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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Hi there. So this new LP guy (by the username GuitarsandGameplays) got ahold of my personal LP friend, Josiah Clark (blinkkandyoumissit and HerrinPlays) and asked him who did his theme song at the intro of every episode. I did the theme for Josiah, so at that point Josiah led the guy to me, and he asked me to do a theme for him. All he asked was a techno-y, guitar-related theme. So I put together a very house, dubsteppy, techno-y sounding 15 second theme, and I need some guitar on it. And I don't play guitar. Please know this guy has got absolutely no popularity and I don't know if he ever will. But I decided I'd be a nice guy and do a theme for his intro just to be nice and because... why not? Just because he has no popularity, I'm not going to do a theme for him? I must apologize, there is no pay for this. He's not paying me, so I can't pay anyone else. Anyone who is interested, please PM me or post here you're interested and I'll PM you!
  2. That's what I was thinking and talking about. Unless you mean a capella, which would actually be neat to try. Or a really electronic sound, sorta like the thing those dudes remixed for Sonic Generations of Super Sonic Racing. That.
  3. Lol I love how you say that and then there's your name. You should start the thread just because of your username.
  4. This is a great arrangement, actually. The chords are really nice. Nothing to worry about there. The drums are a bit too sequenced and they sound a little too fake. I'd go and do some stuff to them. The bass is nice. I feel that's also a little to sequenced or something. Like, it just needs to sound a bit more real and not so perfect, if that makes sense. Organ solo is nice. But again, something about it just is too perfect and doesn't sound real enough. I think all of it is just too perfect. It needs to be a bit less perfect to sound more real, and maybe vary the velocity on the notes. I'd also say to put the tambourine in a little more on one of the ears. Not completely, but just like half or almost half or something. May be easier for it to pop out. I love the swing part. And the bass playing the melody is great. Bring up the organ there. I can hardly hear it and there should be more of it. When it goes into the straight beat, that's also really well done. I love the piano there. Maybe a little less perfect, like I've been saying. The organ solo there is practically perfect. Nothing really needed to be changed there. It's really nice. Again, when the tambo comes in, stick it a bit more in one of the ears. Since this is a much more laid back song, it's not so hard to make everything pop out, but I think everything is in the center and there should be a bit more stereo action. That synth near the end doing all that syncopated stuff is great. Bring that up a bit more and maybe put it a bit more in one of the ears, like with the tambo. I don't know. Great ending to the remix, also.
  5. It feels a bit too empty and the bass's low end on the EQ should probably be turned up. Everything sounds too sequenced. Add some variation. I think there's too much compression and I'd say turn up the beat quite a bit. I think I feel too much of it is just 8th notes. There should be more 16th note things in here. Like a shaker, maybe? Also, some notes don't work with the rest of the song. Some notes aren't playing the right notes. And I think there may be a bit too much reverb, or the high compression is just bringing it up too much. There is potential in this song, I believe, but you're just not there yet.
  6. Unless the animators intentionally try to make the character look gross and evil and disgusting, anime characters normally are just naturally cute. Fact.
  7. Right, right, I guess the way I said that made you think I was actually asking. I was wondering why the other guy was bringing that up when it wasn't in the track list, which is why I added a question mark. I was pretty much answering his question while wondering why he brought it up in the first place.
  8. We should totally do a collab on a Sonic R remix and it should be all electronic and there could be some rap breakdown.
  9. Ok well I will say that I will totally do a Sonic 3D Blast remix. Or yes, even Sonic R, as horrifying as the music may be to me. It wasn't as much of the music as it was that every time I played it I heard the music and the vocals and thought my mom was singing to the song behind me.
  10. Huh. I didn't know that, because I take forever to take notice of anything different. I always liked the newer remake of A Link to the Past (that's the one, right...?) because of the newer redone artwork. But it's always nice to see the original back from the early 90s.
  11. Holy crap, the Saturn is already going to be 20 at the end of next year? Ou... Well, you can't do an album without, uh, this...: CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE DOES IT BRIGHTEN UP YOUR DAY DON'T YOU FEEL THAT SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO RUN AWAY
  12. What's funny is how I come across this thread while I'm listening to Robot Rock in my shuffled playlist.
  13. YouTube ShmouTube. YouTube is meant for videos. Sure, half the viewers just go and listen to music, but that's sorta pointless. It's not meant for that. lol
  14. The jumping mechanics look all wrong. And why is the music so awful? They killed it.
  15. See, the last time I played a Spyro game was like 10 years ago for the PS1. But yeah, *most* of the time, the Wii port is the worst, normally just because of its technical limitations. I mean, I've seen a couple of games where the PS2 and Wii versions are the exact same while the 360 and PS3 have way better ports. Which is sorta sad how the Wii's port is exactly the same as a port for a system of an older generation.
  16. Any port that was for the Wii. If the game was made specifically for the Wii, it may be good. If it was made for the 360, PS3, *and* Wii, though, the Wii port is always the crappiest. I've yet to find a port of a game that is better on the Wii. Wii was great when it was Zelda or Mario or Metroid.
  17. I'm on it, dude. I'm doing the theme. Though I haven't even started. xD
  18. Ok, I do totally get your point. I still liked Other M, and this is just my opinion, but everything you said totally makes sense. I still enjoyed the game myself, but I guess I understand why so many others didn't. Yeah, a Zelda game having voiceovers just isn't right... lol if it was that way from the *start*, that would've been a different story. But it wasn't that way from the start, so it just wouldn't seem right. And I don't think anybody wants to hear Link talk again after... uh... "EXCUSE ME PRINCESS"... that. Same with Mario. Maybe that's partially the reason some had an issue with Sunshine. Because it included dialogue? I don't know. I enjoyed that game too. The controls were ridiculously frustrating, though, and I sorta gave up on the game. It was also smaller than 64 and was really different. The really different part sorta didn't matter to me, but it being smaller than 64 was just sorta dumb. The game would've been great if the controls were handled better. It was just really frustrating. Especially all those special secret levels.
  19. Same, but uh... you don't really need to play it to know how bad it is. Videos over YouTube proved that for me. And then came Game Grumps, so then I ended up loving the game because it was so bad and Game Grumps were so funny doing it.
  20. If you've ever been to Sonic News Network (where everyone there is both a little crazy and a little too obsessed with Sonic to ever give up on him... to put it simple they just don't want to believe Sonic '06 was a bad game so they say it was pretty good and that I'm just bashing it around no good reason... what a hilarious joke)...
  21. Hahaha ok, I'm just a little confused on why others hated it so much. But I guess it's sorta like all those crazy people who loved Sonic '06. I'm confused about that too. lol
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