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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Ahhh, gotcha. Mine's not like that at all. It's definitely an elbow/shoulder issue, but I only have pain when I put pressure on the joint, and even then, it either takes a hard jerking motion (like sauteing in a heavy cast iron pan; not masturbating -- this is my left arm we are talking about) or a lot of weight to trigger the pain. Feels like a bone pain rather than a muscle pain, so I probably overstressed the ligaments or something. Damn this fragile body...
  2. Shit... I should probably do the same. I was dipping way, way too low for well over 2 months, and my left elbow and shoulder were feeling pretty awful. They've gotten a lot better since I've fixed my dipping depth, but there's still a little pain, especially in my elbow. Can you describe your pain? I wanna see if I'm in the same boat as you
  3. Those are all pretty normal blood pressures and blood sugars, dude :/ Are you sure you weren't dehydrated? A low-carb-diet reaction to exercise isn't supposed to be something as acute as that. It's more of a hormone imbalance which can manifest over time. I'm going with dehydrated on this one.
  4. Finally, now you guys have a reason to get rid of that filthy money that's been weighing down your wallet for weeks now. Let your problem become ours. Buy our album.
  5. This is indeed the best news. Except for the new SMB game and Mega Guy in the new SSB. But the Dave Wise thing is still really, really awesome news!
  6. Yep, but pedals are cheap, man. I just plugged in an ancient pedal that came with some oollllddd Yamaha keyboard my parents bought me maybe 15 years ago or so, and it does the trick for sustain. You wouldn't want/need anything nicer than that, and it's a flimsy piece of shit that couldn't possibly cost more than $10. I never ended up buying an expression pedal. Wouldn't even know what to do with it if I did. As for 49 vs 61, I'd go with 61 just because I'm a pianist, and having that many keys makes it more fun to play on, though not necessarily that much more practical for recording in parts unless you're recording in piano Hell, 2 octaves works fine for recording in just about anything monophonic. But yeah, we both play piano, and that being the case, I'd buy the 61 key thing if I were you. I certainly don't regret doing so. As for the feel of the AxiomPro 61, it feels great! The action isn't like that of, say, an electric piano, but it's close enough that you get a lot of velocity control out of it, especially with harder velocities. It's a little difficult to control the lower velocities, but you can always clean those up after recording. The keys also look like piano keys. They don't have that weird, vacant space underneath them like a lot of synths and cheaper controllers do. Maybe I'm weird, but that was a selling point for me
  7. Merry cervical dilation day. I bought you Phonetic Hero, Theory of N, therex, and Kevin Villecco as a gift. We will see you later. Don't wanna hear no excuses, boy
  8. I have the AxiomPro 61, and I really like it. I've played on at least a dozen different MIDI controllers, and it's my favorite. The action is semi-weighted, so it doesn't feel cheap and flimsy like a lot of MIDI controllers. It has a bazillion faders and knobs on it so you can assign a ton of knobs within your DAW to separate controllers which is something I do often for recording automation. It also has "HyperControl" which is basically predefined controller links for most DAWs which is SUPER convenient... except there's no FL Studio HyperControl, so I'm SOL there. Additionally, it has a pretty deep menu system which is totally unnecessary to learn, but it can add a fair amount of customizability if you figure it out to some degree. It has a port for a both a sustain and an expression pedal. Seems like it has everything you need Oh, and it has 8 pad controllers, but they're meh.
  9. Were you eating cleanly when you were last off your meds? Aaaand as an aside, the efficacy of allergy shots relies heavily upon the ability of your dendritic cells to function, and they are being inhibited by the antihistamines you are taking. If the shots are working despite that and you really need the antihistamines to feel comfortable, by all means, keep taking 'em, but I just thought I'd throw it out there that we've got a good reason to believe based on the studies we just looked at that stopping your antihistamines will speed up the desensitization process the allergy shots are intended to initiate.
  10. To be honest, safflower oil shouldn't be too bad being that it's mostly oleic acid (omega-9) which is not inflammatory like omega-6, nor is it the target for a common enzyme like omega-3 and omega-6 are, so there's no need to eat omega-9 in a balance with some other nutrient. So my own best guess is that's not what's preventing you from getting results, but stranger things have happened... I still think you should try cutting the allergy meds. Here's an article from Nature (one of the biggest scientific journals evar) which makes a case for antihistamines potentiating your allergies over the long term. References are at the bottom in case you want to get a little more info by reading the studies themselves. And yeah, 80/20 is fine. Maybe 90/10 But 100/0 is no way to live. edit: So on that same vein of trying to cut antihistamines in order to fix your allergies, check out this quote from the Nature article: And here's a study defining a mechanism which substantiates his claim. Your dendritic cells are perhaps the primary "antigen-presenting cells" in your immune cell complement. An antigen is a molecule or a part of a molecule which has the potential to generate an antibody/ immune response (hence, "anti[body]" "gen[erator])." So an allergen is just an antigen which elicits a more specific variety of immune response, an IgE-mediated response, and it is that IgE antibody bound to an antigen/allergen which is capable of activating basophils and mast cells which then secrete all that shitty, symptom-causing histamine into your blood. According to this article and the Nature guy's quote, antihistamines will prevent dendritic cells from "presenting" antigens as effectively, a process which is crucial for determining which molecules the body considers ordinary molecules and which it considers to be antigens/allergens, which means your body doesn't get as much of a chance to get "used to" certain antigens. Also, I'm putting the big plates on the bar for overhead press next week. WOOP WOOP.
  11. Right now, you're Overweight Crust. Hey.. wait... Overweight Crust.. .O.verweight .CR.ust... OCR! I WIN! Also, congrats! That's so awesome, dude!
  12. I laughed way harder at this than I really should have.
  13. The fundamental of a snare is what makes it pop. Sometimes the low end of a mix can obscure the snare fundamental which, in almost all samples, will be between 160 and 200 Hz. You can EQ this range up a few db to add some pop. It sounds like you're having a spectral issue getting the snare to pop out of the mix. Identify which instruments are stepping on it. Try turning them down and turning your snare up til it's as loud as you want it. Does the mix still sound good? If not, try doing a surgical EQ cut on the 160-180 Hz range (wherever the snare fundamental is) on the offending instruments and see if the mix still sounds good. Another tip is to sidechain the snare into the crowding instruments and use the sidechain signal to compress them. And for maximum clarity, do all 3 methods, although that's not always a good thing.
  14. Wow, nice revival. Well, a lot of people ask about mine, so here it goes. I wanted to make a Latin construct for "blood of the outsider" which I think is really 'xenoseme', but I didn't want to make it apparent that that's what I'd done. So I went for ectosemia which is more like "a condition of having one's blood on the outside", and to make it particularly unrecognizable or translatable, I changed a letter sorta at random. So ectosemia became ectogemia. And then fucking everybody called me ecto, so as it is, apparently, my name just came with bonus letter. Hi.
  15. I don't know of any, sorry, but couldn't you just add some artificial stereoization via a separate plugin after it is converted to mono? It doesn't sound as good as a real stereo recording, but maybe it'll accomplish what you need. Also, hakstock's method sounds legit.
  16. Dude, what? In my opinion, Nintendo was just overconfident after the Wii and the DS sold Eighteen Bajillion Units. Since most consumer whores love to buy the same-thing-but-slightly-different again and again (e.g. each successive iPhone/iPod model, Call of Duty, Madden, a new car because the old one is "outdated," etc.) and profits were astronomical on their last two major systems, I believe they just figured "why deviate?" and released the same consoles which were already out, but they included a bonus gimmick. Keep in mind that the Wii library was TERRIBLE when it first came out, but the novelty of motion controls made us content to waggle around in Wii Sports for a while. Over the past 6 years, though, the novelty has worn off, and a lot of gamers have realized that motion controls, like, suck. Additionally, there's nothing novel at all about a tablet-based entertainment system, and there's very little novelty to a 3-D gaming system being that 3-D shit has saturated movie theaters and TVs for several years. So the old gimmick wore off, and the new ones weren't particularly new for most consumers. Sales data from the previous generation simply granted them too much confidence (arrogance?) regarding system sales, I believe.
  17. Weird. I don't know what to tell you about the allergies, man. Mine went away, as have those of my friends who tried Paleo/Whole 30/WAPF/whatever. I guess just keep at it?? Or maybe stop taking the allergy meds for a while to resensitize your body's histamine receptors. You could be overly sensitive to histamine at the moment because of a physiological adaptation to the medication. I don't know of any research to back this up; it's just conjecture based on what I know about physiology. None of my other friends who kicked their allergies were chronic allergy med users, so perhaps that's significant? Also, I can't recall if you said you eat dairy or not, but if you do, the casein in dairy has allergenic properties in some people like that of gluten, except perhaps not quite as strong. So try cutting out the dairy if that's relevant. As for the canker sore, do you have a dry mouth? I'm assuming that could be the case because of all the allergy meds. Nothing causes a canker sore like a dry mouth.
  18. Double post. SO WHAT. I DID ITTTTTtt. 3x5 deadlifts @ 315!! And it wasn't even hard... for deadlifts, that is. It's crazy how much of a mental game lifting really is. I was just amped up and positive about it this week after a few weeks of disappointment, and I blew through it. Back on the road to deadlifting OA into outer space ;o
  19. I'll parrot what has been said about reinstalling drivers. It has worked for me on more than one occassion. Ever since I got my audio interface, though, ASIO issues have been nonexistent, AND I can run ASIO drivers in FL without having external audio issues. Maybe an audio interface would be a lasting solution to external audio problems?
  20. I've heard great things about this sample library, and after listening to some demo tracks, I think it sounds like a winner. Sooo, I have 2 questions: I've read that EWQL runs a lot of sales. They're running a 50% off sale right now. Is that about as good as it gets for EWQL, or could I wait a while to get even more than 50% $$$ off the normal price of $500? And would YOU recommend this library? What about other piano sample libraries?
  21. Grey tanktop: This is almost certainly the missing piece. Accessory shit: Nothing really for deads. Squats, I guess, but that's not "accessory," just related to the start of a deadlift. I think it's a failure of my central nervous system rather than muscles; if I can do 5 on the 2nd set but 0 on the 3rd, it seems like an issue of acetylcholine depletion, not muscle fatigue. Deads are the most intense lift, after all. I know a lot of elite lifters do 1x5 deadlifts each week because it's just impossible to do multiple sets at times when you're basically doing your 5RM each set. Just takes too much out of you. Rests: For deads, 5 minutes between sets. For everything else, 3 minutes between sets. Mix-it-upz: I probably should. I'll give 5x3 one more shot this week. If I can't do it, I'll probably go up 15 lbs. and give 3x3 a shot. Sounds like a "fun" challenge.
  22. Holy shit, amazing work, man!!! Jealous! I'm stuck on 3x5 deadlifts @ 315. I get 5 and 5 pretty easily, then I can't even get the bar off the ground on the 3rd set. Very frustrating. Maybe I should just go up in weight anyway?? Choices, choices...
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