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Everything posted by Shake

  1. good enough for me to save not enough poke love on this site or...well, elsewhere. Which is REALLY odd. Not cause it's objectively GODLY, but because VEERYONE playd the damn games. Ah well.
  2. I posted a Rival Schools topic in the remix request forum, and no one replied. A short moment later, your song is gone. I really doubt this is a coincidence. It must be God's wrath. On a less serious note; this is why I back up EVERYTHING I have that is dear to me the moment its on my PC. can't trust HD's AT ALL.
  3. So fucking trueSorry wu tang, I love you, but I would never fork over the money for 38 chambers. Also, low view count is normal. Join other forums, go to indie sites, etc. Go to any and every music forum you can although, don't be surprised if you get a ''new guy joining a forum to promote his music? SPAM'' comments Also, I dont mean to demean you or anything. But I would have looked into venues of advertising and spreading musical talent BEFORE releasing it. You have to get your name out first, and an easy way would be to enter competitions and the like before investing in a solo venture. It's kinda like interning before the ''big time''. Dwelling of the duels-like contests are an excellent way. I mean, I know willrock and Sixto. But only because they have released so much for free and been involved in the ''community' for so long. That's what it boils down to. Doing stuff for free may not pay you, but it pays in exposure Aww shiiiiet economics major here I come
  4. Unlike your album :<:< :tomatoface:OH SNAP:tomatoface: :<:< wesfrommother3dancing.gif ... ..*ahem*.
  5. Why have these games been overlooked my pretty much all gamers? Or at least, all video game music remixers/arrangers. It's got an incredible OST. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5_TsHsKCFg&feature=related (listen to it past the 15 second mark. The OST was pretty corny, but damn good.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5loZ3C-N4nE HOW MANY TRACKS HAVE A HARMONICA COUPLED WITH A GUITAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvWYJ72GKQk&feature=related Do yourself a favor and at least play the games.
  6. That would be a disappointment ahahahahah; you know, cuz I called them disappointments in the last post cause they wouldn't hand their tracks in GHAHAHASHDGFGFFASDJK No srsly guyz I wanna bust my speakers before the summer is out
  7. Anyone who doesn't hand in their track can't because they're too busy being disappointments
  8. Final Fantasy is fine, but MMX hits that sweet spot, musically, for me.
  9. agreed MMX series gets nowhere NEAR enough love on this site can't believe people like FF over the X series OST
  10. Time to bring out the wip
  11. Am I wrong in saying that everything is already done? Or is there still a ton to master? Just want to get a feel for where you all are. From the looks of the front page, it seems as if everything has pretty much been wrapped up.
  12. I still feel like more can be added, but my speakers were probably too low last time It's a good interpretation, and I missed some deails the first time around. I find that even your WIP's are worth the save. I still have the 5 minute water world WIP you showed last time. It's good so far. Keep tightening and adding to it. I really have no criticism.
  13. Sounds waay too empty. Otherwise; DID YOU SUBMIT THE WATERWORLD MIX YET
  14. The instrumentation is certainly....good enough. That's not an insult, BTW. You really need to add to it, though. It's pretty much a repeating background at this point
  15. nicely done other than that, don't really have much to say. Take a gander at the Pokemon album OCR released a couple months back if you're into Pokemon. It's got some real stand out tracks.
  16. Seconding that drumming critique Also, halfway through the piece its interrupted with the guitar coming back into play after, like, a second. Yeah, the problem I have with that is how abrupt it sounds when the guitar comes back into play. It's as if the piece was playing normally and you merely stuck that part in between It comes off unnaturally. I know it's in the original, but the sound flowed more naturally. Last of all, I don't know what to say. It's nice and all, but it sounds like a straight cover from the original. And not to diminish your work on it (I like it, and lord knows I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the X series music THANK YOU FOR COVERING IT), but I doubt it would pass (since it doesn't sound like an interpretation and deviation from the original). You have to change it a lot more. Sprinkle what you did in the end throughout the song. What compounds the problem is that the original was already in a hard rock/metal/whatever style. I mean, if it was in an orchestral format, its odds of passing might be higher since merely being in a different format is diverging quite a bit. So you might have to work a bit harder on it. either way, nicely done.
  17. lol'ed at the title. But it actually sounds good, either way. I'm saving it
  18. That is some serious deviation and interpretation. I like it so far, so yeah
  19. Production values are a major plus. That's really a pet peeve of mine. If the production isn't good, it seriously hinders my ability to enjoy an otherwise good piece. saved (to my harddrive). edit-DL link plz
  20. Very creative. VERY creative. Really don't know what else to say.Uhh...keep it up? Oh, wait, I do have a bit of advice...keep the intro. Hell, I would like it as only an extended intro. Very unique.
  21. I chuckled at the title YEAH WE NEED MORE ICECAP THE OTHER ICE CAP
  22. Don't listen to Roz, he's a dick. He doesn't even know how to make good music, anyway:tomatoface:
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