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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. This is something I'm going to publicly bitch about, because I'm sick of it. Ever since "bluefox" came into #ocremix he's made it an annoying place to hang out at. I can not believe the mods have not taken action to do anything to him even though they've witnessed his trolling. He annoys so many people yet is allowed to stay. Since no one else is going to bother changing anything, I'm done with the channel.

    It's like that favorite bar everyone goes to, but for some reason now the owner just won't throw the guy that drinks too much out. Ruins the experience for everyone.


    No one's making you listen to him. I really don't know why you people do.

  2. Anyone who thinks they're done and wants to request another song is fine so long as you submit your song to be arbited so that we can tell you didn't just do a quick half-assed midi rip and moved on to another song. A COMPLETED song is a polished and completed work.

    In other words...

    ...your song should sound ON PAR with what Suzumebachi's wip will sound like when IT is completed.


  3. The 3 things at Full Sail they throw down your throat everyday:

    A) Professionalism. When you present (pitch) your idea to lab monitors (studio artists) or instructors, a lot of the time they expect you to dress nice as if you were trying to sell your services. You get GRADED on that kind of stuff. How well you present it, how confident you sound in your job, blah blah blah. We also have an entirely other grading thing aside from our actual letter grade called the "Global Professionalism Points" for similiar things.

    B) Group work. I can't even remember the last thing I had to work on by myself. Everything we do is group work so that we get used to working in teams, having a specific job within a team working toward a common goal. Working together, compromising, blah dee blah blah blah.

    C) Deadlines. Deadlines deadlines deadlines. Talk about mastering time management. That's pretty much ALL Full Sail IS is deadlines. Usually it's 2 weeks of tutorials and learning little parts of a bigger picture, and then spending the last 2 weeks putting all that together for 1 big project....sometimes it's 1 whole month of just that project, sometimes it's multiple little projects every week, but the last week of EVERY month is serious "sleeping in open lab" deal. All of this is to ready us for the BUSINESS WORLD, but sometimes I think Full Sail is a bit more intense than the REAL WORLD (kind of like when you went into high school from middle school how they always told you "it's not gonna be easy anymore," and when you went from high school to college.)

    Either way, I can't say I'm not enjoying myself. I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't :o

  4. For the record, I was going to allow for 1 more re-roll, but I slept all day. Which means...

    EVERYONE HAS 24 HOURS FROM NOW TO RE-ROLL (UNLESS YOU'RE LOCKED IN), even if you already re-rolled, you get 1 more (if you haven't re-rolled yet, you still only get 1. We don't have enough songs for that).

    If you haven't seen it yet:

    Match-ups are on ThaWiki

    Locked in challenges on the first first post.


    For those of you locked in MIXING PERIOD HAS STARTED and ENDS MARCH 16TH AT 11:59PM EST.

    Keep an eye on first post for more updates.




    If you would like to re-roll your song, please let us know BEFORE midnight tonight PST so that we can have challenges FINALIZED by Midnight tomorrow and start the mixing phase.

    Please remember that there are a limited amount of songs, and that even if you re-roll, you may still end up with a hard (if not harder) song.

    Accepted challenges will be added to the first post.

  6. I take it this was shot down...

    btw, since when did YouTube videos play in the threads?

    To be honest, I really don't remember whether or not that one was discussed, it could've just fallen through, but I'll find out later. There's a still a chance we can throw it into the mix because.........

    I'm pretty sure I can finalize this take 1 of the challenges. I'm still waiting on a few source tunes from Suzu, but that list should be ready to go out tomorrow-ish in a PM.

    Stay tuned for further instructions.

  7. Why does it take so long for accepted remixes to get posted? I don't mean this as a confrontational question, I know you guys have a lot going on in your own lives on top of OCR, but is there a particular reason it takes a while?

    Real-life and write-ups, I would assume. Those things don't write themselves, and if you're thinkin' "How hard could it be to write a couple paragraphes and post some songs a few times a week?" you got another thing coming.

    This is also assuming the mixer/game/system/composer/company are all already in the database. Otherwise you ahve to go out and get all that info, find a game image, edit and upload that image, add everything to the dabatase, check and recheck to make sure it's working, and then post.

    Edit: It's also been said before, and rightfully so, that the space between mixes is also sometimes on purpose. If they posted every mix as it got accepted you'd get days with 5-7 mixes, and weeks with no mixes at all. And from a mixer perspective you have more time to have your mix on the front page and get more exposure, rather than having it forced out in 2 updates.

  8. I have nothing constructive to say about the video, and since it sounds like you already know what to fix, it would be moot anyway. However, seeing how you credited the music in the video only highlighted that you didn't credit the awesome painting that worked as your title screen. It's not mine or any such thing, I just think the world can do with more people who appreciate transfuse's work.

    Good luck with the fixing.

    yea, I was looking around on google who to credit it to, but I couldn't find any actual SOURCE for it, thanks.

  9. Main points here are:

    As far as key frames and timing go, once you bake a simulation, you have a key frame on every frame (the time slider is like a solid red line), so tweeking the curves isn't particularly an option given the amount of time we had left to finish the whole thing. Idealy we would've had time to delete some of the keys but, the simulation took almost all our time (right up to probably three or four AM the last night) so at that point we really had to just make a quick enviroment, light setup, and camera cuts. The best we could do was estimate how long we thought it SHOULD be, scale down all the keys, and do a playblast. The whole thing started @ 3500 frames, we were doing playblasting on different computers, and even THOSE were taking forever IN wireframe. So as soon as we got one that looked decent, we ran with it.

    I personally would've done the camera cuts differently (they're not even in stepped, if you look carefully you can see the screen flash because the camera is making a really quick move to the next position) and I didn't have time to edit that in post because by that time I was out of open lab and IN class.

    Like I said, I wanna go back and fix a lot of things. Ideally I want to put reflections on a few things and raytrace, fix the flashing glow (I know how to, but we didn't know it was going to until after the render, and by that time we didn't really have time to re-render the whole video), I want to redo some of the textures (my friend INSISTS on making things flat color, see Samus and the ship, rather than giving her any real texture like a brushed metal or something), ALL the lighting needs to have actual time put into it rather than just the 5 second setup I put into it, AND lastly I need to redo the whole thing with mental ray. right now the whole thing is rendered in Maya software because mental ray didn't like the version of TIF my friend used.

    The real problem for most of the things mentioned is that my friend, more or less, thinks he's amazing, and really doesn't like to hear otherwise from other people. And he IS kind of good, but not nearly as good as he puts off...I didn't feel like (didn't have time to) trying to have to fight him over this stuff. After 2 days of no sleep, I wanted to just get it done.

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