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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. I' m looking for two things. First is there a synth ( or sound design tutorial) that would work well for droning, or wailing sounds. I need it for a concept I have of an afterlife/underworld themed set of songs. A sample pack would work also but not quite as well.

    Next, What is a good library/pack of world or just unusual percussion samples? I would prefer packs that let you just use the audio files rather than using kontakt ( i dont have it). Maschine is an option as ive been considering one for quite a long time anyways, so feedback on those would be useful if youve used the library before.

  2. I have a huge backlog, since i never really beat games. but some notable ones would be:

    1. FF8 , after a summer of playing, i got to the end of disc 3 before my copy of the game kept freezing on one cutscene which then rendered it impossible to ever beat.

    2. Fjnal Fantasy Dissidia has the most impossible difficulty near the end of the game.

    3. Crusaders of Might and Magic has a really stupid puzzle at the final boss that took 7 years for me to figure out because at no point in the game is it ever hinted at how youre supposed to finish the battle. i did beat it, but i played through the game maybe 6 times before finishing it once, so its worth mentioning.

  3. I remember looking something up about how to make pins work on TWEWY, and in the description on it online it spoiled what the game was about... I know it's kind of in the title and supposed to be obvious, but I would've liked to react more like Neku did on Day 5 Week 1 about it, 'cause I didn't really see it coming while I was playing. :|

    I'd also love to see someone's reaction to Aerith's death one day - like, a real reaction, as if the person never knew it was coming. Shame that is a scene that's so spoiled every single gamer around knows what happens. Ah well, such is life.

    she dies?!

  4. im suprised nobody mentioned this yet, but try experimenting with swing in your drum productions. Some DAWs have a function for it, but if yours doesnt you should be able to just turn off the quantize grid and just slide your drum hits slightly to the right or left, depending on what youre trying to emphasize. I cant explain "the correct" way to use it though, since i just experiment myself.

  5. Every Zelda game is a walking spoiler to me. Hence why I play for the music/environments and seeing what they did different. I don't care about who was kidnapped/rescued except for Twilight Princes and Skyward Sword. But that's just moi.

    Zelda is mostly about the gameplay anyways. They have the fun factor and puzzle solving nailed down, so as long as theres some variation in the puzzles and items, theres always fun to be had in zelda.

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