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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I don't know much about Tekken except spamming backflips with Law. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm probably in.
  2. I gotta agree with halc. You're an incredible musician, man.

  3. Probably 80%+ of the time I do everything by ear which, as Rozo said, can lead to a more personal arrangement. I do, however, know some remixers who tend to use MIDIs pretty liberally but still manage to produce completely original-sounding arrangements. For me, the decision to use a MIDI or not is mostly motivated by laziness, but sometimes, the source is a bitch and I'd just rather not figure it out on my own. As far as transitions go, I do a little planning, but only once I decide I need one. I'll write new parts leading into the transition, and I'll try to work the music into the transition. Making the transition itself is one of those things I pretty much always wing because I love making crazy transitions. Whatever comes to me is what I'll do, and it's usually like 823478 automation clips deep.
  4. I introduced myself to you 3 times on 3 separate days. 3 times. 3 times. So... can you put a face to my name yet?
  5. Defeat is not in the lexicon of THE HARD MEN. All we know is how to be HARD and stick it to our competition.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the best post of the WCRG 2011.
  7. Seconded. Rozo scared me away right around the time I registered and posted my first horrible remix which he rightfully picked apart. Butthurt, I retreated from OCR. Butthealed, I returned almost a year later, and I'm so glad I did And like... dude... we've still never hung out I think you only live 15 minutes or so from me.
  8. Seconded. Rozo scared me away right around the time I registered and posted my first horrible remix which he rightfully picked apart. Butthurt, I retreated from OCR. Butthealed, I returned half a year later, and I'm so glad I did
  9. YEP. MAGFEST WAS AWESOME. I think I got some of virt's sweat on me during his live set, and I think that means I have superpowers now. Would be the shit to see you there next year.
  10. Ahhh, so I should have indicated my post was a drunk post. Ummm, so Luke... you hug the shit out of me one night like you hadn't seen me in years, and then the next morning, you don't even remember who I am. You are awesome. MAGFest was awesome. Everything is awesome. Too bad I'm home now And let's hear it for Gario who beat Silver Surfer right in front of my eyes. IN. CRED. I. BLE.
  11. Mother of god. OK, maybe I should have smiley'd. It was teh MAGFest silliez. Being that I've never exactly been harsh on the forum before, I didn't think it would be taken TOO seriously... so umm.. retroactive smiley faces for all! :( edit: That being said, everything helios said eariler I agree with. And my bitchy post was brought to you courtesy of Sailor Jerry's rum. I highly recommend it for parties and internet drama.
  12. Rexy, how dare you interrupt my MAGFest with incessant bitching. Shut the hell up, please.
  13. I was going to ask what the hell I was looking at here, but the file name answered it for me. This post has sufficiently contributed to the discussion.
  14. Rump Roast con(bitch)fit Add a half of a cup of duck fat to a crock pot, 1 quart of beef stock, a tablespoon of salt, celery, carrots, onion and potatoes to preference, and then make an ass out of yourself and bitch about how no one understands your "killer production chops." Cook on low for 10 hours, reduce the stock, and enjoy!
  15. Ubiktune. All of the releases. How had I not discovered that site earlier? If you haven't listened to c-jeff's latest release, you owe it to yourself.
  16. Consider yourself and everything you've ever loved dead.
  17. It's about time I got back to the gym. I was making fantastic progress and starting to get pretty ripped til I fell out of a god-damned tree at chthonic's place. Six months later, I think my back is in good enough shape to toss some weights around again, but it's going to be hard to juggle that with my budding music hobby and the time-vortex that is dental school :/ Also, I will eat less ice cream (lol, no i won't) and further optimize my Paleo lifestyle approach despite unbridled ice cream consumption.
  18. Awwwww... you're gonna make me squirt! I mean cry! *WCRG REFERENCE; MOVE ALONG* But noooo, really, I agree. I went from awfulatmusic several months ago to likely going to have a few remixes accepted once they're all submitted, and a lot of that improvement is due to the critiques and suggestions provided by YOU, OCR. Couple that with my nearly-finished debut EP, and I'd say this has been a pretty whirlwind 6 months of going from nothing to, well, something. Super-special thanks in no particular order go out to Benjamin Briggs, halc, Phonetic Hero, Modus, PROTO☼DOME (best i could do with your stupid dot), Emunator, TheGuitahHeroe, zircon, et al. I'd suck even more without you all Hell, might as well toss in a thank you for the WCRG competition. It really boosted my confidence in my music having others listen to, critique, and vote for it (and I even won a round???! wtffff), and that confidence has encouraged me to keep producing music that, apparently, people enjoy.
  19. Oh my god, Monster Party! The intro to that game is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The bat's name is Bert. And he's a space falcon. yeah.
  20. I want to kill you and eat your heart to acquire your abilities. This was fantastic, through and through. Sincerely, your biggest fan
  21. It was good the first time. It was good the second time. It was good the third time. It was good the fourth time. It was good the fifth time. It was good the sixth time. It was good the seventh time. It was good the
  22. ?!?!? Did I win round 6? I am entirely too lazy to count, but it kinda looks that way at a glance.
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