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Everything posted by Shake

  1. This shit is fucking SEXY Bumping just because. My god man FINISH IT.
  2. The drums I don't know if you were going for cheesy 80's sound or not. But you need to do something about them. This sounds like its heading for an ambient sound. If it is, from my understanding, there is usually a build up or steady changes in the songs 'textures' I'd suggest having the guitar throughout. And not in that hardcore metal type sound. But layer it throughout the track some more, maybe have it build up slightly without losing the smoothness you're aiming for.
  3. I'm not entirely sure, but I think you posted something like this way back. Either way, IF I remember correctly, you've gotten better. But that's only if I'm not confusing you for some other person. Anyway, right off the bat the intro is somewhat screwy. The trumpets need to be PROLONGED in some areas. The other instruments come in too early. I will say that I like the drums in the Onett theme. Anyway, I don't have the time to review a 12 minute song, but I will say that the instruments pass the sound test (for me). They don't sound overtly cheesy (from what I can hear). The only thing I can complain about is the timing of some of the instruments at certain parts. But so far so good. Keep at it. Of course, this probably wouldn't get through the judges panels since it isn't arranged enough.
  4. Oh hell naw. I liked the puzzle theme. It was...appropriate and THINK TYME. But if that was your motivation for making this, then I hope you get furious at many, many more OST's.
  5. A P R I L ! !! !!! !!!! Hope more quality comes out with such a far off release date. I really can't wait, but ah well.
  6. I love it I have nothing more to say. I love it. I love the direction. It still has the feel of the original. Although the slow breakdown halfway through seems rather odd. I'd get a real drummer to really slam those bitches hard for effect. You know, reverb (that's what it is, right?). I wouldn't change the synths though, but that's personal preference. Anyway, the mid part sounds ending material, really. Also; the sweeping does seem a bit out of place there. I mean, I'm no music buff, but work on it. Other than that, I'm really loving it.
  7. Was listening to some of the more recent mixes.

    ...then it hit me, I've been listening to game mixes for over a year now. I haven't been listening to 'real' music in a looooooooong time. Before this, I would listen to mostly old school rap. But now...well, I'm looking forward to the MMX album in the projects section.

    So anyway, I just wanted to thank you for an awesome site and for fostering such a great community that allows artists to thrive holy hell this Stickerbrush arrangement is f'ing awesome god damn.

  8. I'm so wet over this. I can hardly contain myself. I-I think I love you. I think I love you, bro. Have my children. All of you.
  9. F-CK YEAH! (We can curse on this forum, right?) I LOVE THESE TWO. I HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF DEVASTUS
  10. Better than Sixto Sounds BETTER THAN SIXTO SOUNDS B E T T E R
  11. As neat as that sounds, I....well, it might actually work. Would be a nice tweest. 'I WON THE COMPETITION!' "LOL NOT SO FAST STARFOX'
  12. So, was it simple coincidence that the GMRB showed up towards the end of this project?
  13. Devastus loss was devastuting
  14. Oh man, awesome song I forgot about Although I guess I'm not that saddened about X7 and X8. I mean, the originals were already played using live instrumentals, whereas the SNES games and X4 and X5 didn't. Really, part of it for me is looking forward to old sound hardware brought to life. But the Maverick Competition has me loving re-arrangements and songs done in different styles. Not that I didn't before, but, you know, most songs here are from the NES and SNES era. But, yeah, can't force people to do certain songs. You can pester them to get tracks done, though
  15. I don't mean to come off as a ginormous dick, buuuuut....well....it's not really the entire series. I mean, some games have much more representation than other games. Eh, what can I say. MMX1 is incredibly popular.
  16. That bossfight theme in the end is soooo cheesy But I like the whole song overall. Although now I'm curious as to what the guitar version would sound like.
  17. MMX6 and MMX2 aren't getting enough love Then again, X6 already has live instruments, so hey. Maybe a trend of applying chiptuneage to games like X6 and beyond that already have live instrumentation is necessary? It would certainly be interesting. For example, having dem beeps and boops during MMX8's Lumine-Second Form play when the song slows down from its rock part to its more mellow stage. The instrument in the background is....a violin? I can't tell.
  18. It's October the fifth, and apparently, the top thread says final WAV's are due the 10th or something. So I assume push back of the date? COME ON GUYS I WANNA SEE YOUR MUSIC FLOW. The Communities Unanimous response to this tyranny:
  19. can't believe I chuckled at that Anyway, lets stop beating on the guy already. It is his song, and unless its one of those 'we will sing the song with our voices and hum it to the original instrumentation', then we-...err....you should keep it.
  20. That is an incredible song title and anything less will not do
  21. A straight up cover of the original You're pretty good at this, and the quality (as in sound, not actual playing) is pretty good. Anyway, not much more to add. I'll be looking for more, though.
  22. consider this topic bookmarked, and myself excited
  23. It really is a shame how little this section of the forums gets attention Cause I liked it. But in general, it seems like it's not so much arrangement as much as a straight cover. Which isn't bad at all, but OCRemix deals more with arrangements. Really not much to say on this. I liked it, but it needs more interpretation. Otherwise, well done.
  24. That saxophone ain't fooling anybody. Otherwise, I like. Although I feel the piano in 'Pollyanna' (the second song you transitioned to) was a bit too fast at times. The flute and other instruments also sound disjointed (as opposed to working in harmony) around the 2:45 mark. It's as if the song stops halfway to bring in the other instruments. It's this song you're trying to play, right? I know very little about FL Studios (or music composition in general) but you need to fix that.
  25. The army?!? God damn. Well, good luck either way, and I agree, even more incentive to GET THOSE TRACKS DONE. Speaking of which, I can't believe no ones claimed Wheel Gator's Theme from X2. That's like one of the best themes in the game. Very spiderman-ish sounding. Or was that batman? Either way, would be great if it was all synth. There's also Dr. Cains theme from X3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csNnPhz3NxA&feature=related which would be great in a melody of all the minor themes, it being the hook. If I sound kinda pushy, it's only because I've been looking forward to this album for a while now. Huge MMX fan, and the OST's have always been top notch.
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