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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. So, yeah.


    Down for at least a week and a half now, based on when this thread over at The Shizz was created (there's no word officially about what's going on there either). Sad times, even if the site hasn't been in operating condition for quite awhile, it is part of the history of this community. Has anyone heard any confirmation regarding the current status of VGMix?

    VGMix.com is still registered. Not parked. Not stolen.

    At this point, for the domain to be showing up with NOTHING they either deleted everything in the hosting account, or re-pointed it somewhere else, or a number of other things.

    We know 2 things:

    1) They didn't let the DOMAIN just up and die.

    2) They (probably) didn't let the hosting account go unpaid and die.

    Essentially this is happening more likely because someone DID something, rather than someone NOT doing something.

    VGMix is a domain that, like OCReMix, would be pretty much stolen immediately if it was let go.


  2. I just noticed that not all of the songs had the same www... tags. I was looking at the extended tags in Mp3tag. I don't remember which song, and it's probably not an issue. Just thought I'd let you know that they were looking good.

    It's not really helpful unless you can tell him which ones. That's kind of the point of asking.

    Anyway I'll look at it.

    Edit: Yea Larry, all the songs have the album as http://www.ocremix.org

    That's not the URL anymore, that forwards to http://ocremix.org so the album field should be changed accordingly.

  3. Ghana played better overall today, but in that extra time, they should've gotten a ton of yellow cards/red cards for that intentional diving and delaying of the game. What a terrible ref.

    I can definitely agree some of that shit was getting ridiculous.

    It was a great game. Both teams played hard, Ghana came out and won. The first half the US was totally slacking, Ghana took advantage, second half, USA brought it up.

    The last 2 games the US won they were really dominating, they were just getting screwed for lost goals. This game they just didn't get in there. They got 1 PK goal, and nothing else.

    GOOD GAME played by both teams. Sad to see this United States team go down after such a good run. SUPER excited my favorite is moving on

  4. Pretty torn right now. I love Ghana (as I've said from the beginning), and I'd love to see an African Team really make it somewhere significant (not that this far isn't significant), but the United States has fought harder than any team I've seen.

    The first half Ghana came out and played their hearts out, the second half United States got their second win and Ghana started getting sloppy...

    ...in the possible overtime, anything could happen, and a shoot-out might give the quarter of the United States (hopefully more, by this point) following the World Cup a fricken heart attack. D:

    May the best team win.

  5. My HEART is BREAKING right now ;-;


  6. lol France spoiled South Africa from moving on

    Even if France hadn't scored on South Africa at all they'd still needed 3 more goals of a lead to move on. The goal difference for Mexico is +1 as opposed to S. Africa's -2.

    So basically S. Africa would've had to win with a 5 goal advantage.

  7. I can't even the overall frustration of BOTH teams up to that point. They must've been getting so annoyed after soo many close calls on both sides. I can imagine how impulse could start taking hold, but that doesn't excuse it.

    That red card though...he pretty much grabbed the guy and HELD ON. You KNOW you have a yellow card, man. These refs are ON it, are you dense or what?

  8. 20/200 is all it takes to be legally blind? whew, i'm legally eyeless, then.

    20/200 AFTER the highest possible corrective lenses is legally blind, so we're not there ...yet!

    I will wait one week from the time of this post until I start bugging you.

    It's a pretty easy fix. He just changed the rounded corners from an image based solution to CSS3, I'll have something up today probably.

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