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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Well hell...what do you want? I'd need specifics.

    lol, ideas? Generally just draw up card designs. Watermarks. Text placement. Ideas for the icons for server things. Where avatars go. What things (forum title, post count, year, join date) to use, and what not.

    Obviously I already have a lot of ideas myself, but the more pre-pro the better for this kind of thing.

  2. Well...I'm workin' on something, and it's not great, but at the very least it's a solid template.

    I'd upload a sample but ThaSauce is down, which is why I can't finish it either because I have resources in my DIRs there that I can't get to.

    BUt basically right now it's a pretty well-organized PSD that's in CMYK color, 200 DPI, 88.60mm x 58.98mm (or whatever). Verdana fonts for easy editting across the border. Really basic, if any, layer blending.

    Needs a lot of work but...a solid start.

    Can a brother get some hand drawn pre-pro in the house? Bean? SGX? sindra? anyone? D:

  3. There's nothing wrong with being friends when you're not compelled to want a romantic relationship with that person. But once you truly know you want to pursue a relationship, you have to drop the pretense of friendship now that your feelings have changed, and you ask the person out on a date. That's where most guys makes the wrong decision and stay the friend, not wanting to rock the boat.

    Oh but sir, I beg to differ.

    But that's another discussion entirely.

  4. This is a preview of the FINAL PROJECT for the same class. This one took the remainder of the 2 weeks (actually less than that since most class time was filled doing tutorials -____-. We pulled 8-14 hour days both weekends, but I don't at all regret that based on our results. Additionally, most of that was just setup and rendering so we basically sat around and played Smash Bros. and Soul Calibur during that time anyway.)

    This time the project focus was all other visual effects, and each scene showcases either:

    -Hair/Fur (Sonic)

    -Particles (Dust)

    -Fluids (Puddle)

    -Soft bodies (Plants)

    The hair/fur segment and the dust are FINAL. The box in the fluid is being fixed, and the soft body plants are getting a little more work. I also need to add credits.

    We had a lot more time for pre-pro on this project (we actually have 2 big black boards with all our story boards and frames and timing) and we took a lot of the camera work criticism from the first project into consideration for this project.

    It's so short because this stuff takes FOREVER to render. The fur alone takes 2 hours per second, and everything was done in seperate passes (Enviroment, dust, splash, Sonic).

    Also please note: YouTube does this project no justice. You can't really see the hair/fur movement too good. Or the dust density. Or the bump/normal/spec/shadows in the still shots, but hey...compression.

    I'll try to get a less compressed version up when it goes final.

    ALSO: I know hedgehogs don't have hair or fur IRL...but we had requirements to fill =P.

  5. Warcraft 3 got as many cheers as WOW did here.

    What pissed me the shit off was the immense amount of cheering Sonic Adventure and the 3d Sonics got. The 2d ones got modest applause, but nothing compared to the 3d.

    Although the most applauded game was Sonic Spinball...

    Welcome to the world of "you're showing your age." Kids today haven't played Sonic before Sonic Adventure DX on GameCube and Mario Sunshine. They don't know wtf Super Mario Bros is without a DS port and they damn sure don't know about "Mario Bros" or how it was included in Super Mario Bros 3.

    They don't know what a Final Fantasy is anymore, or probably ever. And they'll never know the whole story of Metal Gear, nor will they care.

    The WoW thing, however, is unexusable to me, really. Granted Blizzard is butchering the lore to begin with, but the sheer number of people who simply ASSUME lore (see: the horde is EVIIIIIL).

    But that's almost a given with how Blizzard set up the game. WoW is nothing more than trying to down the next end boss and get new items now and most of the people who actually have access to the coolest parts of lore within the game content would be trying to kill or achieve whatever goal if it had nothing to do with warcraft at all.

    It's a waste of, what was once, a good storyline on people who'll never appreciated it.

  6. I think everyone that makes a remix they think is OCR quality will probably submit it. It's not against the rules or anything as far as I know. I bet many will submit to R:TS too, especially when Rama's pulling the threads. ;)

    Oh wait, you guys didn't read the fine print? All completed mixes are automatically put into the arbiter queue. They're also signed on as r:ts exclusives. The song can't be submitted anywhere else. Not even an altered version. Not even an entirely new remix of the same song. Sorry about that.

    ...oh and I made them too. Some minor things. Very minor =P.

  7. SauceCast Episode 3: The Originals Shakedown



    So I'm late...way late. I know. I apologize. I've been really busy D:, as well as some technical difficulties on starla's end. Anyway this episode THIS TIME ON SAUCECAST there's very little news...but don't fret! What we lack in news we certainly make up for in music. This one's packed full of songs from artists including Trenthian, Flik, JJT, virt, SnappleMan, AND MORE! That's right, ALL THAT and MORE!

    Be sure to stay tuned for Episode 4 of SauceCast (hopefully) at your regularly schedule time TUESDAY. (or early Wednesday morning).

  8. Phase III: Mixing

    The mixing matches for stage 3 can be found here. At this time artists are UNABLE to re-roll their mixes other than otherwise stated here. You have until March 16th to complete a polish piece of work. If you finish early and want another mix details are here and here.

    When your mix is complete it will need to be uploaded to Compo:ThaSauce. This WILL require you to have an account on ThaSauce, and will AUTOMATICALLY LOCK once the mixing stage is over.

    You are free to post WIPs of your mixes in this thread, but please do not upload anything but your FINAL WORK to the Compo page.

    As for uploading WIPs, you'd have to ask starla specifically about that. She's running the Compo:ThaSauce part of the dealy. You can only have 1 entry per user, and you can't replace them unless the admin manually deletes them. So she'd be the one doing all that. If she's willing to do so, then by all means, but if not... D:

  9. Hmmz, never got that promised PM.

    Lock me in for my track, yo.

    Also might want to post the RTF on the first post. >_>

    Yea, that's my fault. The PM thing became a bit of a problem when I could only send out 5 at a time, and I've been a lot busier than I had anticipated. What with this, school, and the SauceCast and all. I'm pretty sure I'll have everything under control by tonight/tomorrow, though.

  10. They're great for recapturing the classics the way they were meant to be heard, but with a fresh new coat of paint. What's sad is that a lot of them would likely get a NO vote if they were created by the OCR community and submitted to the site because they're more of a 'cover' than a 'remix'. Which I personally don't agree with since they're still good listens. The focus of the tracks are to make the listener say "oh wow, I remember the original song to this! this is awesome!". and not keep them guessing as to what the heck the track is and MAYBE finding out what it is a cover of a minute into the track due to it being SO overly remixed it loses its original charm.

    Overall a great soundtrack which gives me NOSTALGIA OVERLOAD, and serves its purpose well. Personally a big fan of the Panel de Pon track. (and am I the only one who's expecting the Star Wars prologue to appear for the Zelda Main Theme track?)

    can we make out?



    Wario Land 2: Credits Theme (analoq)

    Secret of Evermore: Crustacia (Abadoss)

    Star Tropics: Dungeon (Hemophilliac)

    Tenchi Souzou: Call to Port (Arek)

    As of now all mixes are LOCKED. There will be no more re-rolls and the only exceptions are for choosing one of the following songs:

    • Sonic Adventure 2: Live and Learn
    • Star Wars - KOTOR: The Sith
    • DDR SuperNOVA 2: Pluto
    • Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes: Clock Tower Stage
    • Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: Galactic Commander Battle
    • Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion: Omicron Crimson
    • Mega Man X3: Toxic Seahorse
    • Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble: Cavern Caprice
    • Final Fantasy VIII: The Legendary Beast

    If you complete a song and it is to decided you can do another, you may choose from any of the above OR the following:

    • The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse: Dark Forest
    • Mario Kart DS: DK Pass
    • Final Fantasy VI: Colliery Narshe
    • Donkey Kong Country 3: Kastle Kaos

  12. Oh I'm not being snippy or anything about it, its just that my usual work process is major structural layout in 3-4 sessions, then all the processing/ornaments over the next months. I dont remix seriously often, I just saw this as a good way to get me focused on it, for a period with a purpose (sating others requests). Otherwise I have no drive to mix: game music isnt sentimental for me, its just a challenge.

    And comon, an opportunity to pimp a WIP out in a popular thread... who says no! :D

    EDIT: and the thought of MIDI-ripping makes me sterile for extended periods of time :<

    EDIT2: HEY!! thats not the smiley I wanted! SADFACE! SADFACE!!

    I don't understand why that couldn't have been going on during the requests period, but I'll assume there was a good reason for it (for now). Rather, when you did discover it was too hard, why not contact me then and tell me to submit something else? It's only fair, I think. It ensures no one is left out in the cold.

    V___'s 2nd challenge is Chrono Trigger Boss Battle. Everyone happy now?

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