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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Whaaaat? That's not Brandon? Looks good dood. Poster does too! (no homo)
  2. You sir, are a genius. EDIT: Thank God for in-browser spell check
  3. Ah. Close enough. For some reason I was thinking Massive (Same company, but whatever). Is it a custom Reaktor Patch?
  4. I don't wanna ever have a crappy housewife, because she obviously is one and is trying to overcome her failures by making terrible, terrible songs. Dat ist alles.
  5. I probably know the answer to this, but what VSTi did you use for the bass?
  6. you and your IRL Minecrafting Also, Lolsaber ftw
  7. Hey Nintendude, what happened to the Ice water project?

    I think that it could be a good idea!

  8. I guess I don't have a problem with it because... hmm maybe this is becoming off topic... Click the bottom link in my signature. we'll talk there.
  9. Will do. Didn't know there was a pixel conflict there.

  10. Aaaaaaaaaand it seems that the OCAD server is down. Stevo? David? Thoughts?
  11. If I could rap, I would. (Never tried though... hmm)
  12. MIXCRAFT 6 IS OUT I know that there are some people who use Acoustica Mixcraft 5 or 6, so I wanted to post this thread as a MX5 help thread, or a thread for general discussion. If you use Mixcraft 5 or higher and need help, just ask. If you use Mixcraft 5+ and can answer anyone's questions, or just want to give general pointers, feel free to do so. Cheers, ~Anorax
  13. Mixcraft Memory issues? Never had that one (ok, I guess I have, CPU load issues - use the Freeze Track command Ctrl+F)... Hmm. About "not improving", just work at it. Believe it or not, an absolute great way to organize Mixcraft is to change the track names to whatever they are used for. Say, if I have several instances of the same VSTi open, it does well for me to rename the track to something completely different. Try naming the tracks to something that describes the sound of that track. Also, work with the Automation lane. It's a great thing to use.
  14. This^ I guess I'm somewhere in one of the dozen or so processes Zircon said he went through. My music still sucks, I have no idea what my attitude about it is (I'm sure the judges would laugh in my face if it wasn't for the fact that they are nice), because I've never posted. it's been about a year and a half since I downloaded Mixcraft 5. It took me about 3 weeks to learn what the quantize did. From the start, I've basically ignored effects. Now I know they are really important to the overall quality of your work. I'm still working on improving, but not all paths are straight and smooth.
  15. There is a rollback link somewhere here in this forum, maybe one or two pages back...
  16. It's nice to see that the OCAD server is up and running, but Stevo, are you or David going to start organizing the map again, like on the previous map?
  17. I applaud you sir. You have spunk.
  18. Agreed. NPC Villages are tha bomb. Can't wait for the actual NPCs to be added EDIT: How do you eat?!?!? Gaah I hate new controls/computer-issues/whatever-it-is
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