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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. I think the axioms pad notes are at low octaves if that helps.
  2. Thanks on feedback! That was goal, interesting notes with odd bends (kinda like Vai) making it seem i hit the wrong note , but i was expecting someone was gunna say the notes were off time and rhythem completly:-P(because they are), but are lethency issues with my direct to mic method, so i cant really time cause each note i played gave so much delay in between others.
  3. your electronica tracks throw me back to old school house, keep it up! The sine wave sounds greats but its a bit too loud, and your guitar track is way to quiet. those are the main things i see.
  4. Great idea? I mean this is a music board and i tought why dont we have a embed feature, it also encourages newer artist not to use youtube (altho i love youtube sounds, nice and bassy to me).
  5. http://soundcloud.com/aires/star-heaven 1:15 min Read my Sound Cloud comment. I forgot to add that i kinda did the solo first then make the track from scratch, it was gunna be a Rayman BandLand remix, but hay . (im not trying to copy steve vai, i just happen to make the track symphonic since its made up completly with modes,and not feel that i have wasted 32 gigs on Orch samples)
  6. Welp guess Fm8 and a midi keyboard does not count Plan B I guess its a jackson dinky pro Right now it has seymour duncan Jb TB-4 on brige and stack 1's on neck and bridge and going to change the neck to a esp neck.
  7. not all of them support high impencence signal (wow i think i spellt that wrong)
  8. Well......if he had $$$$$ he could buy http://www.prominy.com/SC.htm (he used guitar rig 3 fpr those demo) th1,revalver and guitar rig 4 (with a good sound card) can get you tube amp sounds with some tweeking, but sometimes when i use th1 i get phasing problems. but for a really good tone(and credibility) get a guitar as shadow said, a mid end guitar for about 100-400 dollers at guitar centers, and the internet these days are full of lessons.
  9. I do use ableton, but i use fl for loops and compressing kicks cause im to lazy to Ctrl-D in ableton(clicking>Ctrl-D any day), but ableton does have a sequencer, but i use fl not only for loops, when i rewire(rarely) i can do quick midi arps in fl faster then in ableton and use the Boobass and Direct wave to avoid resampleing(altho i should buy it to use in any daw since i use Cubase, and Protool as well ). And i (and some other artist for electronic music) usually start there work flow on drums. ( I will edit my other post tommorow)
  10. I start with my drums(if its house or any other electronica genre) and..... will edit later
  11. yah make the pads faster on attack, and make the kick alot more punchy.
  12. http://soundcloud.com/aires/bordum-2-the-bord-step-edition YYYYAAAAAAHHHH *Warning* not boredom, also this may make you as bored as me. and Congrats your now as bored as i am hahahah suckersssss.....
  13. i love these trumpets...... (and there wavetable synths, midi is not sound D: ) actually thats why im here, what kinda trumpets are those, or where are they located if its not a general wave table sound? i love the sound of the trumpet alot, its like the ones they used in kirby 64. Ontopic, as said lots of well placed effects but the only thing i think thats holding this song back is clipping.
  14. http://soundcloud.com/aires/boredum This track was really made from boredum. *note the songe is not called boredom*
  15. yah pretty much mean classic as you said, i would not say its for classical music recording : P
  16. I was think i would do a pt 2 to this with a kinda electro house kinda track with these downsampled talking basslines you guys are raving about on beatport . I will put this up for download when I add a bassline, level the drums with the synths, and compress the entire track, altho this is suppost to be on my new album
  17. I just realized it takes ages to get feed back in workshop, cause i have a mix that did not get feedback till the second week, i might as well have subbed it:<
  18. i have a mxl 990 and i most dont google for responces, lol Edit: i realized i only use google for spelling.
  19. Some of your ''Bads'' sound more like prefrence ontopic:: Its smooths, as said groove style in there but kick drum seem hidden/quiet or muddy to me. Also i think you should change the attack time on the pad to something faster, it feels kinda off beat. the drums for this type of track feels repetitive so add some parts in if you want. and the bass is ok but it sounds thin in my opinion just me tho Overall mix is not bad, just keep at it and experiment.
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