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Everything posted by Cinderwild

  1. Bitterfire
  2. Playing a Pyro against that is so odd. Give Demoman a weapon that will one-hit kill the close range ambush class so that he has to airblast/shotgun (and thus do a lot more work than the Demoman) in order to kill him.
  3. Combine the Demoman boomstick with the Direct Pipe Bomb Hit and you got yourself an instant demopro.
  4. That engineer on the Badwater roof really sucked. Not to mention he was up there alone which is double suck for the team.
  5. I finished up my circuit of Tarantino films (minus Grindhouse, I'll get around to that eventually) finally. They're all great. Pulp Fiction is exactly the kind of movie I avoid for a long time because of its popularity as meme material. Of course, after I saw Inglourious Basterds I realized I needed to see the rest of his movies. I really liked them all. Even Jackie Brown, which is probably his least talked about movie.
  6. FFTA's AI was really bad. I had an Archer attack my character with 'Block Arrows' which gives a 100% to block any arrow attacks. It did it again the next turn.
  7. by the way Nintendude, try to keep all your responses in one post. You can quote multiple people and post it in one reply. It's just common forum etiquette.
  8. Even the world of Avatar people talk so much about didn't seem that thrilling to me. What do you mean when you say world? Do you mean the CG imagery that went into making it look real, or the concept of the world itself and all the creatures in it? If you're talking about the concept, I thought it was kind of bare. Floating rock islands, WHOOOOOOOO. GLOWING THINGS THAT SPIN...OOOOOHHHHH DRAGONS OOOHHH Sorry, I just don't see it as some mind blowing, legendary creation. Then again, its a movie and you don't really have the time to just stuff a movie full of things to make the world interesting. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad by any means, I just wasn't wowed by it for some reason.
  9. Does anyone have the PC port of Dead Space and have anything to say about its quality? I kind of want to get it but I've heard some really bad/mediocre things about it. My tally: Super Meat Boy VVVVV Machinarium Far Cry 2 (Bought it thinking it was Uncharted; not sure why) I still have STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl from last year. Is this game good? I remember trying to play it, it crashed immediately, and I forgot all about it.
  10. Here's hoping the final days sales are more interesting.
  11. I'd wear Madam Dixie all the time if The Attendant set didn't require the hat. Still, that hat is pretty cool so its not too bad. I still say requiring a hat for anything was probably the stupidest idea they ever had.
  12. I'm the same way man. I don't work yet so I'm so money conscience that I will not buy games until years later when they're 1/3 of their original price.
  13. I wouldn't worry about it too much if you're tight on money though. TF2 always eventually goes on a ridiculous sale again at some point.
  14. Scout hats suck in general. The best, in my opinion, are Bombing Run (which still doesn't look great) and that beanie.
  15. "With a clean, fresh design that omits the traditional control panel..." That sounds bad. I'd like to get a keyboard too but I'm not sure how I would learn how to play it. Anyone else self-taught and have any tips for the future?
  16. Lets give Demoman a suicide weapon that can insta-kill 6 of 9 classes at full health. The downside will be HE GETS HURT TOO! Which once you're in melee range that doesn't really matter!
  17. Well, if he doesn't care about it, you could drop a hint that it would make a good christmas present for you.
  18. Except I was dying as a pyro at full health, which is 175 hp. I made sure, he really was one-hit killing me.
  19. Unless the server was modded, the new Demoman melee definitely does more than 100 damage. I've been one hit killed every single time, at full health as a pyro (175 hp)
  20. How much do the mirror maps mess with you? Does it take a bit to get used to and then you're just fine or do you still find yourself slipping up because you ran into a wall where before you knew there was cover?
  21. TF2 wiki says it only does 100 damage.
  22. Those would basically be freebies, and wouldn't earn them any game sales.
  23. They gave Heavy a weapon that does more damage. but damn if it doesn't look awesome.
  24. I can't even get through one song on Beat Hazard
  25. Anyone else play on Mal'Ganis US?
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