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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Ok ok ok ok ok ok.


    Your mixes now do by SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st.

    The listening party is tentatively scheduled for the 22nd.

    If you haven't gotten around to your song yet, NOW IS THE TIME. Do not wait another week before you get started. The deadline WILL NOT be extended a 2nd time.

  2. Not to sound like an a-hole who doesn't understand that people have things to do, but good lord this won't be any fun if there aren't any tracks to present lol. Granted there's still a whole list of people who entered and majority probably have mixes to show xD. I think I'll be sendin mine in today I don't see any other problems with it...

    I would say usually half the people don't finish, and a 1/5th of people do REALLY good mixes. It takes a good amount of discipline to be given a song you're not necessarily familiar with and make a mix in a month, but that is why it's a challenge =P

  3. I have a question: since were sending these to thasauce, does that mean we can't submit it here?

    And I'm guilty of starting late, I started workin on it about a week ago but I'm on a roll and should be done bythe time these are due. I hope that you'll like my track Hoboka hehe.

    ? You can do whatever you want with your track. It is yours, after all. We just need them all in the compo system so we have a single place to get them, every is sure they have reliable hosting, and we can easily do the listening party at the end.

  4. The new Castlevania games are very different than the old ones. The old ones were far more based on player skill in defeating bosses, as you had no real inventory, no experience levels, no shops, no grinding, etc. You had to be good enough to fight through a level without getting hit or dying too many times, learn boss patterns, and rely on your platforming skills far more. In the new CV games (which, mind you, I do enjoy) most encounters can be beaten simply be leveling up more, finding better items, or spamming healing/defensive magic/items in boss fights. There is little actual platforming challenge.

    The new ones are a very specific kind of platformer, with an exploration focus. The old ones were strictly action platformers with minimal RPG elements.

    AoS is extraordinarily similar in gameplay to SotN. The only real difference, EFFECTIVELY, is that AoS has more spells. Otherwise, it's extremely similar.

    I played through all of PoR using only Jonathan. I never saw the need to switch to the other character, honestly. And again, it's all minor variations of the same thing. It could have been another game mode of SotN or AoS and I wouldn't have blinked. Just because the way you obtain new abilities is different doesn't make the gameplay at all different in any significant way.

    Admittedly I haven't played Order, so I can't comment on that, only the ones I have played.

    In Portrait, being "outside of the castle" just meant being in Paintings which really was not any different at all. The level designs were still similar and the gameplay was still similar. Strictly cosmetic.

    The Mario series evolved WAY more than the Castlevania series. CV has made one and only one big jump, and that was from their old style (no RPG elements, no exploration) to the SotN style (RPG elements, exploration.) Otherwise, they've only made incremental improvements. The series as far as I can tell is getting very stale. Part of this is the nature of the recent CV games. They're not adding any fundamentally different features to the engine or the gameplay. Every challenge can always be completed by just grinding, finding better items, min-maxing, etc. and player skill is ultimately minimized by the end of the game. Compare this to the Mario series. Even though I played and beat SMG1, SMG2 added a ton of completely fresh levels and challenges which kept me interested the entire time. Because Mario is inherently skill-based as a platformer, adding new and dynamic areas will always be an interesting challenge.

    As a big fan of basically all the series you listed, I would say that Castlevania is by far the most stale by far. All of those series you've listed have made drastic changes over the course of their lifetimes, even with recent installations. Those that haven't are probably primarily skill or plot-based (or both) meaning you don't need to add major gameplay features in order to keep it fresh - more levels and minor tweaks are just fine (eg. Half Life 2.)

    Guys. GUYS.

    Mega Man.

    I'm out.


    On the subject of Singularity, I heard of someone that used to work at Ravensoft years and years ago. He spoke of a game that under went change after change after change. From first person, to over the shoulder to mimic Gears (which required the level design to be rethought since the camera angle changed), then added elements to mimic Bioshock because that became "the thing", and then around the Portal age they thought of a "time gun." Which apparently caused a lot of grief among the developers.

    I feel like....this was forever ago. I'm surprised this game actually made it, I'm even more surprised of the elements all making it in the final product, lol

  5. The second pass (where they showed the line) obviously was onside. The initial pass was almost definitely offside, even though Iniesta didn't receive the ball, he was in an advantageous position, so the call should have been made at that point.

    Red card was awarded for a pretty obvious dive, a corner kick got turned into a goal kick for some reason, shitty ref etc.

    Terrible game overall. Spain didn't look nearly as impressive as they did against Germany, and Netherlands just fouled way too much. Definitely not fun to watch. Honestly, Germany - Uruguay would have made for a better final.


    30 more years of butt-hurt starting right now :<

  6. EXCELLENT game. Well deserved win by Spain, both teams played their heart out, but Spain played their game like they have been playing the whole time. Ball control. Ball Control. Ball control.

    The Netherlands did everything they could, but in the end they got a well-deserved 2nd place.

    GG by everyone, and FINALLY grats to España.

  7. The soundtrack is currently available on a 2-disc set to members of the Japanese Club Nintendo as a reward. It can be acquired at the cost of 500 Star Points, though members who register a product code after purchasing Super Mario Galaxy 2 can obtain it for 300 Star Points.[37] There have been no announcements about the soundtrack's availability in other territories.

    Which means:


  8. Germany, no question.

    They've been dominating this whole tournament. Spain's barely making it through and when they do it's usually because their opponents are playing terribly.

    Except that Spain has only conceded 2 losses in the past 3 years.

    Surely Germany has been wiping the floor with people left and right and is somewhat favored to win, Spain had to play Portugal which is a way better team than Argentina or England.

    They've made it this far, and I don't expect them to go quietly in the slightest.

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