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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. Oh I forgot, if something is making tons of cash that means it's always top quality. That must be why Rebecca Black is strikin' it rich =P When something starts "printing money", that's usually the point where they stop listening to anything but money.
  2. Holy!!! 3 of my favorite bands jamming a beastie boys song! How could I forget about this. This is epic.
  3. A friend of mine has serious Schizophrenia. So bad in fact, he saw disturbing images in clouds and the voices told him to kill himself. Which he almost did. It was intense.
  4. I love Genesis and I'm not much of a disturbed fan, but the cover is awesome. Also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNHlVo0cPa8 Don't know if anyone posted that song yet, so many links lol
  5. and now my brothers who agree Nintendo has dropped the ball have stepped forth.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bJ3DKw0GbE
  7. Everything sounds awesome as a metal song..........everything! EDIT: I disagree old game music sound like "p00p". They were great songs, just the tone wasn't amazing XD I think that's what you meant though.
  8. I just recently came across Threshold's cover of Muse's "Supermassive Black Hole". My favorite muse song. Everyone in teh comments was liek "zomg the original pwns this". People say that about EVERY cover. Since this is a remix site, I'm sure the haters are like "the originals are always better". Discuss, what covers do you think topped their source tunes? For me, it was Hardline's cover of Streetheart's "Hot Cherie".
  9. I've got so many ideas for remixes and can't seem to stick with just one =/ http://tindeck.com/listen/gqxq This is a work in progress of Kasumi's theme from DOA 2. I thought a more mellow version would be a sweet idea. I'll pick up the guitar tomorrow and start jamming some solos and some sections to the song. Before I do that, how is this so far?
  10. Okay but didn't the Gamecube have the best graphics on the block around that time? I always thought with graphics it went 1. Gamecube 2. Xbox 3. PS2
  11. The same could be said of music careers. Truth told I think you get out of life what you put in really, if you're serious about game design (or anything) and you put in 200% 100% of the time, there's no reason you can't become successful. No matter how competetive the industry is.
  12. This is Tekken.
  13. I've had Tinnitus for a long time. Ringing...........always ringing. Not usually loud, if other sounds cover it up. I usually can't sleep because it's silent, so all I hear is a high pitched ringing that never quits.
  14. Specifically WHERE does it rattle? Everywhere or only certain frets? Moar details
  15. Sounds like my kinda game. That's because I am an idiot.
  16. What the hell is shovelware?
  17. Yeah I suppose it depends. Like you say, you're a producer and engineer first. I'm just a musician lol
  18. Glad I didn't let ya down. ..................*facepalm* That would be AWESOME. Best Metroid evar.
  19. I don't give two shits if it's a preset or not. If your music sucks, it doesn't matter how awesome your tone is or how great your production quality. Polish a turd, it's still a turd. I'll take the best song with the worst production over the worst song with the best production any day. Though I play guitar and mostly metal music, where "presets" typically aren't used by most people because most guitar amps don't have them. The exception is most every keyboardist I can think of in the genre, and I'm talking the pros here, are using many preset sounds on their keyboards. So many bands.....I'll go through the Korg or Roland keyboards they have and boom, I've found the EXACT tone the keyboardist is using live and on the records. To me it's interesting how in Electronic music, there is this whole, dare I say elitist "fuck you ya preset using n00b" attitude but it's perfectly acceptable in other genres for musicians to use basically the same tone for years. That being said, Electronic music has a stronger focus on the tone. Part of the excitement of a good electronic song is hearing a sound you've never heard before and it's fun to screw around with synths to make new sounds. I still think that if a preset gets you what YOU want to hear, then mission accomplished. Bottom Line. "Haters gonna hate".
  20. Indeed.............
  21. I'm not dissing Nintendo. I have a gamecube and I still play and love games like F-Zero, Smash Bros, All the metroid games, Various Resident Evil Games, etc. You have to admit, out of the three major systems out there, Nintendo is the most family friendly and lots of great games that are out on the other systems are not on Wii or Gamecube. Likewise, some great games on Nintendo are not on other systems. I'll still take PS3 and Xbox's selection of exclusive titles over Nintendo any day though. Sly Cooper, Twisted Metal, Ratchet & Clank, Tekken, Street Fighter beats Mario and Link any day for me. I have no interest in the majority of games that are out on current Nintendo systems is basically what I'm saying. The new metroid looks good but I'll only buy a Wii if they make a new F-Zero. I'm also not a hardcore video game person. I can only judge by what I've saw of the systems. You guys cry too much.
  22. The problem with Nintendo is everything they do these days is just waaaayyyy too G rated.
  23. It's a cover, not really remix I guess lol. There's also delay on the guitar, so maybe that's it but I just used a bit of the melody as an improvisation point. Didn't have any solo composed before hand as I hate doing that.
  24. Agreed. Electric guitar is like the one instrument you just can't get with samples/plugins. Also, this tune wasn't for the games, it was for the movie.
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