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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Just sent you a PM with the deetz ;o

  2. Woopz, I would have said BenBriggz, but I thought someone had already mentioned him. Also, I feel like a turd for not mentioning Shnabubula. Best musician ever; so much respect for what he's made.
  3. Anamanaguchi if you're looking to get amped. Yogurtbox if you're feeling a little FM jazz/fusion. The two guys who make up yogurtbox, coda and surasshu (sp?), have awesome solo work as well.
  4. Yep, gotta agree. I play -- or have played -- piano, guitar, bass, and alto sax. As a result, I really don't have any issues writing for those instruments, but since I've never played drums, I just kinda fake it Talking to drummers has really helped clear up how to approach some aspects of percussion writing. Also, checking out videos of drummers on youtube has been really constructive. Watching videos of pianists may be helpful for you, but I'm not so sure how useful that would be on a melodic instrument. If I were you, I'd take the low road and just download some sheet music, see how chords are voiced, how the melodies are written, how wide the pitch intervals tend to be across both hands, and go from there. Also, a good rule of thumb is that most pianists can't play comfortably or accurately beyond a 10th (octave + major third), so don't write chords for one hand that require that stretch. Tensei also mentioned not just shifting bar/block chords around. That's critical. While you certainly don't need to follow the "rules" of voice-leading, pianists almost never play two successive chords in the same voice. You could always try writing your piece and sending a MIDI to a pianist who can check it for feasibility and make some corrections.
  5. http://www.soundcloud.com/ectogemia also in my sig.
  6. Any idea if there's an analgous command in FL Studio to Logic's "Bounce in place" feature? It's really cumbersome bounce in FL then add an audio clip channel and browse for your clip. Nifty tutorial, man That snippet of the complete track at the end sounded pretty nice. Can't say I learned much as this was fairly basic and I think I'm a bit past all that at this point, but the audio manipulation concepts were solid and any newbie looking to discover cool things that can be done with audio should watch this right now.
  7. I'm not so sure that constitutes that notion being "proved wrong." I don't really feel like researching this at the moment, but I'd be very surprised if there had never been a female-dominant culture throughout all of recorded history, or at least one where gender didn't matter. The existence of even a single one of those would allow for the result of the hypothetical social experiment I proposed to be a possible outcome. Oh, certainly, but what I was suggesting was more of a hypothetical than a "LET'S DO IT!!!" I more meant that if *nothing* were said by *anyone* about sexism, racism, etc., then I thought the problem might remedy itself through extinction. If it's all a learned perception, then not allowing the possibility for it to be learned should abolish the perception.
  8. I agree with this. If everyone shut the hell up about racism and sexism and whatnot for a generation, I could see the successive generation treating everyone else as equals or nearly so because they were never handed the lens to see those who are different as *fundamentally* different or deserving of special/reserved treatment. Or maybe I'm wrong. But I'm not sure all of this "awareness" business is advancing the overall goal of universal equality and consideration. I'm well "aware" of how annoying it and its deformed cousin "sensitivity" (or as it's called on the streetz "political correctness") are becoming... And for what it's worth, I don't believe in chivalry, and I think it's a regressive behavior It just perpetuates the myth that women are dainty little flowers whom the providers, men, should constantly support and shower with gifts, compliments, etc. If we're equal, we're equal. And that means I'm not paying for your dinner, and you're not paying for mine. You'd figure most women would find that obnoxious, but I've never dated a woman who found that to be unreasonable. Maybe that's just my type? Glad my fiancee is ok with it And for more direct relevance to your thread, Tensei, yes, women are indeed marginalized and sexualized in video games. I don't much care about the sexualization even though the lack of reciprocity seen in male characters evinces an obvious agenda, but the marginalization isn't fair, plus it limits what developers can do with a game's characters and story (and gameplay??). $$$ is important, but creativity and progression are hindered when that's all developers or publishers think about.
  9. Hah, oh boi... this forum is fun. Anywayzz, yeah, really try to do something different. You *do* write a lot of EDM which is repetitive by nature. Do something more exploratory, more experimental. It's fun to write music organically with no intentional structure; just flow. Once you have enough contiguous material written, you can reprise some parts so it sounds thematic and cohesive. I mean, the last thing you want is to be bored of your work. At for to me, it means I'm not making what *I* want to hear; I'm trying to please someone else or satisfy some external expectations. In doing that, I'm not expressing myself, and it's hard to get excited about music you have no personal investment in besides time. Yeah, and what Gar said about Bela Fleck... do it. You won't regret it.
  10. No, I love listening to my own music. You write a lot of dance music, right? Mostly electro-house and complextro? Maybe try writing in a completely new genre or outside of traditional genres.
  11. All I'm saying is Sheep Man might be the best robot master theme...
  12. Color me excited!! It's kind of a cross between orange and yellow, I think.
  13. Mkay, so I subbed this remix like 2 months ago, but I've been writing more music and working on my production quality since then. I decided to remaster this track in light of the skills I've gained, and I added in some new percussive and supportive harmonic elements to boot. It sounds much, much better now. Thoughts? LINK
  14. Excellent advice, haha. I too am just starting to get the control to add lots and lots of layers, but I started off several months ago by packing my playlist with vertical patterns, and in retrospect, man, it sounded terrible. I certainly didn't think that at the time, but that's why we have the Rozos of the world
  15. If I listen to music at all when I study, it's usually my own because I know what's coming, why I wrote what I did, and how I mixed it down. If I listen to anyone else's music at any time, I find myself analyzing it -- not that that cuts into my enjoyment of it, but it's just an involuntary adjunct now. With all the crap I have to cram in my head for that one exam I have over everything every third Friday, I can't really afford to have my attention divided between course material and the music I'm listening to. Car time + gym time + chill time = music time.
  16. If AeroZ did the music for a porno, I'd watch it. If AeroZ did not do the music for a porno, I'd watch it. Also, excellent work, as always
  17. Yieks, well, I won't try to diagnose anything potentially complicated like this over the internet, but it *can* go a lot deeper than hygiene habits, even a lot deeper than dietary habits. Things like chronic stress, immune disorders, diabetes, endocrinological issues, etc. could be causative as well. The More You Know!

  18. Oh, and on which tooth and where on the tooth did you get the filling? I'm going to guess your lower right first molar on the top surface of the tooth... AM I RIGHT?!?

  19. Only when you assholes I mean patients don't eat well and brush :P

  20. I have "The Wicker Man" playing in my head now, 'cept it's "NOT THE MUSSELS! NO!! NOT THE MUSSELS... AAAHHHHGHGHWWLWELEW..." You just can't even imagine what regurgitated shellfish looks like... (pete is referring to when i ate a pound of iffy homecooked, curried + bulgarian-style mussels the other night, threw them up, witnessed my gastric hellspawn, and then responded to the sight with more bivalvular vomit. terrible.)
  21. I don't think I'll have the time to participate (((((((( this semester has been unusually poopy. I haven't had time to do musix in days, let alone see my friends and such. We'll see if things loosen up a bit, though.
  22. What a beautiful segue into the GRMRB 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  23. Judging by the silence, I'm guessing we defeated Wily for everlasting peace and stuff.
  24. I actually got it around the time I was 8 for Chanukah, and in the big box with the guide and everything. Aaaand then I got Secret of Evermore for Christmas. <3 being in a multi-religious family. Anyway, I played it and loved it at that age, but I didn't "get" it. Looking back on it... like... shit. That's a game with some seriously life-improving. inspiring sequences and overtones in it. I was a pretty smart 8-year-old as well, but I can't say I grasped its main thrust at that age. Still, the goofiness and the beautiful visual aesthetic of it were enough to keep my attention even at 8. Still one of my favorites for its story content despite that fact I've really grown to despise JRPGs for their vapid gameplay.
  25. Happy 20th birthday to my brother from another motherland all the way out in Arizona! Now, everyone shower him with nonalcoholic praise.
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