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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. This... this is a really effective anaology Then you'll love my mix plenty of cheese for you.
  2. I hate everything about Elec Man, including his level, his theme, his boss fight. Including myself.
  3. updat'd Okee, I made some production alterations as per Willrock's suggestions in addition to a couple more issues I noticed. I moved the bulk of the solo at the end up an octave and added a lot more rhythmic flair to it and colored the solo with more weird accidentals and such. Sounds WAY better now, and the talkbox doesn't clash with the bass anymore. I added reverb to the talkbox. I adjusted the volume of the square arps to make them more present when necessary. No, all of that did not take me the three hours since I got Willrock's crits to do I rediscovered my guitar in my closet after years of neglect and had a mad improv session. My fingers hurt (to be read in the voice of the old lady from Happy Gilmore). I hate to be the guy who constantly uploads updates and expects feedback on incremental changes, but yeah, that's pretty much who I'm being right now
  4. Ummmm, I had an awesome time remixing this theme. No, the source is not that great. It's insanely simple, and in a bad way. But you have to find a way to make it badass. That's the point of ReMixing or whatever, right?
  5. edit: YOU WIN, WILLROCK. I put just the tip of my reverb into the talkbox lead, and it sounds way better. I didn't see that coming Well, as promised, I guess I shouldn't submit the better-sounding version to WCRG shit! Well, I have a fairly amateurish ear for production. Not bad but not definitely not great. The reason I'm not too keen on changing it is that I was intentionally going for a really dry analog section followed by a really wet funky section. The idea is great and all (AWESOME NARCISSISM, ECTO?), but as I said, all the crits I've gotten so far were along the lines of "cool mix, man, but that intro is a little dry." Maybe I should cave in and settle for "cool mix, man." The talkbox is actually COMPLETELY dry. It isn't even routed to a mixer insert; that should speak to my commitment to keeping that particular lead dry hmm... I'll give it a shot adding a little reverb to it, though. Couldn't hurt. unless it does
  6. Which dry lead? The talkbox lead or the saw lead? They're both very dry. I'm not willing to change the talkbox lead, but I've been considering adding some reverb to the saw lead. The idea was to make the analog parts sound really dry by minimizing the processing, but I've gotten a fair amount of negative feedback on that idea. As such, I'm open to altering that particular lead. And shit, yes, there is overcompression at 1:14. I kind of improvise on some of my production techniques since I've kinda figured out a lot of that stuff just by trial and error. 1:14 was me trying to be sneaky with a horrible scheme I devised to maximize the volume which made the part AFTER 1:14 sound bad, so I turned off the plugin I was using to maximize everything before that part, and it led to a little distortion as the volume instantly changed. Back to the drawing board on that I should really google how to do that properly. Nice catch on that backing synth clashing with my talkbox lead early on. I hadn't caught that, and it's a fairly nasty error on my part. And yes, as per my MO, the arrangement is definitely quite liberal, but I think there's plenty of source in there a lot of the "original" melodies were inspired by Elec Man, and you can probably hear that if you listen to them closely, but OCR judges aren't so interested in original melodies inspired by the source so much as they are the source itself
  7. REMIX updat'd elec man source mega man 1, wily tower 1 source Welp, here's the final version of my superfunky megaquirky remix for this weeks' Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet entry. I'll take any criticisms anyone has to offer, but in the spirit of the competition, I'll be submitting this particular version or an older version to DarkeSword and an improved version (assuming I need to make some changes) based on your critiques to OCR. Yes, the analog parts are supposed to sound very corny Enjoy, and please leave constructive feedback!
  8. double edit: I guess something was up with an unused channel because in that 10 second window I have before the project crashes, I selected all the unused channels and deleted them, and suddenly everything is ok. I am so confused. Anyway, looks like the issue is resolved, so feel free to delete this thread edit: looks like it crashes every time after within about 10 seconds of opening the project no matter what I do. I'm getting an "FL Studio Engine Launcher has stopped working" error as soon as I click the OK button to render an mp3. Sometimes, it even crashes when I'm selecting the filepath to which the mp3 will be written, oddly enough, it seems to crash during this step as soon as I scroll with the mouse wheel. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling FL10; no success. This is really frustrating :/ Anyone have any idea what's going on? Is there a way to render an mp3 from the .flp without having to open the .flp??
  9. The previous 2 posts have been 110% fact. Thank you. If the silver surfer's failure (see: default) pose isn't one of the stock avatars on OCR, it should be.
  10. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAA. Remix is done. Remix is insanely funky and quirky. Just needs a little mixy-mixy. silver surfer'd
  11. Round 7 of ecto'sstreamofconsciousness reviews: A Swarm of Voxels -- The intro is a winner. I love the thick, wide bass. 0:35 is when shit hits the fan, but in a good way (?). The energy is fantastic here. As always with your work, the harmonies get quirky and awesome soon thereafter, and as always with your work, I love it. There was a ton of attention to mixing throughout except perhaps that final, high lead at the end that was a just a tad shrill. The arrangement was tight as always. Totally Tubular Fortress -- ALL YOUR TRACKS SOUND THE SAME!! And MAN, have you NAILED this style. I love your old-school sound so much. Teach me your ways <3. This mix is a bit muddy throughout, perhaps a bit much reverb in naughty places where it shouldn't be. The lead that comes in around 1:53ish is a bit loud and perhaps a bit hot on the highs. The drum groove is a bit repetitive as well. Despite my critiques, this was really enjoyable and the arrangement was excellent. That said, the lack of rhythmic variation made things seem like they plodded a long a bit. WHICH ONE DO I SHOOT?! -- The intro wasn't my favorite for some reaason, then 0:45 SLIDEY SYNTH. LOVE. And then wubz? OK, I'll bite. And it tastes great. The glitchies were quite tasteful and added a lot to the arrangement. Speaking of arrangement, you did an awesome THOUGHT INTERRUPTED oh god, that gated voice. That's just about my favorite thing ever. Fantastic choice. Speaking of arrangement, you did an awesome job with Gemini Man's theme, and the way you integrated Wily's theme was slick. Megaman Awesome -- I liked the intro until the harmonies went woo-woo the synth you have keeping the chords in the beginning is playing some overtly wrong notes. At 0:53, things get back on track, harmonically speaking... and back off again at 1:09. The arrangement is also quite conservative. Seems a bit like a MIDI rip with that little transitory chord jam between Heat Man bits. Call the Fire Department -- That one Skrillex song would be quite silly if some lady had shouted "CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT" instead. These are the things I think about on too little sleep. Turns out I can't sleep through someone vacuuming the house. Oh well, your loss is my gain. What? The mix is over already? I wasn't even done typing random, stupid crap. Well, I suppose it was enjoyable for its length, if a bit thin. Wily's Ruin -- Again, I'm not a fan of vocals, but man, these were well done. It reminds me of my emo days early in high school (silly days, those). I wish I had more critiques, but I was too busy nostalgia'ing at the Taking Back Sunday sound of this, sorry But I loved it. At times, the meter of the lyrics didn't quite work. Right at about 2:32, the vocals were noticeably out of key. Very creative and solid arrangment. <3 it. When The Moon Cries -- The staccato string stabs seemed just a bit weak. Your breath was smelly at 0:34. Smells like Nyquil. "I will give every bit of my all" seemed to have an awkward meter to it. The vocals have the perfect amount of reverb on them and seemed to be very well-mixed. What happened to the Jason Covenant who wrote Sweet Dream Lullaby?!?! Your 3 remixes have been nothing like that gem Not that these haven't been excellent throughout, but it would have been nice to see you attempt different styles. What's that? There's even a woody flute like in your other remixes! "At the end of nighTTTT" is a bit strong on the T. Same with "lighTTTT". Nitpicky: at 4:28 with the filter sweet, there was no transition into the sweep, just kind of a switch to the filter being on. Was a bit jarring, but my personal preference is to have smooth filter transitions; nothing wrong with what you did. Very slick arrangement, interesting soundscape throughout. Black Alleycat -- The drums seemed a bit weak before the lead dropped. I think the Rhodes chords could have used just a bit of variation. Maybe some color notes here and there, a little added and varied syncopation. The lead at 1:25 needs a bit more volume to it. Its frequencies seem a bit thin as well. I love the groove throughout, and the bitcrushed drums were an excellent choice. Very smooth piece, though a bit conservative, but I'm more partial to highly liberal arrangements myself. I'll be damned if the OCR judges ever pass me based on my liberal arrangements (and I made my first-ever submission a few days ago, so time will tell! ). Halite -- Gorgeous intro. The bass seems a bit weak. The transition into Crystal Man craziness is a bit weak. That section itself sounds nice (and verbatim...) but a bit thin. I love the filtered guitar-y thing. Very well-executed. The drum groove in the end is a bit weak. It could use a little more compression love, even some more variation, too. I like how the ending of the piece just kind of decays on the listener. Float -- You win, teamie!! <3 Skull Shield -- The kick seems to be mixed a little funny. I think it's clashing with the bass quite a lot. The guitar playing is great! The arrangement was very conservative, and there seemed to be little variation in the soundscape, but shit, it's a metal song. Why vary what isn't broken? Welp, I enjoyed it, although it was conservative and perhaps a bit derivative, but again, metal is metal, and if it isn't all screamy and shit, it's usually pretty badass. That's the worst penis I've ever seen in my life. Overall, the arrangements of the source tunes were somehow perhaps the most clever and yet the most conservative of any of the rounds so far. One would think those things are mutually exclusive, so maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about. VOTES: 1. Wily's Ruin 2. A Swarm of Voxels 3. When The Moon Cries
  12. UNINSPIRING?!?! I'm a minute in to my remix, and it's sounding pretty damn sweet. I agree it's a bland tune, but it really spoke to me... in robot voices. This is shaping up to be a seriously funky remix.
  13. Oops, looks like Gario voted just a bit late. I think Darke should count his vote. I liked the cut of its jib or however the saying goes. Isn't it just F# natural minor with the ol' leading tone now and then? On the contrary. It is now redeemed. Guess if I'm going to use the same drum samples!!! If you guessed yes,
  14. I WILL REMIX. I was going to focus on my writing my EP, but FL crashed, and I lost a whole solo I had just written. That means that it's Mega Man time!!! and I may attempt dubstep for the first time. yeah.
  15. One of my old roommates wrote one on his own. I wish I had the power to willynilly write a program that does whatever the hell I want. He also made a theremin out of a lamp and a MIDI controller out of a tree stump. What the hell.
  16. Well, I'm glad I got the opportunity to get some exposure on here. I think people will take me a little more seriously now being that I don't have the little artist profile link under my name quite yet but I still put out solid musix for you all to hear. Getting more votes would have been nice, but I feel more respected, and that's a great thing since I bet I'll be sticking around OCR for quite a while. Now, to get posted...
  17. FREE MUSIC FOR ALL! MERRY XMAS EVERYONE. Here's a free jazz/funk/dub(step) track for your listening plejjer. If you like it, please like me on facebook link is in my sig. who am I kidding, no one comes to this forum...
  18. Soooo, I take it you're going to be voting for me in that case, then?
  19. HAPPY DAY! Production is 90% of what's lacking in my game right now as my music gets more and more complex. I'll be AIMing you shortly.
  20. edit: ya'll people be takin' forever to vote this week. Okee, time for more stream of consciousness reviewing: Red Chamomile -- Right away, for whatever reason, the instruments don't sound cohesive, and the piano chords are too quiet. The string+flute+acoustic guitar section is gorgeous and segues into the more upbeat part quite well. The arrangement is totally badass throughout, but the mixing leaves a lot to be desired. The synth solo had some weird pitch LFO'ing. Regardless, I really enjoyed listening to it, and it was a very well composed piece of music! Air-Cossacks! -- I see what you meant. This didn't turn out so hot :/ The synths sound thin and corny for the most part. 1:20 is VERY quiet relative to the rest of the mix. There's some minor panning issues, too, like at 1:35 with that synth carrying the lead being panned awkwardly to the right. Things get awesome around 1:52 and 2:02 with some sweet solos with plenty of colorful melodic embellishments. Otherwise, this wasn't my favorite ((((9999999999999 twenty-six alpha -- sweet intro and ensuing instrumentation choices. the percussion felt a little weak. the rhythms going on with all the exotic instruments were all really interesting. good choice carrying that same rhythm on to the square bass later. my only complaint, and it's a big one, is that there was a distinct lack of variety. that's not a bad thing necessarily, but things seemed to plod along at points. still, it was a great listen and a great arrangement. Standing On Top -- Weird, I actually kinda like the vocals in this one. The drop at 0:57 is awesome in its subtlety, and the kick and bass are mixed perfectly. The autotuning is obvious; not sure if that was intentional. My god, you have ridiculously awesome production quality. I want my music to sound that clear TEACH ME. I really have no complaints, and considering I don't like vocals in my music, that's a big compliment. I can't picture this remix without vocals. I also can't picture it outside my top 3. Northern Lights -- Holy improvement, Barman! Yes, Barman. I refuse to admit I made a typo. There's still much work to be done as far as thickening out the soundscape, stereoization, occasional but infrequent harmonic issues, and instrument choices, but MAN, this is much better than your first remix. In fact, it's quite good besides the production quality. Very nice work. Eye of the Storm -- WHAAAAAAAA, a trance track under 3 minutes? OK, I'll bite. The lead around 0:30 is a little thin, and the one around 0:45 is a little quiet. I really like the harmonies going on here, and the chord progression is nice. Sounds like there are some wrong notes around 1:38. Love the gated trance chords there near the end. The arrangement is pretty solid. That final kick at the end was pretty week. Could have used a ton more reverb. Groove, Swing, March -- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm License to Chill -- This is indeed quite chill. Chill-ING, that is. Oh-ho-hoisuck. Oh fuck, I thought someone was chasing me at 0:48. It sounded quite sparse at times and generally didn't feel like a thematically cohesive piece when comparing each individual part. Very interesting take on the themes, but it left something to be desired in its execution. No Time for Doctors -- Great, then I might as well quit school. Oh, it's just a song title, ok, whatevz. It's too bad this is so short because I'm really enjoying what you have so far for the most part. That distorted, filtered bass gets a little tiresome after a while. And, yeah! It's short! Villainous Revelry -- Ah, but is there any other kind of revelry? Yes. Yes, there is. I'm a huge sucker for house chords. Thank you for remembering to include them. This is the style I was considering pursuing for next week, but now I'm thinking twice... AHHH, now there's the ending I was hoping to hear in Jewbei's remix. Nicely done through and through. My only complaint would be that some of the synths sounded a little cheap, but I've been listening to a lot of professional house recently made with 'spensive synths and everything is professionally mastered and such. This sounds great, all things considered. 1. Standing on Top 2. twenty-six alpha 3. Villainous Revelry
  21. The saddest ending ever = Lufia 2. Or so I thought when I was 9. It had me in tears then, so it stands to reason that it would now, right? RIGHT??! OK, probably not.
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