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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Make it dynamic. It's static when the same thing loops over and over with the same instruments. Nothing changes, hence, "static." If something changed, like if you change the arrangement somewhat on the background part, or made instruments switch parts, then it would be dynamic.
  2. Hey, just wanted to know if the BoF project was still on track.

    You might want to update the first post by the way, considering that Tuberz (should have) sent you the WiP.

  3. Shinny's last post was over two months ago... Is this project still a go? (I'm guessing yes, I just haven't heard anything, whether it be WiP update status or whatnot)
  4. Friendly reminder: it is ALWAYs a good idea to make a backup of you minecraft bin folder, but especially the minecraft.jar, just to save it for a rainy day aka you update and realize no other servers are running the updated version of minecraft.
  5. Go back six or seven pages and find the discussion on the "Endermen coincidence".
  6. But then we can't blame you anymore...
  7. A "spinoff" of slendermen, even though Notch has never heard of them before
  8. Those miners didn't happen to be tall... and slender... did they? O.O Also, lol Hylian I doubt that that's a mine...
  9. Couldn't you make a .bat that launches Minecraft with an extended memory in a similar way that there is a command to run a MC server with extended memory? EDIT:Well, it appears that on the OCAD server at least, teleporting to the Nether has it's own risks...
  10. So, you're back to Minecraft? yay more leaving-party/givaways
  11. Ohohoho.Successful troll there brethren. Trollage noted.
  12. AKA lighting isn't updated chunk bu chunk AKA (again) lighting doesn't suck. BTW Brandon, what do you have against blocks?
  13. So, while Tuberz sends Shinny our WiP, we have decided to upload a heavily bitcrushed teaser of the WiP. Enjoy EDITE: Also, lol. post 69 (What a pervert!)
  14. Wow, a whole year gap between posts again? Anyway I would love to see this project be put back into motion!
  15. Hold on, let me go change my pants. *Back with new pants* Um, the second half- with the trance and guitar, sounds too busy. You might want to drop a sound or two there. Other than that, this song is fantastic!
  16. Yeah, that was me, but it flopped- there was cross-angst between me and Brandon S, and it involved trolling with a lot of egg pictures, and other issues tanked the project. I should probably try to resurrect it sooner or later...
  17. Don't mind.Also, I need to receive a zip of the individual recording tracks, because I want to work on the drum track, and if the original drum track is mixed in, I can't remove it or anything... The project is a rollin' on! (Also, I might wanna do a a capella mix... hmmm that will be hard though by myself) EDIT: In regards to: I think I might do a piece on The Flower, not sure though.
  18. YYYAAAeeeaaaaaHHHH!!!!! ...Endermen...
  19. And no one said anything? Well, I did. Just now Ok, so Tuberz and I need to tighten up the WiP and float that Shimmy's way. Meanwhile I need to get off my ass and finally do a mix that I thought I was going to do. (AKA I haven't even started yet...) EDIT: and why was the deadline the 10th? Because the next day was the, uh, erm, you know, day...
  20. This is why we need a Mario Kart album, and this could be the ending song! Wait, he used autotune? I know it sounds a little weird, probably due to filters and whatnot, but autotune? Stevo wouldn't dare... ok ok he would, but that's beside the point
  21. I think they mean it can't be operated via .bat files, nor can it be converted into .bat files
  22. Sorry for double-posting, but does anyone know where I could find a version of Spectrasonic's Atmosphere? I know they dicontinued it, but I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a copy, preferrably for free (or cheap)...
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