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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Wow. This is really nice. And I am loving that bass.

    I think my only issue is that I feel more needs to come in. Snare could have more compressor on it to give it a more powerful kick, if you understand what I'm saying.

    Really nice mix overall. Great transition from Rusty Ruin to Hill Top. I didn't even think that would sound good, but you managed to do it and do it well. :D

  2. Done. If I can still answer the original question freely without having to do all those actual questions and such on that page then uh... Screw it I'm doing it.

    Why do I listen to video game music?

    Well first, one word. Nostalgia. I listen to Zelda or Mario or Sonic and my childhood returns to me again. Lots of times, even the darkest songs from a Metroid soundtrack can put me in a really good mood that day because it just reminds me of my childhood. And I don't know about everyone else, but my childhood rocked.

    I also listen to video game music because lots of times it seriously is written well. It doesn't necessarily sound very good (which is the case nearly--if not--half of the time), but lots of times the music is written well and can be a source of inspiration for my own original music. Melodies are very often ridiculously important in video games, as there is normally no lead lyrical vocals on a video game song. Often video game music can be crappy, though, but some of it I still listen to just because of that whole nostalgia thing.

    My parents didn't like the fact that I had interest in video game music. They thought that wasn't good influence on my musical skills. I was raised in a musical family, so this is why they were so concerned. And I listen to a ton of other artists out there. I listen to them more than any video game music, honestly. But there were some things about video game music that really got me thinking and inspired. And when it comes to me actually composing music for a video game, it's good to actually hear official video game music and be influenced by it. Often combining influence of video game music and popular music can create awesome things. Really, in general, being inspired by two different things and doing something like those two different things and mashing them together can create something new and cool. Hopefully that made at least a little bit of sense. I seem to be pretty good at failing to explain things.

    Also, listening to video game music is fun because you can find stuff you like and are interested in and remix it, which is why I am active on ocremix, of course.

  3. We have no deadlines at all.

    We just want music made specially for our game XD

    I have a couple of songs/remixes that we'd need for the game. Actually, I'll just post some in the OP.

    We're likely going to have around 100 stages, but yes, no deadlines. If anyone was willing to help you could take all the time you needed.

    I may sound stupid saying this, but what does OP stand for? xP

  4. Well yesterday me and my cousin played Sonic 2 and got to Winged Fortress Zone and then died, after noticing we had used 4 continues and like 20 lives. We weren't the best at that game.

    I sorta sat there and was like, "did we seriously just get so determined just to do that? What is the point?" Of course, that's how it is with most video games. Beating a video game hardly ever actually has an effect on your actual life.

  5. I'm going to be level with everyone. I started this project with the hope of giving singers a chance to shine here on the site. Now I can do all the lyric work if I have to (though I don't want it to come to that) and I can sing like it's nobodies business, but I am still a novice when it comes to making music. I need everyones help here if we are to make this thing work. This is the first time I'm doing something like this and I'm unsure as to how to get things rolling. Please, I need your help.

    I always am saying to give people deadlines. Not too quick of deadlines but not too long either. Like a month. Are you PMing people?

    That's useful too. I'm sure you've been doing both, though. I've never directed an album on OCRemix, so don't listen to me.

  6. If Rainbow Road for GCN is dropped, it's mine. :P

    I think it'd be nice if we had a few more Super Mario Kart songs in this record, such as the original main theme, and the SNES version of Rainbow Road is killer. Battle Mode in SMK is also cool. If any of these sound cool to you, I'm up for remixing one.

    The main menu of Double Dash is not very remixable, I don't think, but I could find a way around that and do something with it anyway.

  7. I almost want to claim "Legend of Hyrule", but I seriously feel unworthy of doing so. xD To do orchestral stuff will most certainly require my collaborating with someone else that has really good orchestra stuff. I've got Logic and the orchestra instruments sound pretty real, but they are limited to only being played note by note or chord by chord. They can't do arpeggios or anything related to that.

  8. If you're going for more professional stuff, then there isn't much stuff that is cheap. Like some of the others before me have said, there are sort of like dumbed down versions of all the pro stuff for cheaper, but there's hardly anything you're gonna get that's really good that you'll get a lot out of.

    I use a Mac, so I'm not sure how much help I can be. But FL Studio and Pro Tools are my best suggestions, and if they've said there's cheaper versions of those two, then great. If you had a Mac I would've suggested starting with GarageBand...

    I went from PC to Mac, because I prefer Mac over PC, mainly for its programs (such as Final Cut and Logic Pro... though Final Cut sorta is poopy now... I think I'm gonna get Premiere... but that's away from the main point) and its layout; it works better for me.

    But I'm going way out there now and hardly even talking about the main point, so there ya go.

  9. New Version!


    Took a vacation then came back at it.

    Changes include:

    -Added new breakdown [With a little Carnival Night-ness]

    -Excised some redundant notes to give instruments more headroom

    -Tweaked levels and compression here and there.

    -Added a couple breaks

    -Brought back the beginning section to round things out.

    Still working on the overall mix, as well as small bits to vary up the sound.

    Wow! Great work!

    I'd say my biggest issue is I think the snare is too compressed in a way that makes it not pop out as much. I think it needs to be compressed in a way where it has a much clearer hit, if any of that even remotely makes sense to you.

  10. Hi everybody,

    My name is Simon Viklund and I'm a music composer/remixer/interpreter who has been working in the game dev industry since twelve years back. Some of you my recognize my name - I've done some work for Capcom (the Bionic Commando Rearmed soundtrack being my most acclaimed piece of work).

    I've gotten in contact with the videogame speedrun community Speed Demos Archive and they run an annual charity fund raising speedrun marathon called Awesome Games Done Quick. The first year they raised $22,000 and each year they've been more ambitious and raised more money - last year they raised $149,000 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation!

    I wanted to help and somehow make video game music remixing a prizes for the live stream, to entice and motivate people to donate more money. What I came up with was this:

    People can attach text messages to their donations, so we encourage donators to write down their piece of videogame music. Winners will be chosen by determining who made the most generous donation by a certain time limit during the speedrun marathon. The winner then gets the honor of having his/her favorite music remixed by talented videogame remixers!

    Remixing has to be done while the marathon takes place - I would suggest that you try to be finished with your remix in 12 hours or less so that there isn't too much of a delay from when the winner is appointed to when the prize is distributed - and the final song has to be mp3 encoded and sent to the marathon organizers so that they can put it up on their site while the marathon still goes on. The winner's remix prize will be a free download for everyone who visits the site.

    If you have a web camera and can stream an image from your working environment as you're creating the image, that would be wonderful! Streaming the creation of the art live would go so well with the internet and "live stream" concept of the entire event - people will be able to see videogame speedruns live, make charity donations, win prizes, see their prizes be created by the artists in live streams! It'll be cool!

    Do you want to be a part of this? Contact me immediately on this forum! The marathon starts on Sunday the 6th of January 2013 and goes on for one week, day and night.

    Let's help fight cancer!

    Well hi there! Geesh, wow! So the idea is that we send a remix starting the 6th for a week and one person wins and money goes to cancer patients (or something of that sort... I really hope I'm not sounding rude... I'm just trying to make sure I have this right) and the winner gets his/her remix made a free download on the site? Slightly confused on the rules. If I got it right, then cool.

    I'd like to be a part of this. But of course, I probably wouldn't win. But I'd still love to contribute. ^_^

  11. I already have joined too many other projects, but if I happen to drop out of any of the other ones or finish another one really soon here (which is actually very possible), I am very interested in this.

    I would claim one, but I'm going to give it a little bit to see if I'll have the time to be a part of this, if you understand what I'm saying. I just happen to want to be a part of everything, whether it's a remix album project or something completely different.

  12. When doing drum parts in the past I've always loaded my own samples into separate tracks and EQed them from there, however I'm kind of confused as to how people work with drum libraries/vsts where all the sounds are on one track.

    Do you have to create a different instance of the same instrument for each drum sound in order to be able to EQ them properly, or is there a way around this?

    I'm using Kontakt for the most part, but I can't find a way to EQ individual notes instead of the whole instrument. Is there a simple way to do this?



    No clue what anyone else has said, but here's how I do it.

    I use Logic, and I know Kontakt works with that, but I don't use Kontakt, and I don't know what software you use, but hopefully this won't be too different.

    If you are a Logic user at all, Ultrabeat is a very useful plugin that actually comes with the software. It's very nice and you can seperately EQ specific drums while all on the same track.

    If you don't use Logic, what I've always done is just duplicate the kit and have a snare track, kick track, hat track, tom track, and cymbal track. Obviously, because it isn't an actual recording, there's no Overhead mic track or anything.

    I'm not sure if that was even your question. If your question was literally "how do others do it all on one track", I seriously don't really have an answer other than the Ultrabeat solution I gave. There are probably tons of other plugins that have the same role as Ultrabeat, so that may be the explanation (like Kontakt, I bet).

    With my record I released on iTunes almost a year ago, though, I only had one song with a real drum track. Any other song with real-sounding drums were really just fake, but I recorded all on one track. I mixed it all on one track, and I'm not sure why I did. It doesn't sound awful, but it doesn't sound amazing either. I had been recording that whole record in 2010-2011, but by now I record any drum stuff I do in separate drum tracks for specific drums, like most people. Of course, this last record was more of just a simple, indie, half-acoustic record, so it was more about the songwriting than the way it sounded. I'm working on a new record and it's based more around programming and sound than the songwriting.

    I guess really, it all depends on what you're doing. But hardly do I ever hear about OTHERS using one track to do a full kit on.

    This was probably a waste of your time to read, so I apologize. My A.D.D. and my going off-subject and saying things that really aren't needed.

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