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Everything posted by NegimaSonic

  1. It was for a Sonic game and Sega..you had to finish fast
  2. He did. Then he must've removed it because he got no response from here. I listened but I had nothing to say and I guess no one else did either XD I did manage to find something good he did, the Kingdom Hearts Destiny album. Of course, his links to that are also dead...
  3. haha...I might still end up downloading the other ones one by one, The archive file has names that don't really show up well on my computer, yet the singular downloads do.. I don't get it but meh.
  4. yeah, I can't add on to that expert advice but there's something a bit off about the ending. It does perhaps make for a decent loop though since it matches the beginning...
  5. That's great! I'd only downloaded about half of them then I had to stop. But this works too. I'll grab it while I'm here at school since the net is faster. I haven't went through a lot of it but... Singing Mountain is my favorite so far. Though since I don't really know the source, I can't give an honest answer if its really different or not haha...
  6. I'm slow and have schoolwork and games (I admit it) that I'm doing. I went through about 3/4 of it already. The experts already said most of everything I think so far. Now as a true noob, I feel I understand some things a little better now. As far as grammar mistakes that hadn't been mentioned already in the document that I had, there's the use of "tho" that should likely be "though", you wrote "sppecial" instead of special, "irl" probably should be in real life, "recored" should be recorded. Meh, just go in Microsoft office on spell check a bit. Of course not everything it says that's wrong is wrong, but you might wanna take a look for the final version. Also, later in the document you start the "tell a newb" stuff. I don't know if that's necessary if you're talking to a newb...we won't be telling anyone anything that soon. I can tell it would benefit from visuals but I don't think you're allowed to use visuals with your tuts on here so that's not an option. But had I not seen a piano roll before or some of the grids you've mentioned, I wouldn't know what you mean. "Bitcrush complex sounds to make them fit a lo-fi " I have no idea what you meant when you wrote bitcrush. And that's the one and only time that word appears.
  7. ...I think I ended up downloading the other one out of habit...ah well, glad this is the final one, hope it makes it onto OCR so I can grab it yet again but "officially"
  8. Man that sucks... there's not much else I can say.
  9. Eh? Google DOCS couldn't ya update that without having to change the link? Also I think Mediafire works that way but it'd be a bit more difficult. Anywho, I'd give it a look but I probably can't immediately read it like today-today or even tomorrow-today but I'll aim ya anyway.
  10. THIS is something I've always wanted someone to do, but never knew how to ask because well I know its hard to give up files that you worked on yourself. But if someone ever did this, I'd love it. Even if I never made another song, at least I'd finally get and SEE, how it works.
  11. Ah yes, I was wrong. Clearly I must need to do one of two things to make that "request" into a challenge. A) Go on youtube and say OCRemix can't remix Aquarium Park because its remixed in the game itself twice and they can't do better. Of course that's not a request, that'd be a challenge. Like "Hurry" or Complain that there's not a Wii Sonic mix and that makes it worth the time of making you remix it. Like the "Pico" incident. Don't get me wrong, I thought the free promotion was great though. I like how Sega actually tries to interact with the mixing community from their promotions of the Sonic 4 remixes, to mentioning OCR on twitter. To be honest, I was joking basically with that first post which was also written before you added those guidelines if I'm not mistaken. But I disagree with the personal preference thing. As clearly that guy who said that thing about Hurry obviously liked that song a lot so I don't see the difference. As for me, I've never even played or listened to the soundtrack of Secret Rings or Black Knights (the other two I have). I was just naming those as other alternatives to the ones I really wanted to see remixed (Unleashed or Colors). However, if I know anything from those two is that if its possible at all, they'd lend themselves to being remixed. In the case of Unleashed the game itself tends to provide a slow theme for the night stages and a faster theme for the daytime stages. In Colors, they tend to do three or more versions, ranging from rock, chiptuney, and other genres I cannot properly state. I felt the challenge in those two would be doing something that hadn't already been done. The inclusion of "3d Sonic" was only because there is MORE THAN enough love for Sonic on this site and many others, but essentially only for the original genesis games. (not that I'm complaining about great Sonic coverage, that's a good thing). There's similarly nothing going on for the Advance Generation Sonic games. Perhaps I should've said mix a Sonic game post 2000? I didn't want to say that because that felt too broad and would probably lead people to just pointing out the Adventure mixes and the 1 from Sonic 06. As if there aren't other games. Or perhaps a better challenge is to remix the songs with lyrics from that date, but I felt that was wrong because that'd be limiting anyone who can't sing or collaborate with someone else and some of those songs you probably don't even want to touch because you'll get the "Crush 40 did it better" type of thing. It was just a suggestion for a second challenge, nothing more or less
  12. lol if you're taking challenges, if ya'll finish up that one. I'd like some love for the new 3d Sonic games. Sure you have that one, but there's a lot more out there... though I can't remix so I can't say whether its possible. But I feel it is. I've watched the WIP recently, someone is working on one for Sonic Adventure so that's a start. But we've got Colors... we've got Unleashed. Black Knight and Secret Rings. I think it would be fun if someone did something with Chun Nan or Aquarium Park
  13. whoa, this is free? I'm on it! EDIT: Oh that is a good arrangement Insta-download for me. I'll be checking out the other stuff soon.
  14. wow. Sounds great once it gets going. If deviating from the source too much is a problem, just pull it back a bit or make it shorter
  15. >.> I've probably downloaded it 3 times now... I'll be back when its done
  16. I remember them. Some magazine once mentioned their Metalhog album. I grabbed that, it was pretty awesome. Some songs were a little...too intense for me but it was worth a listen.
  17. argh...I was actually up at that time but not around here lol...
  18. a very dark sounding song, yet it doesn't come off as entirely depressing...
  19. hahaha, the song is kind of funny... though I can't believe I found this song one night after I heard... I can definitely say the lyrics in this song are MUCH better than that.
  20. oh lol, now that makes me wanna hear that EDIT: Found it http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01125/ wow...
  21. ah...I remember what I read now. http://ocremix.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-23512.html Also...kind of funny that dude chose the same track I did...in my defense, I like his Lugia one a lot too but that's not "game" music. That's from the anime. oh and I couldn't figure out Brushfire's reference... ^^;
  22. Sweet...I'll check it out in 2 days then. lol...I actually saw a site like that. They had pokemon images that were links to entirely unrelated game music..
  23. Never played the game but this song is pretty cool. I gotta say though, I feel like I felt a little ice cap in there. It's probably just me.
  24. Well...its usually bad to be THAT GUY who bumps old threads but someone pointed out this topic and I couldn't help it. I wonder is there any new information or recommendations out there. That Arrange Stream thing is pretty cool but very hard to navigate...I don't get why no one uses simpler links.. it tends to be links to the site and then you have to search for it on that site if its even there...
  25. haha, all the mixes I've listened to from diotrans have been centered around her vocals, but this made me realize she also plays well.
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