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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. That was also kinda my point but our "top 3" conversation was pointed at the competition as a whole rather than just this round.
  2. 'member when we was all talkin' 'n stuff 'bout how we could still crack the top 3???? THE IRONY It's ok. I don't think TGH's score for the week could have handled any more points anyway.
  3. This game was fun as shit until I got to the Africa level and absolutely could not figure out what to do after 5 minutes of cluelessness, so I gave up and never played again. The music was badass, too. I'll consider giving one of those a shot! Might be a bit, though. Got a lot of my plate as far as music projects go at the moment.
  4. Just scream "fish" at the end of it for no reason, and I'll consider voting for it. That was high-class funny.
  5. I was a biology major, so that's no help here. I know a lot of music majors because I'm interested in music (surprise) and I lived in Forest for 2 years where a ton of music majors also lived. That said, the music school was, oh, really ridiculously big for a music school and for one of its caliber, so we may well not have known any common people. Hmmm, Patrick Thomas? Ashley Nero? Hah, surely we had some of the same professors at the very least, despite the fact I only took a couple or 3 music classes. I bet you took K361 Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music w/ John Gibson or Alicyn Warren. Bad times in there, bad times. Digital Performer was the required DAW... wtf... awful program.
  6. Nice work, man! I think I'm up for the challenge for Moon Base, which is a completely badass tune, by the way. It screams DnB to me. We'll see how things go over my coming winter break. edit: OK, now that I've listened to the whole soundtrack, um... WOW. Hell of a job... DOUBLE EDIT: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, we went to the same college at the same time, hah, although I wasn't a music major (shoulda been, but not talented enough for Jacobs or interested in music much when I applied for IU). I know another music ed major, Seth Davis (albeit, he's class of 2012...). Maybe you know him? Alex McNeilly, Max Grafe, Maxfield Wollam-Fischer, Joe McIlvain... any of those names ring any bells? WOULD BE CRAZY IF WE KNEW THE SAME PEOPLE
  7. Yeaaaaah, Starting Strength is the shit. I did that for 3 months with a modified Leangains approach to diet (did it Paleo style) and put on friggin' 12 lbs of muscle. Then I fell out of a tree, hurt my back, and haven't been able to work out for 5 months. Great. Looking to get back into the gym next week.
  8. You're weren't the only one luckily, I'm done, but at the cost of my own health (very sick right now) and potential to graduate. for you, ocr, anything. Now, off to my next final...
  9. Woooo, my remix is pretty much done. The highs are in check, it isn't 6:00 long like my last remix, and MindWanderer will perhaps find something nice to say about it. Now I can get on with finals week! First it's majorly funky and disco-y, then it's... something else.
  11. Pfffft, WOOD ELF? Nah, I'm so cool that I made a Khajiit who looks like and is named after my cat. I just thought it'd be funny to slay innocents with a bow and arrow as my cat, and as it turned out, it was indeed pretty funny. Bonus points for the ironic werewolf blood I acquired early on. Anyone else finding that the game is really, really, really, ridiculously easy? I've been on master since I started, and umm... yeah, have not really had any difficulties after 40+ hours of play.
  12. OK, YOU GOT ME. I FORGOT WHAT HAPPENED AT THE END OF MEGA MAN 2. OKkkkkkkkkKKK?? HAPPY NOW??/ But it's no lie that I kicked my NES the first time I got to that boss... and died... man, I did not think that one through... This thread is much more enjoyable when it's off-topic!!!
  13. Those colors remind me of how my TV screen looked upon delivering a deathblow to my NES. See, I know exactly what you mean, but I'm having more fun envisioning a 36-man collab. Cue Yakkity Sax. 'bout time we got some real Gregorian chant on OCR. Thanks, Brandon!
  14. Hm, I never saw that bit because immediately after killing the alien, I was too busy kicking my NES across the room as I am inclined to do whenever I feel as though the console has slighted me. I usually end up hurting myself more than I do the NES. I mean always.
  15. Is that the round in which we make it through the Wily castles only to find that the real culprit was actually an some lame alien which prompted me to shelf MM2 for years? Because that'd be ok.
  16. QUICK!!! Who makes the best acid jazz?! GO! THANK YOU!
  17. Given that everyone here is almost certainly an "internet person" so to speak, I'm absolutely appalled that no one has made an "over 9000" joke with respect to the number of rounds by this point. I'm waiting...
  18. Providing incentives for remixing virgin games is awesome. That kinda precludes my plans to create a competitive compo that was intended to meet that particular need, too. So hooray for you for sparing me the effort!!!
  19. Never said I didn't like it certainly is odd, though. My vote should be an indicator of how much I liked the quirkiness of the remix --> a lot.
  20. More stream of consciousness critiques from me as I listen. "Enjoy" Hornet of Legend -- Hory shet, I love Celtic music. I mean, it's all really the same song varied ever so slightly each performance by the level of the performers' intoxication, but that's not the point. The point is that the arrangement here is brilliant, and the flurry of notes of constantly interesting and evolving. It was extremely simple in terms of production, but being that it was pseudo-acoustic, I'm sure that was the point. Loved it, start to finish Blast Counter -- NICE soundscape in the beginning. Super-meaty. Just the way I like it. Uh-oh, did I hear some slightly shrill highs. Better turn off the mu... no, wait; I'll keep listening. Wasn't a big fan of the saw lead & its lack of modulation. The dub-step was a bit phoned in, it seems, just a little vanilla for my taste. The Wily at 2:35 was excellent. Everything came together with that snare fill leading into that segment, and this is where the track really took off. Overall, the sound design was excellent, but the whole package just didn't grab me. Dr. Wiwwy, Polarized -- Sweet synth to kick it off. Just the right amount of resonance. The Magnet Man source in the beginning was a little odd-sounding, but I suppose that can't be helped when the source is so happy-go-lucky and the remix... isn't. The arrangement was fantastic. Both sources were loud and clear and well implemented. 2:02 kicked my ass. Excellent work. 2 chiptunes in a row? Care to make it 3? The galloping hat at the end was a little exposed and dry. Very enjoyable listen! Proud Warrior of a Forgotten Kingdom -- The track seems a little empty, and it sounds like a symphony of robots. Quite fitting, but no thanks. That being said, the harmonic structure is absolutely gorgeous. Even though it really sounded like a corny MIDI, I still liked what I heard. With a some more production polish, you sound like you could write some killer tracks. Bring The Heat -- Just like the last mix, the harmonies were quite interesting (albeit somewhat less so in this case), but the humanization and production elements just weren't in place. Tower Power Boogie -- I'm assuming this was sequenced, and if that's the case, I'd say it's a little "over-humanized" if you know what I mean. Rather than hesitations or anticipations, there are at times what feel like outright timing errors. 1:28 onward kicks ass except for the final little run which sounds pretty sloppy and probably would have benefited from not being a straight pentatonic run Shining Groove -- Kickass percussion to begin with. The snare isn't jiving with me for some reason. I think I just don't like the sample, but that's personal preference, no fault of yours. The filler improv around 1:22ish really didn't impress me, sorry :/ I didn't enjoy it at all, and it really didn't serve any purpose but to fill time. Something also bugged me about the harmonic progression at 2:34 (and at other times); it just didn't seem quite right, but I'm not a chord ace quite yet, so take that with a grain of salt. Otherwise, the arrangement was awesome. The Wily theme was the real star, and it carried the entire mix along quite well. The final bass performance was much more fitting for the mix and helped bring it to a close. Sound design was also a big positive throughout. The Fall -- This sounds quite a bit like "Title of Your First Remix" 2.0, and while both this and the last were absolutely fantastic pieces of music, despite the fact I don't much like vocals in my music, I really would have liked to have seen more variation. The backup vocals around 2:23 were VERY cool. Loved that processing. Super-tight production and arrangement. Robot Lounge -- The drums seemed a bit sterile. The snare especially could have used a little more width and compression. It sounds waaaay far back in the mix. The arrangement was excellent, and the sound design choices fit the genre perfectly. Perhaps the guitar could have used juuuust a bit more attention on the processing to really make it lounge-y, but I'd say it was 90% of the way there. Not much else to say. Great work! Wily's Bubble Bath -- Shit gets me amped. The phasing square chords in the beginning could use a little more beef. Not sure why I didn't pick up on that during my first couple of listens. Drums could have used a little variation, but fuck it, it's a dance song. THE DRUMS WERE FINE. The lead modulation starting at 2:42 is 100% certified sweet as hell. The ensuing solo is equally sweet but so unfortunately short... yet, it was the perfect length. Outro has pretty sparkles! If I could vote for you, it'd go in my top 3 for sure Planes, Trains, and Auto'n'Beat -- That name was incredibly arduous to type. Thanks. The intro sweep was properly rezzed & EQ'd. Took you long enough Excellent percussion work with interesting syncopations. The snare scratches (2:08 and another one soon after and another reverse one after that) were all a little dry and exposed. The glitching was suitably trippy and awesome. This whole remix sounds like it belongs in Deus Ex, and that's a hell of a compliment as far as I'm concerned. The arrangement was tight and interesting, and the sound design, as I implied, had a distinct sort of cyber-punk/industrial/hip-hop feel to it, and the fusion worked excellently. Combustive Implosion -- The name is X-TREME. The saw around 0:22 was a little weak. It's sounding pretty thin. The transition at 1:25 was super slick, and the ensuing chiptune bells were gorgeous. Sweet groove at about 1:56, too! The sub bass is ridiculously strong soon after, perhaps too strong for such a chill section, but once the filtered bass layers with it, it doesn't feel so exposed, and it all actually balances quite nicely. The transition at 3:04 just kind of didn't exist, and the remix just kind of ends. I'm assuming you ran out of time once you got to this section. Otherwise, I enjoyed it on the whole, but the last half was definitely stronger. Hornet of Legend, Planes, Trains, and Auto'n'Beat, and Dr. Wiwwy, Polarized stood at to me as the clear top 3. Because Hylian Lemon said PISS OFF ELECTRONIC MUSIC and branched off and did his own thing that the Irish have done for hundreds of years, and did it so well using electronic samples, I have to give him 1st. Once again, I really can't even pick between Gario's and Phonetic Hero's because I thought their merits were too disparate. COIN TOSS. HEAD GET. Phonetic Hero takes 2nd. Amphibious's effort gets a close 4th. The only reason it didn't make the list is because while I really enjoy lounge music, I consider it to be a "safe" genre in that it has a fairly simple formula and structure. The mixes I considered the top 3 were all idiomatic enough to sound like OCR-type music: stuff you just don't hear anywhere else. 1st = Hornet of Legend 2nd = Planes, Trains, and Auto'n'Beat 3rd = Dr. Wiwwy, Polarized edit: I realized I wrote "there" instead of "their," and it bothered me so much that I had to edit my post to fix it. I'm just that kind of person.
  21. I'm about 90% sure that ALL PS3 editions are capable of playing PS1/PSX games like Alundra, but Alundra can be downloaded on the PS3 for like $5 or $10 on Sony' Playstation Network or whatever it's called.
  22. Hah, that's awesome he reminds me of me when I was a kid, insofar as the gaming goes. I remember selling lemonade so I could buy Super Mario RPG at launch. Success. Hustling NES games to friends for outlandish prices so I could go to Funcoland and buy them back at 20% of my selling price? Check. Really, if you put that kid in front of Alundra and he beats the game within a reasonable amount of time, he's the champ. Of everything.
  23. Muuuuuch better designs now. I'd buy both. NO I will buy both.
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