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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Never thought about it, but Taradien is right. You might want to look at that.
  2. Would this count as a bump? Anyway, I think that if I were to do the Final Day track, that it should have a TSO feel to it. Anyone feel otherwise? Because other thatn that, I am low on ideas about this. Yeah, it's been a while since I looked at what I have commited myself to do. So I probably should have been workin g on this already... Also, this album needs some lovin'. Will get to work and send you something by PM and maybe post a lower-quality/ older WIP here behind Darke's back, Which may not be a safe move... O_O'
  3. The snare sounds a bit off. I think it sounds like you have placed the snare through a LP filter with a too-low cutoff. I'm sure this could be fixed in FL Studio somehow, but I haven't looked at FL in a while, so... Disagree, sort of... (?) At the beginning, this sounds just fine. HOWEVER, like GuitahHeroe said, it will need to be less portamento-y (That's definitely NOT a word...) as you WIP goes along. Also- check your VST to make sure you don't have retrigger off. This can also cause sliding noise. Not as much, but even with portamento on, retrigger can add a different sound to a sliding note. You might want to experement a bit with that. This has promise, I will give you that. Good luck.
  4. Very nice. I can tell it's been in production for a while. I'm not familiar with the source, but so far this sounds like a pretty solid mix. Good luck with this! I don't really have any complaints... That's good. The only thing that's bugging me is the small flute part. It doesn't seem to mix well with this remix. It's too... cutting, if that makes any sense. To put it this way, it slices through the other instruments and can be a bit distracting. Other than that, I really like this.
  5. Went back and listened to this again, and the only thing it's missing is the drop. Scratch that. There's two here, but it feels like there could be more, and it would sound fine. Maybe a tapestop effect here and there would work. Not too much, but a few more than the two at 3:10 and 3:18
  6. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1134

    Out of curiosity, is your main DAW Mixcraft?

  7. Never trust in GameStop Pre-Orders. Ever. I'm sure it's already been discussed how the "forget" your order or some other sorry excuse. I'll probably will get it in a few weeks.
  8. What kind of music do you like?

  9. Please see below VM :-D

    My problem is I quickly lose interest and/or motivation and/or I simply forget my ideas...

    However, I am working on it, so I should be able to et something to you for you to hear

  10. Ah. Messiah. I figured you had one of the Mixcraft GS guitars plugged into the amps, while you were using pitch wheel automation and mod wheel to make it sound a bit better.
  11. I am basically asking if you used any VSTs that are not packaged with Acoustica, such as Synth 1, Crystal, etc. nice to know. Edition V4 is sounding better. I have noticed how I have had a small... audio "disagreement" with the electric guitar. I am trying to remember if there is a wet/dry mix with Shred Amp. You might want to use the Voxengo Amp Simulator (Boolex for those who don't use Mixcraft) instead. I just... I don't know. The sliding noise that comes in as the guitar starts just... I don't know how to say this. It just doesn't work, I guess. The mix is working quite well, however. PM Can you send me a copy of the MX5 file? PM
  12. It's possible he was going for a... oh. Yeah, I have to agree with Detuned on this... What synths did you use, besides the ones packaged with Mixcraft?
  13. Showoff So far, this is pretty good. I remember this music, and I like JL's suggestion with the health thing. However, the bass is a bit too loud. I know that the bass is important in this piece, but it is way over the top, if that makes any sense. Is there another way you can make the bass a bit lower, and just as intense? I really like this piece. Good luck.
  14. This is cold, Brandon.However, he may have a point - I tried to pull up a "noob project". It got nowhere, and I canceled it yesterday or the day before that.
  15. I am at 0:47. If you are going to use a guitar, try to adjust the volume of each note seperately. EDIT: the 808/909 kit works fine.
  16. Okay, you got me Technically,as long as the music was originally written specifially for the video game the source was from, there's no bad material for OCR. Lucky us. We both use MixCraft. would you be interested in a collab on this? This would be very easy because there is no DAW barrier.
  17. Do you have a youtube channel or somewhere you have your mixes posted?

    I would be interested in knowing what you have made so far, because I don't know what I am doing, not as much as you.

  18. Yes. Thought you were using MX5 :)

  19. What DAW do you use? This... this is good. heavily synthed. Maybe you could less... punchy synths in the melody up until 1:18. Also, I personally feel like the power kit that opens at 1:18/1:20 shouldn't be there. maybe a bit less powerful kit. 808/909, maybe? This is a guess, but I think you're using MixCraft, right? 1:42 - guitar needs some work. Don't be afraid to screw around with the MIDI controls a bit. (I am assuming you are using Mixcraft: when you are editing a VI sample, the little white bar below the piano roll is your MIDI control. this is usually defaulted to Velocity On.) Also, assuming you use MX5, try to plug the guitar through Shred Amp on the softest settings it will go. This is me being very thorough. This is very unusual for me, btw 3:30 - piano is very strong. Don't change that. 4:17 - when the lower synths begin to fade away, try to fade out your melody synth or control a filter to cover it up in real-time. 5:04 - like the animation on the cello. However, you could add a bit of sound variation on it. Very good overall. Will need work, but this is a very solid piece. Needless to say, I couldn't come close if I wanted to EDIT: What? there's never an invalid choice for OCR!!! Just the mix itself. (except for any "source" that happens to be 90% unusable sounds and melodically-lacking rhythms, of course...) (re)EDIT: Thought so. Nothing wrong with Mixcraft. It's notoriously simple, and yet it can be pretty intricate when you work at it.
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