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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. Electro, Dutch, and Progressive House you gotta listen to them often to notice hehe
  2. Hehe let me explain Alot of the top electronic songs on chart sound like the 3-4 examples I made lol dramatic drops,super saws, and heavy basslines
  3. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-number-one-song-on Hope you guys get the joke here
  4. I feel a mix of new and old pendulum style and andy. great sound!
  5. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-tornado-sonic-unleashed Ehh. I got tired of this fasted so its not that great. Bass synth did not mix correctly.... welp dont care enough to fix it unless you guys like this.
  6. http://soundcloud.com/aires/sets/air-spac3/ Good Morning good people! This is my last album for while I think. I made mastered these tracks so they can sound PUNCHY and bassy to add that taste of aggressiveness. Space is still being updated (because im lazy) so please check on that tonight if you like what you hear so far feed back would be lovely! Feel free to download! TRACKLIST! 1. Launch Base (Electro Something House remix) 2. Air3s - Space (render one) 3. Air3s - Castle world 4-2 4. Air3s - City 5. Air3s - Fantasy forest 6. Air3s - Transmission 7. Air3s - Wonders PLAY LOUD!
  7. Nah still sounds weird. and a lot more then you credit yourself lol
  8. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-launch-base-electro Fix 2, final fix will be later
  9. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-launch-base-electro Will re upload with baseline fix and track leveling later.. im hitting the bed now.
  10. They work well. Cubase 5/6 and protocols are a bit tricky to learn and expensive. How much need do you have for notation view, and what would you primarily need it for?
  11. True, I can use some vst's like nomads maximum (or if thats what its called), but it hugs cpu of me . But I do like the sound of the song when I clip, sometimes. Some beatport artist(like Wolfgang and Madeon) clip for whatever they're going for. @chimpazilla I will do some extensions to this song when I get my ssl wave plugins tonight, but I cannot submit this because its not concentrated to one idea thats what happened to Andy Gillion amazing sonic genesis tribute
  12. I'm a pro at typos lol Let me finish that sentence.
  13. Indeed Says 0 on my meters..... Except for castle ,less louder then the two. *Quick edit I forgot to add*For this song clips at 1.7 but with out the VST i'm using to saturate, its not that apparent.* When I do clip for other reasons, then my clip is usually around 3 db with no limiting. Depending on how I wanted to mix the song. But for these, they all say zero on my meters
  14. ROCK'IN! Tracks like these dont need a whole lot of dynamics, but I will say the drums and the 2 leads could be a tad louder and thats it for me : /
  15. Now downloadable. I cant convert to mp3 at the moment, but when I do I will dither the wav. before I convert.
  16. French housy! this sounds great, there is nothing wrong with this song good people, maybe a bit more multiband compression or make the track a tad louder. but sound great to me! the intro could use more kick time to make it dj friendly btw, same as the end tho : /
  17. Compositions sounds great, but I feel the instruments should be more aggressive at some areas of the song. Is this with east west?
  18. third station station feels like starfox and donkeykong stage put together, I like the ideas put into it!
  19. Kinda thinking the opposite, it quite fitting. but the intro could use something a bit dramatic, not like sonic the hedgehog dramatic or starfox dramatic, but something that tells you that you just got beat. kind of like the final fantasy 13 game over theme (:24)
  20. Since I know I have some time before its is posted, would it be too late to give you guys the *Air3s Experience Edit* version of my already yes'd remix? All it is, is production improvements and such to make it sound exciting and stuff.
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