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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Hey Callum-i-mean-Tuberz If I were to open up a Google Sites project webpage, would that work? I'm looking at templates now, and they have several project templates. What we could do is make a project website, make it private-except-for-invitees (anyone who has sent a WiP maybe?) from the recruitment forum. What'ya say?
  2. which reminds me, we'll need somewhere to run all of this from. Will we run it in another forum or something, or what? ...
  3. No worries. it's nice to know you're still alive at least EDIT: wait... what about the first post? will we need someone to give Tuberz editing access to that post or what? Will ask someone about this, mainly DarkeSword or Liontamer
  4. ... anyhoo, I have resized my signature images, and that means the old ones are up for grabs http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14724741/Signatures/Breath%20Of%20Fire/BoFprojectsigSten.png and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14724741/Signatures/Breath%20Of%20Fire/BoFprojectsigryuSword.png Have fun
  5. What bothers me is that he seems to constantly check the forums, but hasn't posted a thing since, what, late august?
  6. Hey, Stevo, why hasn't there been any updates with the RSS for OCAD?

  7. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

  8. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

  9. Maybe if you were to make a WiP and PM it to shinny, but other than that, no idea.
  10. Happy Birthday Section Nemesis!

  11. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix Forums!

  12. You sir, are a boss.

    Thought I should share that

  13. And I just died... GO SUBMIT maybe you should ask Emunator what he thinks of this!
  14. Happy Birthday dood!

  15. hold on, lemme scrape my brains off the wall what he said
  16. Welcome to OC Remix!

  17. Welcome to OC Remix!



  19. Or multiple... PMs... :-|

  20. Why, Happy Birthday val!

    Someone should have built a giant cake on the MC server. That would have been awesome

  21. Holy shite I missed your birthday...


    Happy (way) belated Birthday! :-D

  22. Yay! The wonderful, all-powerful Emunator is now a judge!

    Waitaminit how do you know who is and isn't a staff member?

    And who's going to fill your Workshop Moderator spot?

  23. Shinny's starting to worry me

    his absence is becoming disturbing.

    What say you?

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