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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. Those are entirely different pianos; The first one is Esperado's sample because I couldn't isolate it from the stem, and the one in the next sections are my sample playing the exact same notes his was playing. Personally I'd consider that just a simple nitpick, and not exactly crucial to a Judge decision.

    i mean we could always fix that part by only having one of the pianos playing?

    I'm overhauling my knowledge of reverb. Which has never been great. But what you described would be more blending reverb used to make it sound like different instruments are being played in a similar space. Kinda like if you and a bunch of friends all played a different instrument in your house. They would all have their unique sound but the sound of the room would sort of blend everything together a little.

    EQ'ing the reverb is usually a good idea to keep things from getting uncontrolled. Though most reverb plugins have their own filters to shape the reverb and that might be enough if you use it well.

    Congrats on the win!

    thanks! i saw that reverb trick in one of Grahams 5 minutes to a better mix videos. Ill definitely have to try eqing verbs, i think i had that problem in alot of my older mixes too.

  2. I used to think the same, but i find that it kindof works the same way as having a new project template does. For example, if you always use a particular synth, you could map your most commonly used parameters on that synth to whichever knobs and save that as part of your default setup. so now instead of mousing in filter cutoff automation, or lfo automation, you can just hit record, and tweak away. it would not only be faster, but you have much more control over the sound in real time.

    some programs even have automap software for midi, but i dont know how well that works on FL.

  3. Mirror's Edge is an AMAZING game. I think I've beat it twice or 3 times and I'm ready to beat it another few times on PC now that I have it again. It helps that it's super short and super fun. Once you learn the controls, it is SO FLUID and amazing. And visually, it's a stunner.

    if they ever decide what to do with the second one, i hope they dont make it easier to run. they really nailed the control system. Its just difficult enough that you feel accomplished when you pull off something nice, but not so difficult that youre pulling out your hair to get through each obstacle.

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