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Everything posted by Calum

  1. lots of nautical themed stuff, lots of ambient stuff, some soulja boy sampling! http://soundcloud.com/calumbowen/sets/dotbrightons-48-hour-game/
  2. As of so far there's been no discussion of compensation. Do you have a budget? And if not, do you plan on offering percentages of sales or perhaps you're looking for someone interested in building their portfolio with a free project. Please inform us of the scale and possible monetary recuperation.
  3. most darkness-like solos. best mixed. Voted. Good job!
  4. uh, the bullshit and butthole stuff was not merely being pedantic over terminology. It's important to say it's an inversion because if you played it straight it would not sound at all like the way it does in the track. Hearing the midi I now recognise that what i thought was Bbm7 was in fact C#maj7 (3rd inversion) - C, C#, F, G#. It seems us getting hung up was of help to you because you initially wrote that it was Dmaj7 and Bmaj7 unless that was a typo? (gets a sinking feeling that i'm about to start a big unnecessary conversation...)
  5. ah yes! you're completely right. Bbm7 - Bb, Db, F, Ab to BMaj7(3rd inversion) - A#, B, D#, F# sounds exactly right for the beginning piano! It's definitely not Dmaj7 though or any inversion of that... have I missed something previously in the conversation?
  6. The other descriptions don't sound right to me. What i'm hearing is Bbm7 and then Abm7 (Although i think the extension is slightly different to just minor7th) in the very beginning. Then the verses are Ebm7 then Fm7 then back to the Bbm and Abm (although it keeps Bb in the bass with these tinny piano chords) I think these are slightly off but more accurate in my ears than the others.
  7. same ^^^ I'm way up for collabing as well.
  8. i don't think there's any argument that DAWs can produce albums - but for composing and arranging in a notation-sense DAWs aren't really equipt for that and when they are, they aren't very user-friendly. So if you want to make arrangements (in a notation sense) and compose written music then, yes use Sibelius or Finale or Guitar Pro. But if you want to make music HERE, you're pretty much gonna need a DAW as Sib/Finale/Guitar Pro don't do much in the way of altering sound, recording audio, audio effects, synthesis. I suspect there's just confusion over what composition/arrangement means... because people say arrangement in a very DAWy way and people say arrangement in a pen and paper (or sibelius/finale) way.
  9. when i do everything i think of the sims, naaaah... different question but i aspire to live a life a little bit like animal crossing. When i do repetitive tasks that take a long time i always play sims music but as for imagining game music in different situations... hmm... i don't know.
  10. Yes! I do. I think the style I like writing music in just calls for a lot of glockenspiel - it's pretty useful to highlight a flute melody or any melody really! Oh yes, I love ghibli so much - joe hisaishi is the man. If I ever do a cover or something like that I will definitely let you know. Thanks again Dissidia for taking the time to listen : )
  11. http://soundcloud.com/calumbowen/snippets-of-soundtracks just some pieces i'm working on at the moment. please listen and share your thoughts : )
  12. OCR taught me the majority of what i know about production : ) OCR ROX
  13. I have to agree with you on all of that. The first was just a test in making bass sounds. Musically it's pretty boring. : }}}}} thanks for listnin
  14. gotta agree with fratto and youtube - perhaps someone coud do a better performance but THAT melody is such a sung melody - it sounds like it needs words so much! I say scrap the scat and lets write some massive cheese and get someone to sing it.
  15. sorry, i've been quite on and off with this project. I've started nothing. Right now I have interest in doing it. I will not claim a track until I can fully commit to it which I intend to do soon but right now I'm just kinda lurking. : )
  16. A bunch of short themes: http://soundcloud.com/calumbowen/super-ubi-land-a-bunch-of
  17. dude! your music is great - reminds me of ELO/jamiroquai/stevie wonder in all the best ways. Your rapping reminds me of the pokerap a little bit. It's got it's own charms but i prefer your song-writing and singing : )
  18. failing that: http://tindeck.com/listen/hsvm i don't know what the rules are on sharing the ff6 project songs - but for a pretty long period of time this was publicly available so i suppose its fine. Jesse worked his arse off and his vox were top notch!
  19. i want to make the 200th my 1st!
  20. Is it not in C? (EDIT: Oh yes, the second section... is effectively in F : )) from 0:30 - C, G/B, Am, C/G, Fm, Bb (add 2nd and a 6th if you want because of the melody - so you have Bb, C, D, F, G as your chord), C, C7... Then from 0:58 - F, G7, Em, Am7, Dm7, Bb(add2), G7sus4, G7... I think the chord you're having trouble with is the same chord in both cases. The melody implies more notes just a triad - especially with this kinda music where it's bass + melody as the most prominent thing its easy to find chords that seem to get misled by the melody. BUUUUT anyway, this is what it seems like to me. : )
  21. excited! my arrangement is'a comin'!
  22. It is lovely to hear people actively looking for this community to find composers and i am one of those but there are a few issues with this post. I certainly do not wish to come off as overly negative and definitely not for the sake of pure negativity. But, these things came across as a little strange: You're looking for a volunteer composer (assuming you will not pay this person) and yet you say quite tangibly that you decided against getting Hans Zimmer to score this game, who presumably, you would have to pay an awful lot - this is very misleading. Your stance on payment is very unclear. I would assume, for an original game wishing to make money, you would at least offer a percentage of profits made to the composer. Yet, it seems you wish for someone to be a pure volunteer with no offer of the reward that other members of the team may be getting. Big long projects with no pay are a few disaster words to hear for a composer or really anyone willing to join a project. I myself have been involved in a few projects that were over a year in dev and maybe about halfway and inevitably enthusiasm drops and people magically disappear! Of course it can be done but it is a very very big risk. After a quick google of Tales of Allula i find nothing that seems to be relevant to this project. This makes me question the "massive following" it used to have and also wonder how much work on the new version has been done prior to sending this message. Do you have any screens/videos/assets you can share with us? Please correct me if any of these are incorrect assumptions to make.
  23. I'm working on an arrangement of Nosfair from Metroid. That's all i'll say ; )
  24. this game made me feel great for a few hours. I want to play it again soon.
  25. sent an e-mail : )
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