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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I never said it would change anything. I realize there is a mixing issue, one I had fixed in my final project file for the track, a project file that mysteriously disappeared & forced me to submit the most recent version I had, a not-so-well produced one. I recognize that the mixing issue is preventing me from getting more votes, and that's ok with me. I'll fix the problems again, put it on the wip forum, and get further feedback. Yes. To all of that. Hence why I felt short-changed. Ehhh, looks like another ecto comment is blowing out of proportion! YAY! I'm not upset with anyone, I was just kinda throwing it out there that despite the insufficiencies of any given track, each should be listened to in its entirety to keep things fair. That's all -- nothing accusatory or whiny was intended.
  2. Nononono, I wasn't asking you to change your vote, nor was I intending to single you out as it's already been made apparent by others that the highs are shrill. I felt short-changed is all.
  3. I actually find that to be a little offensive... yes, there was a mixing issue on the highs, I understand, but if it was "too loud" why didn't you just turn it down a little? It's a pity you stopped at 2:00 because that mixing issue is only present in that section and the final section of the mix. The middle half is well-mixed in my opinion and has 100% different instrumentation. I'd appreciate it if you listened to that section at least and let me know what you thought about it. I can't really improve if everyone were to critique only 30% of each of my mixes, can I? I say this because I respect the opinions of musicians who are better than myself, and I was hoping to hear something a little more substantive than that from you.
  4. Yeah, after I first heard The Silver Surfer's music a month ago, I made a delusional impulse buy thinking that my $3 spent at the used games store would somehow percolate into the pockets of the Follin brothers. I think that's called the trickle-down effect. ... and yes, the music in that game is, in fact, the most complex & hardware-bending on the console. Willrock is right, however, that it's melodic content isn't as apparent as that of more iconic themes like, oh, everything from every NES MM game.
  5. Fuck the turkey, I want the electric morningstar on the carpet. To slay my enemies, you see.
  6. So what you're trying to say is the game completely owned you from the first screen? Because that's the Ben Briggs+Zelda 1 I know.
  7. If there isn't one pending, there should be. And I will remix the shit out of the Serpent Trench and Awakenings.
  8. You made the right decision! ... oh wait, I'm the "fourth vote" You made the wrong decision! n.e.wayz** I'm glad you liked it
  9. That's a very broad question, but I tend to do sort of "one-shot" and extreme instances of processing on the master track or the bulk of the sound in a transition. Often, I'll build a complex transition one part at a time. For instance, I'll start with a rezzy low pass filter on all the current voices closing over, say, 2 measures. Next, I'll add a deep flanger that goes from 0% mix level to 100% mix level across those 2 measures. Why? Sounds cool. Then, maybe I think there should be a noise wave sweeping from fully LP filtered to unfiltered across those 2 measures -- a voice unaffected by that first envelope. Maybe it would sound cool if I gated that noise wave more and more as it built. What if the gated noise wave were cross-panned to add space? That tends to be an effective, simple method that can build up a very cool, very complex transition. Just take it a step at a time. Otherwise, you can try a more harmonic/arpeggiated approach, such as already having written Part A and Part B, but now you're writing the transition between the two. Try writing an arpeggio that starts on some relevant note of Part A and ends on the first note of the melody or some note of the first chord of Part B. It'll always sound right if you do this, and you can add in the step-by-step method above as well to make the transition more than just musically interesting.
  10. I'll be voting soon enough, but Skyrim has basically consumed my life since Saturday, and that's OK.
  11. SDFKAJS;DLFJA I had never seen that list until just now. Weeeeeee, time for a NES music marathon to accompany my brutal slaughter of all the innocents in Skyrim!!!!1
  12. I'll try my best, but this next round will be iffy given all my lab project deadlines and final exams for school. That said, I'll be god damned if I don't produce at least one front-page postable mix for you people (yeah, I said it) out of all of this.
  13. False, I've never even seen the movie. "Electric" refers to Elec Man + instrumentation, "Sleep" refers to the soundscapes being so chill. So I wouldn't say the Blade Runner reference is too obvious since it isn't a Blade Runner reference at all. Yeah :/ I had those synths mixed properly, but I hadn't rendered an mp3 of that version yet. Somehow, the last several versions of the project file were deleted -- still 100% baffled as to how that happened -- and I ran out of time to re-mix it, thus I had to submit a somewhat unpolished, older version. I'd recommend finishing it kinda sucks, too, because I was kinda banking on this compo as a means to legitimize myself to the community being that I'm so new, and I'm getting basically no votes here. I'm going to assume it's just because of the mixing issue so that I don't get too demotivated...
  14. I just... I... lemme go stand in the fridge. Hopefully my melting brain will readopt some kind of functional form again.
  15. Elec Man's theme is basically two things: 1) 4 notes; 2) "Faithfully" by Journey. I used every single note of the Elec Man lead source (even the mythical notes beyond the 4 Du-nu-nu-nu that will never cease playing in my mind). The piano riff that closes out the remix is the source turnaround bridge thing right before it loops. Nothing I do -- nothing -- will make it sound like anything but that Journey song. Apparently not even making it into ambient trance or orchestral music. At least you can appreciate that I didn't make a trance song in which the main motif was those 4 notes... I'd like to think I'm a lot more creative and a little less annoying than that. I appreciate the thorough write-ups and all, but like... could you be a little less of an ass? Maybe it's not intentional, but it kinda seems like you've hated everything we've done thus far in the competition. Like really, really hated the shit out of it and for perplexing reasons.
  16. Oh god... I can't... stop... playing...
  17. Wow, um, so what are the odds of this guy getting his request filled ten times over?
  18. Excited :DD:D:D: but no time to listen for the next few days :(:(;9;9;((
  19. Man, these votes so far are distributed widely... I've not heard the remixes yet. Must all be awesome?
  20. HLY SHIT AWESOME SOURCE. I whistle this all the damn time, and my girlfriend hates it, therefore I love it. Dare I remix twice in a row? DARE I?
  21. Paranoia has set it. You do have my remix, do you not? Just asking since I have no way of confirming it either way
  22. Cool, and then you could take out a mortgage in my name! Everyone wins! Yeah, see, I actually thought that there WAS a way to track your sent PMs and that I was just too stupid to find it. It just seems like such a no-brainer feature of the PM system... but hm, apparently it isn't there.
  23. I had a nightmare last night that the version of my remix I sent to Darke had an audio clip of me reading off my credit card information. I even thought to glitch it and filter it. What? Enjoy my $300 credit line, everyone.
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