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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. i'm in. might as well throw just another thing into the ring for me to work on.

    only one catch - it needs to be classical, so that i can use it for grad auditions. whatever you want me to do, it's gotta have enough classical elements so that i can use it in a masters of music: composition degree (fusion, jazz elements, etc are fine, but it's gotta have classical elements). if this disqualifies me... =(

    It won't for now. We'll just deal with stuff on a case by case basis. Like I said before, there's no real "winner" here, it's just a test of your skills, as well as a chance for listeners to get some requests filled. It'd be really unfortunate for us to shut people out who could otherwise make a good mix.

    But again: case by case basis.

  2. The History:

    Way back in 2002 a forum user name "I Like Cookies!" (now just Jeff), ran a 1-shot competition called the Freshly Baked ReMixer challenge. In the thread artists signed up and were assigned challenges posted by other forum users. This is how artists like myself, Suzumebachi, and GLL all got out starts. There were also some other impressive tracks by Disco Dan and a few others.

    Some time later the same user did the Second Annual FBRC which, while not as popular as the first one, still saw some solid success.

    Since the competition has long been forgotten by most, and seeing all the talent that's on OCReMix today, I think it's time we try a revival.

    The Premise:

    As stated above the idea of the competition is for forum users to challenge remixers to remixes of songs/games they request. The remixer than has a predetermined amount of time to produce a remix of said material.

    The Plan:

    Previously everyone just winged it, and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I've been tossing around in my head a new system that should make the situation better for everyone...


    Phase 1 will be mixer sign-up. It will last until next Saturday, and ANYONE wishing to enter may. Be it an established artist or not. Any and all are welcome, and encouraged to enter.

    The Challenges:

    Following Phase 1, there will be a 1 week period where any forum user can submit challenges. Be it from a game, or a specific song. Challengers MUST include a source tune for reference and ALL CHALLENGERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO NOT PICK SONGS THAT'RE TOO OBSCURE . This is merely a suggestion as the easier it is for a remixer to get a midi, or familiarity with a song, the more likely the finished project will be a quality piece of work. During Phase 2 each user is only allowed 1 challenge. ReMixers already in the challenge are allowed to issue challenges themselves. I reserve the right to reject certain requests.

    The Match-Ups:

    Once we populate a list of mixers and challenges, a script be create and will distribute the songs to each mixer. There will a few days grace period while we sort everything out, and following that mixers will have 1 month to finish their challenge. In the event that there are more challenges than mixers (which is likely) if a mixer successfully finishes their challenge (COMPLETED a QUALITY remix) then they are free to once again randomly select another song from the pool. The only stipulation is remixers CAN NOT be selected to remix a song THEY requested as a challenge.


    There will be NO voting. This contest is specifically for remixers to test their abilities as a mixer, and to give users a chance to get their favorite under-remixed song finally mixed. Everyone who completes a quality product is a winner, and every listener wins as well.

    Current Status:

    • Phase 1 (Mixer Sign-Up, NO REQUESTS): Wednesday, January 23rd - Saturday, Febuary 2nd, 23:59PM EST
    • Phase 2 (Song requests): Sunday, Febuary 3rd - Saturday, Febuary 9nd, 23:59PM EST
    • Phase 3 (Mixing stage):Febuary 17th - March 16th, 11:59PM

    Phase III: Mixing

    The mixing matches for stage 3 can be found here. At this time artists are UNABLE to re-roll their mixes other than otherwise stated here. You have until March 16th to complete a polished piece of work. If you finish early and want another mix details are here and here.

    When your mix is complete it will need to be uploaded to Compo:ThaSauce. This WILL require you to have an account on ThaSauce, and will AUTOMATICALLY LOCK once the mixing stage is over.

    You are free to post WIPs of your mixes in this thread, but please do not upload anything but your FINAL WORK to the Compo page.

    PLEASE NOTE: Mixer sign-ups AND song requests WILL BOTH BE HANDLED IN THIS THREAD.

    The Mixers (61):

    • Ramaniscence
    • Mewtation
    • starla (injury)
    • Dyne
    • Theory of Nonexistence
    • Xerol
    • DjSammyG
    • Escariot
    • Suzumebachi
    • Kanthos
    • Da Profette uv Mefeestoh
    • Gecko Yamori
    • HoboKa
    • analoq
    • jmr
    • The Joker
    • Monobrow
    • Flik
    • Fishy
    • V___
    • Arek the Absolut
    • Bahamut
    • pu_freak
    • Another Soundscape
    • bladiator
    • DeathBySpoon
    • Chrono
    • Arglebargle
    • SiMV (ToN's friend)
    • Jaybell
    • OA
    • Neonlare
    • Hemophiliac
    • SnappleMan
    • Ralphis
    • Tricklozen
    • sixto
    • BardicKnowledge
    • ILLiterate
    • Alex Smith
    • Moseph
    • Hylian Lemon
    • Sinewave
    • Oni-91
    • José the Bronx Rican
    • BeleagueredandBeset
    • Flexstyle
    • DJ SymBiotiX
    • Chickenwarlord
    • molto pene
    • OneUp
    • Abadoss
    • Bundeslang
    • Fusion2004
    • PosiBolt
    • LongeBane
    • Audix
    • Hausdog
    • Gimgak
    • DemanusFlint
    • Trenthian

    Accepted Match-Ups:

    1. Mario & Luigi - Partners in Time: Thwomp Volcano - Exterior (Ramaniscence)
    2. Legend of Mana: Moonlit City Lumina (Another Soundscape)
    3. PoKéMon Red: Silph Co. (Bahamut)
    4. Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers: Zone J (The final level) (Escariot)
    5. TMNT 3 - The Manhattan Project: Theme of Half Shell (Hylian Lemon)
    6. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Surpassing the Wall (Tricklozen)
    7. Ultima Online: Create 1 (Oni-91)
    8. Rocket Knight Adventures: Stage 7 (José the Bronx Rican)
    9. Earthbound: Smiles and Tears (Jaybell)
    10. Final Fantasy IX: Freya's Theme (Theory of Nonexistence)
    11. Pheonix Wright - Ace Attorney: Objection! (Dyne)
    12. Quest for Glory: Erana's Peace (jmr)
    13. Live-A-Live: The Bird Flies in the Sky, the Fish Swims in the River (Da Profette uv Mefeestoh)
    14. Kirby Super Star: Save Area (Chickenwarlord)
    15. Terranigma: Call at a Port (SnappleMan)
    16. Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (Level 5) (sixto)
    17. Brandish: Tower (BardicKnowledge)
    18. The Maze of Glacious: Castle - Knightmare (Gimgak)
    19. Shantae: Harbor Town (Suzumebachi)
    20. Mystic Ark: Your Fighting Eyes Are Always Beautiful] (molto pene)
    21. Sonic Advance: Egg Rocket Zone, Act 1 (Beatdrop)
    22. Sonic the Hedgehog: Labrynth Zone )SiMV) (ToN's friend)
    23. Mega Man X: Epilogue (V___)
    24. Chrono Trigger: Tyrano Lair (Steffan Andrews)
    25. Metal Gear (MSX): Stage 1 / Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions (ILLiterate)
    26. Guardian Legend: Area 3-4 (PosiBolt)
    27. Chrono Trigger: A Shot of Crisis (Fishy)
    28. Donkey Kong Country 2: Island Map Theme (HoboKa)
    29. Final Fantasy IX: Kuja's Theme (The Joker)
    30. Wai Wai World: Final Stage (BeleagueredandBeset)
    31. Super Adventure Island (starla)
    32. Death Jr: Parlor Tricks (Monobrow)
    33. Zelda: Wand of Gamelon: Overworld (Bundeslang)
    34. Wario Land 2: Credits Theme (analoq)
    35. Secret of Evermore: Crustacia (Abadoss)
    36. Star Tropics: Dungeon (Hemophilliac)
    37. Tenchi Souzou: Call to Port (Arek)
    38. Shining Force: Field Map 3 (Flik)
    39. Realms of Arkania 2: FX013 (Fusion2004)
    40. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Major League Baseball: Play Ball! (Track 02) (Gecko Yamori)
    41. Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal: Goldenrod City (DJ SymBiotiX)
    42. Lemmings 2 - The Tribes: Medieval Tribe (DeathBySpoon)
    43. Little Nemo - The Dream Master: Dream 6 - The Cloud Ruins (DjSammyG)
    44. Phantasy Star IV: Meet Them Head-On! (Battle Theme) (OA)
    45. Donkey Kong Country 3: Kastle Kaos (Mewtation)

  3. I want a new New Super Mario Bros. game. The last one didn't totally satisfy me.

    Patapon looks like it could be fun. But I'm not sure you consider it pure platforming. It's more like a side-scrolling strategy action game.

    Yea, I want a real Super Mario Bros 4, or a Super Mario World 3 that isn't Yoshi's Story (even though I love Yoshi's Story series).

    I miss fire plant Mario, and cape/racoon mario, and frog mario. I WANT THEM BACK.

  4. There are talks of MAG VII being on New Year's Day.


    tbh it's better than anything else I'd be doing for New Years, and it'd have to be then for me to be on Winter Break. Hell, I might be able to stay around LONGER then and not have to rush home before school starts again like I always do :(

  5. I hope it has the Rama report every 3 or 4 months, just like VGDJ. :-)

    jk dude, I'll be checking this out for sure. :-)

    They're trying to get my to CO-HOST. Like THAT shit'll ever happen, lol.

    Neat, kinda dragged, but oh well, it's covering MAGfest. Hopefully there will be some sort of format for them in the future, but hey, any videogame music podcast is fine by me.

    Yea, this one was pretty free form because of the sheer volume of stuff there was to cover from MAGFest. I hope to at least start cementing in a solid format by the next episode.

  6. As someone who has been using a Macbook for 1 1/2 years now, I'm gonna have to agree with much of that (although I know little about graphics work with a Mac, my friends do just fine on a PC). I'm sick of my Macbook, iTunes, 1 click mouse, and no customizable parts on a desktop, and I want to build a desktop so badly and get back to Windows.

    Also, I'm very skeptical about the Macbook Air because my Macbook has a 2.0 Ghz Core Duo, while the Core 2 Duo is not much better for laptops and the Macbook Air has CPUs with lesser clock speeds. My computer has been trudging along a good portion of the time, and for a computer with roughly the same specs as my Macbook, it doesn't impress at all.

    I have crashes just as often as I did on Windows, if not more.

    I was an exclusive PC user until I got my MacBook Pro, and now I almost never use my PC. I really like iTunes, but there are lots of alternatives, and I find that almost every application I use on a PC has a equal or greater equivalent that runs on OS X.

    The only instance where I've preferred PC programs over Mac apps are mIRC for IRC and EditPlus for text editting, both of which I have running on my Mac via CrossOver. The ONLY thing I WISH I had on a Mac was Tag&Rename. Oh well.

    NOTE: MacBook users have no place to complain about a 1 button mouse. If you ARE you don't know how to use your OS (much like where most problems with Windows Vista stem from).

    System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Trackpad -> Check "FOR SECONDARY CLICKS, PLACE 2 FINGERS ON THE TRACK PAD AND CLICK THE BUTTON"

    Note: I've never been a big PC gamer other than R:TS and WoW. I purchased C&C3 for PC and later got a Mac version (which runs with my PC CD and key). WarCraft 3, StarCraft, and WoW all play on a Mac, so I was satisfied with that. I installed Portal via CrossOver (and sacrificed DX9 support in doing so).

    EDIT: I should note that my MAIN announce with OS X is the lack of window management. If you're not using Expose and/or Space you have windows ALL OVER THE PLACE, not really docking/sticking to anything, and alt-tab only goes through programs, not windows WITHIN programs. Fusion is still using the drop-down menus to toggle windows -______-. l2 OS X people, seriously.

  7. Contra 4 is a horrible game with horrible music and virt is a horrible composer and you are a horrible person who does not deserve any money or happiness in life.

    Good luck.

    I'm pretty much gonna have to go with DarkeSword on this one, but as least SnappleMan gets an A++ in Pole Jockin' 101.

    Also: With all this talk about "all inclusive", I find it kind of humorous that most people could give a FUCK about the only TRUELY "all inclusive" sites as far as coverage of the community. (VGFrequency & ThaSauce)

  8. As announced on ThaSauce:

    Long after VGDJ has ended it's run, we've FINALLY gotten around to recording and releasing our own podcast: SauceCast. A bi-weekly podcast chock full of community...stuff.

    The website is still under construction, and the shownotes haven't been posted yet, but you can subcribe to the RSS feed right now.

    Starla and Dyne discuss MAGFest, the new featured content box, and VGMix X among other stuff.

    There are a lot of exciting new things I want to do with this podcast, one of them being Chapters for the podcast:


    When you load the podcast up in iTunes or an iPod it's broken into chapters. On the iTunes side it even has clickable links to topics being discussed throughout.

    We're still roughing things out, as this IS the first episode and all, but hey VGDJ wasn't awesome in a day, either =P. Either way, I'm really impressed with the work that Dyne and starla did and everyone should check it out for sheezy.

  9. OCReMix is arguably one of the most important forces in my life over the past 6 years. I first came into the IRC channel at a very difficult time in my life and the relationships I made in there have made me the person I am today and I'm glad to say that I maintain many of those relationships to this day. Not to mention the whole EGM ordeal =P.

    Having just gotten back from MAGFest, hanging out with a bunch of friends from around the community, meeting some friends I've had since the beginning for the first time ever (Suzu, starla, DC13...) it's pretty obvious how big of a part of my life the community is. I've been friends with some of these people longer than a lot of people my age have ever had friends. Not to mention that a GOOD CHUNK of my wardrobe is arrangement community stuff (3 OCR shirts, an OCR hoodie, ThaSauce shirt, 2 Wave Theory shirts, 1 Shael Riley Shirt, and 1 Powerglove shirt).

    This is all completely ignoring ThaSauce and ReMix:ThaSauce themselves. Over the past few years I've completely enveloped my life into this community through ThaSauce & R:TS to try to give back to a community that's already given me SO MUCH. I'll be supporting this place until the day I die, or the day IT dies. And that's a promise.

    SIDE NOTE: As I am planning on eventually going into the game industry at some point (currently persuing a 3D Graphics degree, and probably going into Computer Science next) a lot of the relationship made on this site, networking, and projects I've been involved with, are sure to continue to have an impact well into my future as well. Anyone interested in something similar should DEFINITELY keep that in mind.

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