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  1. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Esperado in PRC339 - The Theme of Rose (Legend of Dragoon)   
    Just a thought, but has anyone tried posting about this compo on reddit or something? My thinking is that as traffic to OCR seems to be slowing down, It would be wise to extend to other popular social media outlets to keep participation up. Just an idea. You could probably copy paste some of the formatting. 
  2. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Drawn by Dai in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    HELLO EVERYBODY!! (that's right bee-hatches, two exclamation marks, count 'em)
    I've been away for a little while now, what with one thing and another. My day job, getting sick, and most recently a broken computer have been conspiring to stop me from doing anything on here. But my day job has calmed down, I'm not sick any more. and my computer's been repaired. So now hopefully I can jump back in and actually directly contribute to the project I'm directing. I apologise to everybody who's been wanting to speak to me. I also owe a debt of gratitude towards @Trism who has once again stepped up to the mark in my absence. As a co-director I couldn't ask for much better. Without you guys this project wouldn't be doing so well. I'll be PM'ing everybody individually over the next couple days; just to discuss the track you're working on, and how to kick off the new year after the inevitable holiday calm period.
    Moving onwards, a bit of news/info on the album's progress. We now have:
    14 complete tracks
    4 Tracks that are so near completion, they're basically complete
    12 tracks well into the WIP stage.
    Unfortunately, we've had three tracks revert to unclaimed. They are:
    xx Beruga - Claimed by Ganaé
    I've listed them in preferred order of claim if anybody's interested. If you're not familiar with Terranigma, a couple of those tracks are especially significant in the game.
    Despite ending on a negative tip, the positivity of the first batch of info is very encouraging. Everybody appears to be very invested in their remixes, and general morale seems very high. All in all, we're doing remarkably schedule-wise. All going well, and we have no hiccups, I'll be discussing in February with most musicians about wrapping up their tracks and/or requesting all the other things like blurbs, permissions, etcetc. Except, of course for later adopters. Exciting times!
    Sincerest best wishes to each of you over this festive period, be merry and be safe. and here's to 2017 where we'll be looking at tying this steed up!
    EDIT: Ganaé has claimed Beruga
  3. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Jorito in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    Seconded! Those guys both know their stuff and would make excellent directors/assistant directors/etc.
  4. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Nathan Allen Pinard in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Hey everyone, you can see my progress on my Youtube channel. I've got nearly the whole thing notated by now, and I definitely pull out the stops on this one towards the end.
    Every see Prince of Egypt where the red sea is parted? Yeah..kinda like that. (thought that episode hasn't happen quite yet)
  5. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 60: Escape From the Planet of Robot Monsters   
    Doesn't this round have to be Hallowe'en themed as well?
  6. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Bundeslang in PRC331 - The Legend of Legends (Legend of Legaia)   
    Feel free to submit it as a bonus mix, by posting it in this thread with a download link so I can add it to the ThaSauce, if you don't make it before the deadline. Didn't expect 3 songs (with a 4th in my FL Studio) after extending this for the first time. What a great surprise.
  7. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Xenonetix in MnP 60: Escape From the Planet of Robot Monsters   
    Had to get mine in as bonus entry as I started working on something for this round then completely forgot about it right up until the deadline. Phooey!
  8. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 60: Escape From the Planet of Robot Monsters   
    Crap, didn't realise there was so little time left!
  9. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Miyakan in September Mixflood wish list   
    A squidflood.
    Super Monkeyball flood!!! Seriously, has anyone even done a remix of SMB?
  10. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Xenonetix in MnP 59: Lunar: Silver Star Story - "Toward Horizon"   
    Oh cool, that's a good ideaaaaaaaaWAITAMINUTE
  11. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Xenonetix in MnP 59: Lunar: Silver Star Story - "Toward Horizon"   
    Well done Xeno!
  12. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 59: Lunar: Silver Star Story - "Toward Horizon"   
    Well done Xeno!
  13. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 59: Lunar: Silver Star Story - "Toward Horizon"   
    Oh cool, that's a good ideaaaaaaaaWAITAMINUTE
  14. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from DusK in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Question to the bosses; will there be recruitment for the currently open tracks and/or any that open up from people leaving? And if so will it follow the same rules as previously stated (non-posted remixers needing to audition and whatnot)?
    @DusK; if you're still looking for a singer to fill this role I can heartily recommend @Stahalamora. She's provided vocals for some of the tracks on the Terranigma album and she's awesome
  15. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Thomas Neil in PRC330 - The Mountain of the Top (Banjo Kazooie)   
    Maybe listen to Banjo Tooie's version of the same source for some ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAw-ZXwUUTA
  16. Like
    Troyificus reacted to jnWake in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    I'm working on my Overworld remix and it's turning out interesting, to say the least. I think I'll need a few collaborators for it haha.
  17. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Jean Of mArc in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    How so?
  18. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Meteo Xavier in OCR monetizing mixes on YouTube   
    It IS pretty shocking because it gloriously overlooks a lot of key points that goes into that for this context. You guys just see it as black and white and call it protecting your work and its value, I call it chasing windmills and confusing a stubborn attitude for a principle.
    Let's figure out how a completely subjective item should be determined an objective value that also somehow has no limit for how high that value should be:
    1. What is the value of a single remix you've done? What is the value of your time spent working on this based on your lifestyle expenses and spending habits?
    2. What is the estimated value of the tools you used to work on this?
    3. What is the estimated value of its potential of exposure?
    4. How many times has your remix been played on Youtube?
    5. What is the value per video view?
    6. Has it directly contributed to additional album sales or music commissions?
    7. Have you signed an appropriate tax form relating to your work on OCR?
    8. Are you paying taxes or taking tax incentives from your work on OCR?
    9. Have the companies you have re-interpreted IP from commissioned you to do so?
    10. If YES to 9, what were the contractually agreed-upon payments you are expecting from them?
    11. What was the final rating of quality for your work as agreed by committee of the OCR judges and conglomerated public perception?

    Now take the sum total of that and apply your state's current income tax percentage.
    Go ahead and work on the math there - in the meantime you can answer why you seem to think just doing work itself deserves to be rewarded without any additional context to that point and why you deserve to be paid for work you were not commissioned or contracted or to do and did completely on your own compulsion for a website that was well known to not provide financial incentives for doing so in lieu of simply being a popular passion project for celebrating VGM.
  19. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 59: Lunar: Silver Star Story - "Toward Horizon"   
    Is it just me or do parts of this track sound rather like bits of Ice Cap Zone?
    Anyway I should have something to submit, however it might not be quite MnP-enough to pass muster. We shall see.
  20. Like
    Troyificus reacted to JBarron in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Sample of the first two or so minutes of my track will be up for you all to hear. This one is very easily coming together for some reason.
  21. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 58: Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green - Lavender Town   
    Voted! Very nice turnout this round, guys! 
  22. Like
    Troyificus reacted to JBarron in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    I'll snag Call at a Port and arrange it in Celtic (I'm thinking Violin, Cello, Ocarina or Irish Whistle, bodhran, and Guitar).
  23. Like
    Troyificus reacted to DarkeSword in Robots vs. Knights   
    Past and future collide as two factions clash in the greatest musical battle the world has ever seen. Armored heroes meet metal warriors on the battlefield of wailing guitars, dirty drops, and soaring strings. Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for Robots vs. Knights!
    Current News
    MUSIC FOR THE FINAL BATTLE IS UP! Round 9: One vs. One Final Battle
    Team Robot           Team Knight Squad Artist Source vs Source Artist Squad Rush Squad Gario Ballade vs Wandering Travelers JohnStacy Armor Squad Rush Squad Starpheonix Enker vs Shield Knight GCJ Armor Squad Rush Squad Thirdkoopa Mercury vs Shovel Knight Jorito Relic Squad Tango Squad Chiwalker Uranus vs Polar Knight theshaggyfreak Shovel Squad Tango Squad Yami Pluto vs Plague Knight akalink Armor Squad Tango Squad Ronald Poe Mars vs Propeller Knight Anorax Shovel Squad Beat Squad Trism Saturn vs Spectre Knight PlanarianHugger Shovel Squad Beat Squad Xenonetix Punk vs King Knight Dewey Newt Relic Squad Beat Squad MegaDrive Venus vs Mole Knight Arrow Relic Squad Remixes are due Sunday, June 18th at 9 PM EDT.
    All competitors will compose and produce remixes that combine both sources into one, cohesive piece of music. Collaboration with teammates is allowed, but the primary artists should be the competitors listed in the table above. All competitors are encouraged (but not required) to share WIPs with teammates in order to get constructive feedback. Good luck and happy mixing.
    A lot of team discussion is happening on the OC ReMix Discord, be sure to make yourselves available.
    As always, all participants (competitors and voters) are expected to adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.
    Battle Team Knight Team Robot Ballade vs Shovel Knight 2 0 Uranus vs Propeller Knight 0 2 Saturn vs Plague Knight 2 0 Enker vs Polar Knight 0 2 Pluto vs King Knight 0 2 Punk vs Shield Knight 2 0 Mercury vs Spectre Knight 0 2 Mars vs Mole Knight 0 0 Venus vs Wandering Travelers 0 2 Boss Battle vs Tinker Knight 0 9 Total 6 19 Teams
    Team Knight
    Artist Source Squad Anorax Propeller Knight Shovel Squad theshaggyfreak Polar Knight Shovel Squad PlanarianHugger Spectre Knight Shovel Squad akalink Plague Knight Armor Squad GCJ Shield Knight Armor Squad JohnStacy Wandering Travelers Armor Squad Jorito Shovel Knight Relic Squad Dewey Newt King Knight Relic Squad Arrow Mole Knight Relic Squad Team Robot
    Artist Source Squad Gario Ballade Rush Squad Starpheonix Enker Rush Squad Thirdkoopa Mercury Rush Squad Chiwalker Uranus Tango Squad Yami Pluto Tango Squad Ronald Poe Mars Tango Squad Trism Saturn Beat Squad Xenonetix Punk Beat Squad MegaDrive Venus Beat Squad Releases
    Round 1: Squad vs. Squad Block 1 Round 2: Squad vs. Squad Block 1 Round 3: Squad vs. Squad Block 1 Round 4: Boss Battle 1 Rounds 5-8: Block 2 Round 9: One vs. One Final Battle About
    Robots vs. Knights (RvK) is a Team vs. Team competition. It’s a new format that I’ve been developing for a couple of months now, combining elements of the head-to-head battles of the Remix Battle tournaments (GRMRB, etc.) with the teamwork aspect of Gauntlet tournaments (WCRG, etc.). Here’s the full breakdown of how it’s going to work.
    Sign-ups 18 people sign up. I’ll divide everyone into 2 teams of 9. I’ll be assigning people to their respective teams in order to ensure a balanced competition. Each team will be given a pool of sources to select from. Team members will decide how to assign sources themselves. I won’t be running a draft. Team Robots will be given a selection of sources from the Mega Man Game Boy games. Team Knights will be given a selection of sources from Shovel Knight. Each team will form 3 squads of 3 members each. The squad will be your group that you’ll rotate with throughout the competition, similar to the teams from gauntlet competitions. Squad-vs-Squad Battle 1 The first 3 rounds are squad-vs-squad battles. Each squad will decide their remixing order for the first three rounds and provide that to me. Each round, I’ll post 3 match-ups between squads on opposing teams. Each squad’s artist will submit a remix that uses their selected source and the opposing squad’s selected source. At the end of each round, artists send their remixes to me, I’ll put the tracks up, and people will vote. Each victory will earn points for the team. Boss Battle 1 The 4th round is a boss battle. I’ll post a boss theme source. All 6 squads will submit a remix that combines the boss theme with one of the squad’s sources. Any member of the squad can be the primary artist. The primary artist is not required to use their own personal source; they can use any of their squad’s 3 sources. At the end of the round, voters will select their 3 favorite remixes, unranked. The team that has the most selections at the end of the voting period will choose between two rewards: a chunk of points, or the right to counterpick in the next block of squad-vs-squad battles. Break 1 While votes are being collected for Boss Battle 1, we will take a week-long break, using the time to review remixes from past rounds. Squad-vs-Squad Battle 2 The next 3 rounds are squad-vs-squad battles. If a team has the right to counterpick, they’ll be provided the opposing team’s remixing orders first before determining their remixing orders. I will still determine the actual match-ups based on the updated remixing orders. The 3 rounds of squad-vs-squad battles are conducted as before. Boss Battle 2 The 8th round is another boss battle, conducted in the same way as the previous boss battle round. Break 2 While votes are being collected for Boss Battle 2, we will take a week-long break, using the time to review remixes from past rounds. One-vs-One Battle The 9th and final round is comprised of 9 one-on-one battles. If a team has earned the right to counterpick from the previous round, they’ll be allowed to determine the 9 match-ups; rematches of previous battles from the squad-vs-squad blocks are not allowed. If no team has counterpick, I’ll determine the match-ups. Each artist will be responsible for writing a remix that uses their selected source and their opponent’s source. At the end of the round, remixes will be submitted and voted on. The team with the most victories will earn a large chunk of points. The team with the most points at the end of the competition wins. Submissions and File Name Rules
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include your team name, squad name, and the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    If you worked on the remix without the help of your teammates:
    Team Robots - DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Polar Knight).wav If one team member helps you with your entry in a significant way and you want to give them credit, add their name as follows:
    Team Robots - DarkeSword feat. Neblix - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Polar Knight).wav If more than one team members help you with your entry in a significant way and you want to give them credit, add their names as follows:
    Team Robots - DarkeSword feat. Neblix, Liontamer - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Polar Knight).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for team names and character names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphens between Team Name, Artist, and Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing. Because RvK has two different types of rounds (squad-vs-squad and boss battle), please make sure you read and follow the instructions in the voting thread.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. FAQ
    This is pretty interesting, but why are you doing this instead of just another Tournament or Gauntlet?
    The philosophy behind RvK is to create an environment where more artists will be working together to help and learn from each other. I want to tap into the spirit of teamwork and collaboration in a bigger way this tournament. Rather than just having two friends working on tracks with you week to week, you’ll have eight other teammates that you can use as resources.
    What do you mean by resources?
    In the past, I’ve tried to limit the amount of collaboration allowed in competitions because I wanted to make sure that people were putting forth a concerted effort to grow as artists on their own. While we’ll still be adhering to the idea of a Primary Artist for each remix in RvK, some of the limitations will be relaxed. Artists will be able to get help from all 8 of their teammates. This includes production help, session instruments, and arrangement feedback. The Primary Artist will still be responsible for the bulk of the work that goes into a remix, but they’ll have a lot more help in getting that remix polished up.
    How many remixes do I have to write?
    You will be responsible for at least 3 remixes: 2 remixes from the squad-vs-squad battles, and 1 remix in the final battle. You may also be responsible for any of the boss battle remixes, but that will be up to your team.
    Why can’t we choose our own teams?
    I’m going to determine the teams based on skill level in order to ensure fairness across the board. I want both teams to have a healthy balance between novices and veterans.
    Do we get to pick team names or squad names?
    No. The two teams will be known as Team Robots and Team Knights. I will also be setting the squad names which will be revealed once we get the competition started.
    I really want to be on Team Robots/Team Knights! Can you put me on that team?
    I’ll consider your preference but I can’t guarantee anything.
    Stardroid sprites used in Team Robot sigs were colorized by onyx801.
  24. Like
    Troyificus reacted to DusK in MnP 58: Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green - Lavender Town   
  25. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Bundeslang in MnP 57: Legend of Legaia - Rim Elm   
    Find the difference
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