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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Because I am too damn lazy to try to write this all out, here you go: You might want to... Never mind. I just heard what you did by overlaying your remix with the original sound. Whoops... Although, you still are sticking too close to the original. You might want to work on that. Good luck to you, though!
  2. Congrats on finishing your bonus track for Emu!

  3. Well, I would love to give a full-body critique, but the quality of the track is being downgraded by YouTube. May I suggest Dropbox, or the OC Remix temporary file storage, http://ocrwip.firelsash.net? I don't mean to sound like I am berating you, but I can't get a good quality from your WiP. Maybe when you can upload to a better-quality, eh? Good luck:nicework:
  4. Your welcome.

    Um, you know that you can reply on my profile, right?

    OCR automatically records conversations between two people if someone posts.


    This is my conversation with you :)

  5. *cat* "Um, help? Somebody, anybody? um... I don't like heights... <gulp>"
  6. Alright:

    DAW=Digital Audio Workstation.

  7. Nope, but if you can use VST instruments, then Google "Artemis".
  8. Ignore that last message...

    Um, if you want a keyboard, make sure it is USB Midi compatible. Makes it easier to use with your DAW.


    It doesn't matter. I would preferrably get a desktop, but laptops work fine if you have enough USB ports, etc.

    I don't think there would be much difference with what OS you use. I would just make sure you have a good sound card and high-speed processor.

    A Synthesizer?

    Can't really help you.

    If it is a software synth, then, well... yeah. :-|

    But if it is hardware, then you should probably get a program to record it, like Audacity, then take that WAV and import it into Fruity loops.

  9. Also, you can add an unlimited amount of effects and instruments to it (if they are VST files - google it).

    Although, some VST instruments need some special requirements, and they can be a pain...

  10. That's why I love Mixcraft. Mixcraft lets you save everything, even if you are in a trial version. The only drawback is that you can't export to sound files after the 14-day trial ends. you can still save files, though.

  11. Never tried Cakewalk. I hate Reason. You can't resize it's window.

  12. DAW

    I don't know what that stands for, but a DAW is a program you use to remix.

    ...Such as Reason, FruityLoops, Mixcraft 5 (which I use, but is not widely used among other remixers), etc.

    I'm not sure what the session drummer thing is, but I don't want to find out.

    When it comes to percussion (an essential to any remix... go figure :)), live samples of individual instruments are better than any plugin.

  13. Welcome to the OverClocked ReMix Forums.

    Thank god you are not one of those spam accounts :)

    I have to agree,[.QUOTE=dabbyl;733903]Not new to remixing per se, but i will say that my high school didn't have wonderful equipment.[/.QUOTE]

    High school is not the best place for good sound and sample sources, but if you are lucky enough to get samples of one instrument (such as a timpani or snare drum if you are in percussion) then you should be fine.

    Good luck! :-D

    Also, a decent DAW doesn't hurt :)

  14. Well, I don't use Reason, but if you have an Equalizer plugin that lets you notch individual frequencies, I would find the hi-hat range and drop that by 4-5 db, then boost the whole effect by 4-5 db. This should make the hi-hat essentially at the same volume, but boosts the rest of the drums. however, the downside is that you might also reduce other cymbals, and maybe the snare. Another way to do this is to make a separate REX track (if it will let you), and re-create the hi-hat ONLY INTO THAT NEW TRACK. Then, get rid of the hi-hat in the first track. Then EQ that track. It just might work.
  15. How are you doing on the tracks?

  16. No, you don't. *looks back and forth with paranoia* Don't smite me... Yeah. That's probably a good idea. Maybe I should leave the SNES album to the OneUps Yeah, but it's the most covered...? Of the nine remixes from the Mario Kart Franchise, Mario Kart 64 has five.
  17. I would wait at least two more measures before bringing in the tune at the beginning. The bass if fine. not bad. not bad at all. I like how you interperted the floating synth within your song. (The part of the original where the sound goes up and down in arpeggios and octaves)
  18. From what I have heard so far, not bad. Sounds a bit repetitive. Also, you might want to add less synthesized noises, like an ambient piano. It adds a more surreal feeling to the mix. So far, I have to say not bad.
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