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Everything posted by firedude750

  1. Hey man, it's glad to have you on board. Got you down for China theme, get me a WIP as soon as you can.
  2. Very nice, listening now. Cool album art by the way
  3. For those of you that listen to music on the go, what is your MP3 player of choice? Mine is the SanDisk Sansa Fuze, mostly because it was cheap. BUT I also enjoy the fact that you can use micro SD cards so you can keep expanding the memory. So what type of MP3 player do you use?
  4. When do we get to download the mixes/ vote?
  5. You bet there is Gotcha on the list. Get me a WIP as soon as you can
  6. Ok, I have decided to take the Motorcycle level theme. C'mon guys, still plenty of room for remixers!
  7. I think I would join as I grew up with the Genesis Sonic games
  8. Hey, I'd like to claim Bowser's Castle from Double Dash.
  9. Love this track, Sixto once again delivers with face-melting guitar action. One of the best from the album. Very nice mix
  10. Absolutely love this mix. I keep coming back to it, and it never gets old. Love all of the elements going on here, and I like the arrangement. Very nice mix!
  11. Ok, guys already got a few WIPs. Keep up the good work
  12. Just PMed him about them. You got it, and get me that wip whenever you can
  13. Yeah, I understand all this, but as long as everyone on the project works at it, we could totally do it Oh and I'm putting you down for desert town. Glad to have you on the project
  14. Ok, updated first post with claims. Send me a WIP whenever you can wip one up (see what I did there? ) Sure, which one would you want? And a wip would be nice, so as soon as you can get one would be good. This is good so far, keep 'em coming!
  15. Yeah, if you could send it to me I'll hear whatcha got!
  16. Hello all, and welcome to the recruitment thread for the Crash Bandicoot 3 project! Crash Bandicoot 3 is one my childhood games that I grew up with, and there are no mixes of any Crash game on OCR! So this project will get the CB series some love. Here is a tracklist, claim any track you want and let's goooooooo! TRACKLIST: Title: Warp Room (Claimed by AngelCityOutlaw)Medieval (Claimed by Tuberz McGee) Underwater: China: (Claimed by Arceace)Stone Age: Pirates and Waverunners: Tiny Tiger: (Claimed by Arceace) Desert Town (Claimed by Rexy)Motorcycle: (Claimed by MEEEEE (uhhh6677)) Egypt: Dingodile (Claimed by hakstock) Dr. N. Tropy: Flyin' King: (This and Flyin' Queen are very similar and don't necessarily needed to be remixed twice)Flyin' Queen: Future: (Claimed by Crossing)Dr. N. Gin: Dr. Neo Cortex (Claimed by Mirby) Skull Route Theme: (The Skull Route is the same for all level themes, so it only needs to be remixed once)Bonus Level Theme: (The Bonus Level theme is the same for all level themes, so it only needs to be remixed once)KEY: Red: Claimed with no WIP Green: Basic WIP shown Orange: Significant WIP shown Blue: Done but no WAV Purple: WAVd! Go for purple! TIMELINE: October 31, 2013 is the 15th anniversary of the North American release of CB3, so it would be totally freakin' awesome if the album could come out then. That gives us a little bit over a year and a half to get this thing done, so let's shoot for that! Deadlines will be announced once people start signing up. PROJECT FORUMS: http://kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=132 So, with that said, claim a track and let's show Crash Bandicoot some love!
  17. Absolutely love this album, listened to it all and am re-listening to disc 1 over and over. A few standout tracks were: - 21XX War Was Beginning - Sigma Opus - End of the Beginning - Zero and the Plight of Iris (perhaps my favorite of the whole album) - Stay Frosty - Let There Be Light - Duality - Towering Revolution - Countdown to Infinity - Sweeping the Storming Skies - 10 Minutes of Hypothermia - Winged Reploid Wonderful album, thanks to everyone who made this possible, all of your hard work is VERY much appreciated
  18. Wewt its here!! This albums gonna be freakin awesome!! Thanks to everyone who made this album possible! weee
  19. Lol fixed my typo from 24 to 25 LOLOL
  20. Ok, we're at 25,155 (!) Man this page just exploded over the past day or so. Hopefully it keeps this pattern. About 1,845 left!!! TELL EVERYONE AND ANYONE!! woooo
  21. Yeah that was me actually lol. You recommended it earlier so I did it but yeah! Tell everyone! I even emailed The Mega Man Network and asked if they could post it on their site to draw attention. wewt gingrich up in heer
  22. Yes, yes, and moar yes. If this had to be done, I think 25k would've been a little bit more realistic than 27k. Even then, this shouldn't have been done at all. I was led to believe that OCRemix released music for fun. A passion. Now they're trying to get their numbers/popularity up before releasing anything. To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement. This album has turned into a "we'll release it only if you make us more popular" kinda thing. I really believed, like I said, that OCRemix released for the passion of it, no matter how popular they are. It's kinda like when an indie artist goes mainstream, and they change they're style to sell more. Sorry for the rant, and I'm SUPER excited for this thing, I just needed to express my opinion. woot
  23. Very nice, looking forward to this very classy EP. It should be fun. Cool trailer btw.
  24. Ok, so what happens if the page never hits 27,000. Is the album just never going to come out?
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