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Everything posted by Shake

  1. Oh wow. Way to leave me with blue balls.
  2. you still gonna do that sweet Mijinion/Shark crossover you said you'd do if you won that round against Willrock?
  3. waaaaay too short. Stop teasing. Otherwise, the franchise needs some more lovin'.
  4. Samples? Or is that an actual piano? Either way, I'm gonna compliment your usage of samples. One thing that putts me off automatically is the use of cheesy/fake sounding equipment. Not liking the sound effects (the rain) at the end, though. But that's just personal preference.
  5. Can't stop lolling at this
  6. So I take it Vurez is a history buff
  7. Felt like I should bump this. Anyway, there's nothing more to say. I'm really excited and can't wait for the torrent to finish up. I've always found it odd that such a popular series with such catchy songs never got an album or much exposure here. So yeah. This is awesome.
  8. I usually don't like lyrics, but I'm loving the 'ENTER THE SHREDDER' part. Don't ask me why. And don't be discouraged, I liked the CD effect towards the end. The speed up, I mean. Not so much the part before that, but experimentation is always good.
  9. so when can I expect to have the sound of speed busting my speakers?
  10. Never heard of you, but the mix sounds promising. Here's hoping you can get something in and submit an OVERLOOKED SONG IN THE SERIES LIKE WIRE SPOOOOOOOOOONGE
  11. SO MUCH BLUE ON THE FRONT PAGE And if this is due to be released in...April...then doesn't that leave time for anyone whom wants it to sneak in a 90% finished track before then? Just asking, cause I'd love for this albums track list to expand.
  12. Aww shizz. Well don't I have egg on my face now? Well, yeah, it's kinda a request. But it's more of a statement, honestly. I SERIOUSLY can't believe I've never seen a remix from you of the X4 OST (well, 'arrangement' is the actual word, but whatever). You immediately came up when I was listening to it.
  13. Just chiming in to say that you have my full support on this. It's incredibly awesome, and actually BETTER than the original. Yes, you heard me.
  14. Gotta agree with what he said. It doesn't really kick in until the 1:25 mark. And even then, it's pretty much the same (with the addition of the DnB texture). Since the organ is the main melody here, I suggest changing that up here and there. DnB has never been my thing, so I can't really critique the original parts. But if I must: variety is the spice of life. Change the drumming from time to time. and while not related specifically to your song, I do always find that LESS is MORE. At least, when it comes to things I do. I've been told to be terse with my writing, and it really helps. I believe the quote is; ''Perfection is not when you have nothing left to add, but when you have nothing left to take away'' Just throwing that out there, since I noticed the song length.
  15. ...well, this IS the off-topic section. Anyway, I was listening to this OST and...is it me or is the MMX4 OST ripe for willrocks picking? I mean....shit, just listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj42WRDSCoY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vse756mAMfo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m0tuzNDqZg If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was willrocks younger, much calmer brother producing these.
  16. Damn good. Although I would add a bit more originality. Perhaps play with the piano more? EDIT-Oh wow, I commented too early. It's 8 MINUTES LONG Never mind. Although the second part sounds like a song all on its own, really. Like I said, I would experiment with the piano in part 1.
  17. Take your time. It IS, after all, YOUR life. But even if the judges don't accept it, know that your musical talents shall be engraved in my musical library.
  18. Just chiming in to say that you should 'accidentally' leak the album just in case Nintendo comes after you for dumb shit Nintendo picks on orphans too, BTW.
  19. Not bad, but nothing stellar either. I mean, I don't mean to come off as a dick. But it doesn't 'wow!' me, ya know? You need to vary things a lot more. But for what it is, it's a very nice cover.
  20. I'm no musical genius, but the background getting repeated so much for such a long period of time seems like overkill. The textures on top don't seem to change much or justify such a long repetition of the background.
  21. This is pretty effin sexy. I don't have much critique. Except the drums around the midway point. A little after the midway, you added cymbals and then left the drums alone. Make them heavier. Same tempo, but with more 'oomph', as they say. Adds impact. Of course, tone it down when the other instruments come into play. The bass could be improved slightly, as well.
  22. Yeah, a general rule of thumb is that if the samples aren't up to par, the whole remix will probably be rehected Unless it has some incredible arrangement. And they're right. Some areas like 1:15-2:01 (Almost a minute!) are too sparse and just repeat the background.
  23. I'm not familiar with the genre, honestly. It's not my thing. So my criticism is really personal opinion. Anyway, I find the effect you use throughout the song (starting from 0:41) where the main melody comes in and out a bit distracting. I do think you have something here, though. It's probably not up to the OCR judges standards (it adds to the song, but it doesn't really change much of the original composition), but I do think you can take it farther if you invest a bit more into it. Personal opinion, again, but I do like that effect you used at 2:09. You could perhaps extend it further into the song, working it in as the background.
  24. DKC AND F-ZERO? Oh man. AND YOU COVERED FEAR FACTORY! Please don't stop
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