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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. First and formost, let me assure everyone that the judges are not the only people who can DJP.

    (btw, BGC can DJP, too. Proof? Why do you think the camera is not steady?)

    Here's Dave with the mighty OCR guitar


    STILL needs a Rama signature. Which means it's currently still worthless.

  2. First off:

    A kick is just a kick, and it's not a ban. Kick's are usually harmless and you, more often than not, know why you're getting kicked. I'm not going to say all F4T4L's kicks are completely justified. I'm not going to say all MY kicks are completely justified, but I am going to say that I'm positive no one's ever lost sleep after getting kicked from an IRC channel, especially since almost ALL of us have auto-rejoin on kick.

    Second off:

    I'm not going to scrutinize every time F4T4L has banned someone, or every time bluefox has been banned. F4T4L has been an op for a LONG TIME and he's more than familiar how things go around here. If he wanted to hold a personal grudge against someone I'm sure we'd see a LOT more abuse than what we see right now. I ASSURE you. Bans that go out now are normally only 2 or 3 seconds at a time, and are usually a joke anyway. Let's not all get out feelings hurt over something so trivial. Trust me, I've been banned from #ocremix for longer for less.

    Third off:

    bluefox has a history. He has a LONG LIST of warnings from a number of operators. The fact that F4T4L happens to be the one taking action now is just a coincidence.

    General example of bluefox conversation goes as follows:

    16:45] <Rhodry> holy crap these directions

    [16:45] <Rhodry> Take exit 254 toward Airport/US-441/Orange Blossom TR/Bee Line Expy/US-92/US-17/SR-528 Toll

    [16:46] <Rhodry> It's like, "This exit goes EVERYWHERE!"

    [16:47] <bluefox> >_>

    [16:47] <fivre> I like the ones that tell me to go down a culdesac and then back out

    [16:47] <Rhodry> I have never seen that.

    [16:47] <Rhodry> Although I do it all the time delivering pizza.

    [16:51] <fivre> arrgh

    [16:51] <fivre> stupid broken avi

    [16:52] <bluefox> somehow I think Rhodry's planning on delivering sausage if he comes my way

    [16:54] * Eon_Blue (~twishart@bas14-toronto63-1177973789.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #ocremix

    [16:55] <bluefox> ... ironically I like pepperoni and sausage pizza o.o

    [16:55] <bluefox> ... mom says she doesn't want mice shitting in the toaster

    [16:56] <bluefox> how the fuck...

    [16:56] <fivre> you shouldn't either

    [16:57] * +GSlicer (~GSlicer@124-171-166-16.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout)

    [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Hey

    [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> So

    [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Rhodry is in Orlando

    [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Also:

    [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Those are like...1 road

    * Looking up Rhodry user info...

    [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> I mean

    [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> Assuming that's Orlando

    [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> 528 is 441 is Semeron DR, which the airport is on

    [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> Which I also live on

    [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> Semoran?

    [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> I don't know how you spell it

    [17:00] * metaphist (~chatzilla@ has joined #ocremix

    [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> But yea they weren't really planning on Orlando getting as big as it is

    [17:01] * Nienna-sleepies is now known as Nienna

    [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> So every road is like 8 different roads converged

    [17:01] <bluefox> Orlando? He said he lives in Texas

    [17:01] <bluefox> how the hell is Texas in Orlando?

    [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> Melbourne

    [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> Is Florida

    [17:01] <bluefox> no shit.

    [17:01] <bluefox> it's on the east coast

    [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> Houston to Melbourne obviously means he's driving through Orlando

    [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> Because I know Orlando's roads

    [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> And he SAID he's going to Melbourne

    [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> So where's your point?

    [17:02] <bluefox> Melbourn looks like it's actually on the beach

    [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> ...

    You'll notice how bluefox injects his "sausage" comment so that, if anyone in the channel didn't know already, you GET that he's gay. Incidentally everyone in the channel already knows, so he's just regurgitating information for the umpteenth time.

    He THEN goes on to try to dispute what I was saying having not read what Rhodry was saying at all, and then completely changing the subject when he realizes what he's done.

    Again: bluefox knows what he's done, and other ops know what he's done.


    If bluefox wanted his argument to be taken seriously he'd talk directly to the people he needs to to get it resolved: DJP and the other ops in #ocremix. If his cries went unanswered there than you'd know why right there. The other ops are all regulars i #ocremix, they know what goes on in #ocremix, and if they feel that bluefox was rightfully banned, than that's how it stands. If they feel he was NOT, then he'll be UNBANNED.

    This thread was entirely unnecessary.

  3. You can have both RockBox and the iPod stuff installed at the same time. You don't even have to format your iPod to install RockBox. I had both installed for awhile, but RockBox eats battery and doesn't support album art very well (which I put a lot of time into making sure I have). I plays way more formats, which is nice, but I didn't like the library listing as much either.

    Both have their advantages, but like I said, you don't have to really COMMIT to either.

    Note: One day my iPod quit noticing anything in my library all together. My songs were there but neither RockBox nor the iPod OS recognized them, all I could play were the MPCs I had on there through RockBox. When I plugged it back into my computer my computer recognized there was nothing in my iPod library, and cleared the space.

    I don't know if that's because of Rockbox, but I didn't reinstall.

  4. Joe Pleiman, most know around here as half of The Rabbit Joint (LoZ "Rabbit Joint Cover") and a member of The Black Lodge (Z64:OoT "Ocarina Boogie", since removed) was part of a band called Hip Tanaka, named after the composer and another side project of Pleiman's. The band even owned HipTanaka.com at one point, but the band/project died off.

    Nothing listed at archive.org works after the 2003 stuff. AFAIK, the band did originals despite their name, not game arrangements, just to clarify. Last but not least, they were based in the Boston area. With the contact info at the Rabbit Joint artist page here, you can contact Joe and (hopefully) ask him whatever you want about Hip Tanaka. Who knows, maybe he has some leftover stickers. They also have some material possibly still available from CD Baby. Hope that helps!

    How the hell do you know all this? I hate you.

  5. Borat was always funny and though I keep trying to hate his character, I can't. It's not the character's own fault that his jokes became overplayed by its viewers. It's the Napoleon Dynamite syndrome.

    It wasn't even like that before the movie, either =\

  6. It makes sense. It's hard to have fun with unsuspecting people when so many know the character you're trying to fool them with. He got some mileage out of Borat and the other one, so it's a good idea to come up with a new character or two now.

    He still has Bruno, though I don't expect that to work for long, either. Since Bruno REALLY looks like...well Sacha. Nothing really hiding that.

    Bruno has the best Sacha Baron-Cohen skit ever, imho

    Edit: Aww, that link cuts out the best part when he tells them that's for the Austrian Gay TV, lol

  7. if someone honestly doesn't have a coat, i'll just give them mine. it's 21 degrees outside and we haven't even turned on the heat for the winter yet. i mean, my room is 57 degrees and i'm sitting here in my socks and a pair of shorts.

    yeah, last year we pretty much went out for every meal, just about, so we did a fair amount of walking/driving.

    edit - 55 degrees

    It's 52 outside here, and my heat is on 75.

    Anything below 70 can flash freeze a Floridian -_-

  8. Quite possible. I'm from FL too and the weather in DC has been nightmarish already. 2 snows in the last 2 weeks and a third coming later this week. It was 18 this morning at the house and winter hasn't even started yet. I'd pack the heavy coats. I remember how bitter cold magfest 4 was (even snowed briefly on the last day) and that much was further south :(


    oh bother -_-

  9. I put on my robe and swimming hat.

    Sounds awesome. Weather.com says it's going to be 28 degrees F (-2 degrees C) at night.

    True story, I was cooking with my robe on and landed the arm on the burner. One arm now has some melty burns on the cuff. It's still my only robe, so it'll be the one i'm bringing.

    WTF 28 DEGRES?


    It's not gonna snow, is it? D:

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