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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Also, I know this is really old now but... I was honestly one of the first people to ever play Slender. Within the first few days of its release, my friend showed it to me, and I had no clue what was coming... I honestly had nightmares for like 2 weeks. O_O
  2. I just talk to everything. I have like a connection with game characters. I have, in fact, had a crush on a few female characters from games.
  3. Phew. Glad I'm not the only one. And yeah, the first time I played Sonic and that drowning jingle came in, I had no clue what was going on and threw my head under a pillow. Mario never drowned in the early games, so it didn't make sense that Sonic would. Just the random change from a happy Labyrinth Zone song to music that sounded like 8-bit Jaws and made you feel that some random shark was going to come and bite Sonic's head off was just horrifying.
  4. I will try my very hardest to get my stuff done by the end of May. Got a lot of projects--both my own and other people's--that I'm trying to deal with. Does someone want to collab with my on mine? Can I just lay down the track and someone else can do all the fancy work on top of it? Like all the leads and stuff?
  5. King Boom Boo from Sonic Adventure 2. Or obviously The Mighty Poo from Conker's Bad Fur Day. That's a no-brainer.
  6. As much as the game itself was an utter piece of crap, Sonic hardly ever fails to have sucky music. The worst I can think of is Sonic R, and that's just simply because the vocals were bad. But the MUSIC itself was never bad. Sonic Adventure 2 gets a lot of hate? The only reason I've heard for hating that game is it somehow made the fanbase awful? Sonic Adventure 2 is personally one of my favorite games of any of the Sonic games, and yes, its soundtrack is beast.
  7. ......yay. (imagine that in caps letters and very enthusiastic)
  8. Sorry guys. Still haven't even begun mine. I will probably begin to have some more time to spend doing this by the middle of May or something.
  9. I'm responsible for adding on to the Slider song. Trying to get that done as soon as humanly possible. Struggling a bit right now hahaha
  10. Get a guy who's good with graphical stuff and is good with animation or something. Then put music behind that, if you get what I'm saying.
  11. This thread probably needs to move to a new location, probably. Doesn't seem to fit this category.
  12. Oh another thing I know is good advice that I was given and I fell in love with this type of music too. I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but: Study classical music and jazz. Period. Just do it.
  13. Going back to the original question... Probably, in that regard, yes. I really don't know... I mean if you are a very talented person and you can prove that you are a good music composer, then going to a university wouldn't necessarily be needed. But normally, I think that the answer to that question would be yes. In other areas in the music industry, college isn't required. Being a pop or rockstar or even being a session musician and even a songwriter doesn't require college at all. You can still go to a university or something, but if you already have enough knowledge in whatever you are planning to do (sessions, engineering, solo artist, etc.), then college/a university isn't really needed.
  14. Damashii and I are currently in the midst of trying to get the whole Slider track figured out. I believe he's going to send me something in a few days for me to listen to. EDIT: Welp, Damashii sent me what he's got for me to mess with, and it sucks. ;-P Kidding; it should be done hopefully rather soon. What he's sent me sounds really great so far.
  15. Mkay well I'll try my hardest to get something to you the soonest I can, but the first I'll be completely available to start will probably be the end of the first week of May. I'm planning on getting a different job this summer, though, but hopefully I'll be taking care of that after May.
  16. Wuh-oh. Double posting. I'm so totally busted. I'd like to echo what someone else did indeed ask. You said May is the deadline. But when specifically? I can probably get something to you by the end of May. School has just been pulling me back quite a bit, with the addition of other projects I've committed myself to.
  17. I'm just saying I've got limiter on my track. You can adjust the volume and EQ all you want and add more limiter if necessary or use multiband compressor or whatever. This shouldn't be hurting anything.
  18. I really wish you could see the argument about this referring to mastering the Sonic CD ReMix project. I don't mean to get into an argument or anything, but c'mon, brah. I have been taught in the past by my good ol' dad, who was and is a professional producer and mixer, to mix with a limiter. Most pro producers and mixers mix with the limiter and THEN take it to get it mastered, and they will take care of other things needed, most importantly volume and lots of times EQ, and occasionally stereo control. And these are professional mastering places. I know this because I've witnessed it time and time again and have even been a part of this process a few times. I'm not trying to make anyone mad here or begin a horrific argument, but I'm just trying to get my point across.
  19. I mix everything by putting limiter on first and then I mix. Limiter is more than just keeping things from clipping and letting everything be loud.
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