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Everything posted by XeroZohar

  1. http://youtu.be/Pr1DNGEIvvI Gamemaster has trained me well.
  2. If you'll permit me, I'd like to briefly groan that TF2 requires bloody -quicktime- of all things to render movies. I absolutely loathe quicktime. Have for years. They should've gone with something like theora in an AVI or OGG container. Especially considering that 90% of users will only end up youtubing the videos anyway.
  3. Thanks for clearing that up! I only heard the rumor last night and just wanted clarification. No offense was intended. Plus I'm not as well versed in using such tools as I probably ought to be.
  4. So, uh, yeah, I heard that Fireslash isn't running the server and/or it's not being run by a server company, but rather out of someone's house (again). Do I need to cancel my awesome reserved slot donations? Or, if a certain person be trollin', that'd be good to know too.
  5. Well that sucks.
  6. It's 8:45 PM on a Saturday. Why the heck isn't the server full. LET'S DO THIS.
  7. Man, I really need to play TF2 again. But no, I had to go dive headfirst into Pokemon White. And then other stuff. Gonna be so rusty when I get back into it.
  8. Huh. So valve's selling some hats where all the proceeds go to Japan relief funds. This may be the first instance where I actually buy a hat.
  9. I wonder whatever came of that one guy's project to build the Enterprise D at realistic scale.
  10. No objection here. I don't mind random crits or damage spread, personally, but not having them wouldn't affect my enjoyment of the game. Probably. Plus, it'll nerf Krug's uncanny ability to get (random, non-targe) crits with that blasted skullcutter.
  11. Ok, yeah, in that case, forget I said anything. Edit: That FemSpy is AWESOME.
  12. On a related note, I've always wondered why waffleshots are on. Maybe BLU could be the more vanilla server with random crits, damage spread, and no waffleshots (random shot spread? Not sure what it's called.), while RED has no random crits, no damage spread, and waffleshots on. If I understand the thinking behind the stuff anyway.
  13. Isn't that what votecrits is for? Edit: whoa, rank 19. I know the stats were reset, but dayum.
  14. Spycheck everything. Teammates, enemies, the point, trees, computers, sentry guns, giblets, doors, carts, sandviches, hats. Those crafty bastards can be ANYTHING.
  15. Look at it this way: As the saying goes, the class is all about dick moves. So, naturally, karma dictates that some days, dick moves will happen to you. And then you'll come back stronger.
  16. Huh, two nights in a row with practically nobody on (only about an hour spike on each server earlier according to HLStats). What's up, everyone playing MNC? Doesn't seem like it from my friends list. Or has the prospect of resetting stats driven people away? Or, dare I say it, has Real Life gotten in the way?
  17. Man, where is everyone? Seems like nobody's been on tonight.
  18. I haven't had any problems, but my computer's kind of overpowered (or was a couple of years ago... Curse you, Moore!). However, when I did have such problems, I erased my game files in the /steamapps/yourname/tf2 folder (but not the GCF archive files so it won't have to redownload them) and it would fix it. Just back up your maps and cfgs and stats file (if not using the cloud) and such first of course. Your mileage, obviously, may vary.
  19. That was fun stuff, with wonderful choice of music. We should totally start scrimming again, just for shits and giggles and glory.
  20. Bleh. I swear, I see a bunch of people playing, I wrap up what I'm doing, then when I'm finally ready to play, both servers are empty. IT'S A CONSPIRACY I TELLS YA.
  21. I, too, got a weird looking scout trillby from my festive crate. Kind of a white on gray checkerboard pattern (though it's so light of a gray you can barely tell).
  22. Merry Christmas ya'll.
  23. I hope a Festive Crate drops for me before it's all over. So I can use the free key on it instead of a standard. I want a tree hat
  24. Can someone admin-y come on and force RED to go to Steel (while nobody is on) so we can see if it's fixed yet? I miss it. Also, I need an axtinguisher. Will trade a polycount item.
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