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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Thanks for da love, guys I still want to have a Nice Birthday if you know what I mean...
  2. It's not my birthday until The Coop posts the pic...
  3. I actually have VOPM, but I do not understand FM synthesis for the life of me. I mean, I understand how it works in theory, but I really can't put it into practice in a predictable way. It's like you never know what it's going to sound like when you turn X knob... Is there something I'm missing?
  4. Ah, I was referring to the last bundle, actually. His "Return All Robots!" OST was featured on there. It did not disappoint. Cool first name, bro.
  5. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Yeah man, the first one had some incredible work on it. I'm suddenly a massive yogurtbox fan. They finally made me appreciate FM chiptunes enough to give the SEGA credit where it's due AND to want to make some on my own now... And holy shit, zircon? You composed a bitchin' soundtrack for your game... man, I didn't know you had all those styles in you. Nice work
  6. HMMMM. Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'm planning on making them into an EP a la what Ben Briggs did and uploading them onto bandcamp. Before I do that, I'd like to clean them up as I've waaay upped my production chops since then (I WILL NOT INVOKE THE MEME). Once I get some time to do that, I'll render them as both FLAC and 320k MP3s for bandcamp. I'll try to remember to let you know when I do that!

    And if it's any consolation, I have an EP/album coming out within a month or two of music in the same vein as Electric Sleep :D:D:D:D

  7. I've said it like 3 times now, but you're probably my favorite musician ever. Ever. CANNOT. WAIT.
  8. YAY! The absolutely incredible Indie Game Music Bundle 1 blew my mind with insanely awesome game OSTs and original albums from several OCR regulars and beyond. NOW THE SECOND EDITION IS LIVE. $1.00-$9.99 gets you 5 albums. $10.00+ gets you potentially up to 17 albums. Go support VGM at its roots and help these composers make a buck! Also, 17 albums for $10, stupid. Why aren't you on PayPal yet?
  9. Welp, looks like I'm probably out of the meetup. If it's on March 23, that's a no-go. I'll be in school around then, and this ain't undergrad anymore. June is also marriage month, so that kinda ties me up a bit.
  10. Sounds like what I did with halc and BENBRIGGS when I first started It was super helpful in establishing my fundamentals. If you can't find anyone, I'd recommend looking at project files that came with FLStudio and requesting project files from remixers who tend to use a lot of free plugins and samples so you can listen to the whole project AND see how it was made. I've learned a ton of techniques from doing that. It's a great surrogate for direct observation.
  11. I did not know this. I thought doing quick edits in EDISON was super cumbersome what with all the saving, searching, and reloading into a new audio clip. This will save a ton of time. Thanks Learn to give people some credit, man... there are shades of grey between black and white.
  12. Did someone say Giordono's? Count me in... probably. I can't predict what school will be like around meetup time until maybe a month ahead of time.
  13. Ehhh, go ahead and tentatively add me. I can't guarantee I'll have the time to participate, but I'm decent enough at the game (read: actually pretty bad) that I can carry a fortress for a little while. Just don't expect me to play it in ASCII, you crazy assholes.
  14. While I think the Sonic music is teh shitz and all, I hardly ever played the Sonic games as a kid mostly because the Genesis kinda sucked... ... I'll just turn around and leave this thread now
  15. So it's settled. Midwest meetup 2012 is in Indianapolis, IN, the cradle of civilization!!!! right?
  16. Sounds like those family members have the right idea as soon as I'm done with school, I plan on doing the same. edit: actually, the whole gencon thing seems like a good idea. i would imagine that some non-midwestern ocrfolk will incidentally be in town for gencon anyway. the more, the merrier.
  17. WHAT THE SHIT. Including you and me once I'm posted, I think that makes, like... 7 posted remixers currently living in Indianapolis. There must be something in our water. Probably excess fluoride. Do you actually live in Fountain Square? Because I spend like all my god damn time at the dental school a mile away from there. Tooooo weiiirrddd I'm cool with Chicago so long as we go to Giardono's (sp?) for dinner. I'm really not one for amusement parks, so my vote is no on all that business. #1 vote is still Indianapolis obvi.
  18. I've said the same thing for a while now. I was ready to flip shit over and torch stuff wherever people were engaging in said activities. I wanted SOPA to pass and incite millions to rock the system so that the government might once again fear the people and remember that their role is to be subservient to the people, not to subjugate, not to expand endlessly. The entire American population that doesn't sit on a corporate board is disenfranchised. On their own, the politicians certainly won't unshittify a corrupt, kickback-driven system that they themselves sculpted out of their own shitty greed. Really, something damn near a revolution is going to have to happen to dislodge business interests from political interests. /rant!
  19. From one HARD MAN to another. Stream of consciousness feedback as always: Love the thick bass. It's a bit of a weird approach to the archetypical DnB percussion in that you're using hats instead of snares for fills between the strong beats. As such, the fills are a little thin. The snare, too, I think sounds a bit odd in a DnB track, being as oomphy rather than punchy as it is. The fill is almost inaudible around 0:50. Dude, your lead-writing is getting insane. Not a lot of variation going on in here, especially with respect to the drums. Very well-arranged, but I kinda felt that, on the whole, it was good but not great. The sample choices and the lack of variation in the percussion held it back a bit.
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