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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Ok. See you tomorrow then.

    What time, respectively? (EST - USA)

  2. Rozo, could you send me a copy of the guide?

    I should be (finally) be able to get it...

  3. Canceled, because I am very lazy However, if you had a part in this project, then PM me your grievances.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0efc3lsE2Nc Why am I wanting lyrics so bad??? Good stuff. Really good stuff.
  5. ... That's one way to do it... No, seriously. I see what tefnek is saying.It doesn't mean I can do what he says because I don't have fruityloops or even the awful Reason and I don't have Massive either because I am a very cheap person Even if you don't have Massive, you can achieve this crazy bass crap with a good deal of synthesizers, if you (sort of) know what you're doing. When you're talking about the "disjointed" section, then IBBIAZ is right 100%. you cut up a melody and divide each note between different synths, and even split the chords too. Then split up the melody with the dub bass (that's what I am going to call it. Dub bass.) That should be what you are looking for. EDIT: In the three minutes it took for me to type this, you put your reply below. EDIT: Always.
  6. Well, for one thing, at 1:21 Skrillex adds the actual dubstep bass. I also think that he (she? they?) added a EQ limiter. That could be part of it. But I think that they first added the dubstep bass rhythm first, then built the rest around it here. Now, if your asking how they do dubstep bass, my answer is I don't know. But they basically cutoff the volume to add emphasis to the bass. That's the only way I can describe the "disjointed" sound your describing. And I am still not sure if this song should be called "electro house" or dubstep, because it may start out with Electro House/ DnB, but it's mostly dubstep. And I think IBBIAZ has it nailed down on your question.
  7. Even though I technically don't have a say in this album, they are basically at the finish line here.
  8. no... *sniff* that's ok-kay... *goes to cry in shame* No, just joking. umm, thank you? Yeah, I know there's little source there. I am planning on dragging this past 1:30 in length, but if I do, then I better start busting my ass. Maybe I will do something completely different (probably not though. I find this piece fun.) But that's what it's about, right? Improvement and experience.
  9. That's your job. Mine's (apparently) being a noob.
  10. Well, I have something, although it may not be good enough to fill the void in the lineup. Double Post... For now, though, I have this. It's not finished, and if anyone wants to yell at me, they can by PM or here in the Remix forums. ... Maybe I can pull this all together by Feb. 11.
  11. Hi. I have a small little clip here, and I'm hoping to rush this into Emunator's DKC3 project. I know bluegrass isn't exactly everyone's favorite style of music, but I've found this to be the easiest thing to do, even though bluegrass itself is the hardest music to play. And I have actually been able to put this together within maybe an hour-and-a-half. Again, nowhere near done, but it's nice to know I can get this far! Hope you like! Any criticism and critiquing would be very useful because technically, if I want this to get onto his album (Which would be great!), then it will need some work done, and quickly.
  12. Ah, this is something I would like to see on this album
  13. ... okay EDIT: and wasn't that supposed to be the one Stilt Village mix? oh, wait. That was a more modern-country style mix.
  14. Has anyone done a Bluegrass song on this album yet?
  15. I'm guessing dubstep wouldn't match the songs "emotion", so to speak, AKA dubstep would be a "no", right?
  16. I hate to say this, but I think that threadlock is imminent with these two. Sorry BlackPanther. There is some good help in here (which I think will help me too ), but... yeah
  17. Search KVR for "Phenome". It's better than simple Sf2 players. And I don't get a render problem. but I don't use FL, so...
  18. As of now, Rozovian has a guide (which is WiP), and needs feedback. I haven't seen it, but I am sure that it could help. You sound like you've reached a point that I've been at since the beginning (and still am at... ) I noticed that you have questions on effects. The "mix chain" as you referred to is pretty simple. I don't know if there is a rule of thumb, but however you feel it should be ordered. If you want your delay effect to be echoed into the reverb, then go ahead. If you want to compress before you EQ, go ahead. It's up to you. ... Personally, that wouldn't really help me, but if you find some help in that, then good luck with your work Electro
  19. @Modus: So that Rozovian doesn't have to say so himself, I think he'll send you a copy when he can.
  20. I don't know how long this thread has been here, but if you need to, I'm sure there's control skins to use that would fit more easily on the "tiny ass GUI".
  21. I want to read your guide, because I could use it. AIM (sn: ElectrOCR) EDIT: Wait- it's not working... crap
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