" tone to this. BTW, what is the source for this? I am unfamiliar with it
  22. Yeah, but I wouldn't upgrade until bukkit is upgraded
  23. How long does the free trial of Reaper last? I know there are some programs that will shut themselves down in 20 minutes if it is a demo. Relax, we're all trying. In fact, I'm still trying to make a somewhat decent remix. Yeah, Rozo's guide helps, but I can't wait for it to be in a .pdf (but that's for another thread). Just don't give up hope. Ont thing you might want to do is grab a few free synths to work with. Depending on what OS you're using, you can use VST (.dll) or a Mac-only synth (not sure what the file extension is...). When you have a small arsenal of instruments, you can then play around with voice layering and automation. Not that I could help you with that- I use Mixcraft, and have never touched Reaper.
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