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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. already on it lol EDIT: Yeah I'm not the only one ( not by a long shot) with this kind of problem as I figured...........
  2. Well, I'd tell you how great Jill and Shuma are. IF I COULD PLAY THEM. I entered my special edition code, all goes well. I fire up the game and it tells me "can't download" no reason given as to why. I'm like, "Oh no problem, I'll just download it again. I already entered the code and it cleared so it shouldn't be an issue.".........that didn't work. So I go back to the website and enter the code again, at which point I'm greeted with a "tough $h!t sweetheart" type message. The code's already been used.......she won't download. I paid for that. That's mine. So hand it over. That's the final kick in the balls I'm willing to take. A great franchise being driven straight to mediocrity-town I can deal with. I can still have fun. Screw me out of content I already forked over my cash to get? Now we got a scrap on our hands. I'd be forgiving, if they were doing something to fix this. So far, nothing. Still, they better fix this. I know people are gonna be calling me a whiner as always. Sorry, I don't like it when a company bends my wallet over the love-seat and slams it like a cheap slut.
  3. Posts about Jill and Shuma-Gorath INCOMING brace for impact!
  4. Meh I'm sure you can take any song and find another one that has a similar riff, etc. Considering how many songs use the same scales and what not lol. Take metal music for example. How many times I've heard the very same riff from a thousand different bands........ Sometimes it's just a little tooo much to be the result of common practices within music theory and genres though. Like when the whole song sounds very similar for 4 freakin' minutes. I'm looking at you Lady Gaga. That DBZ song Willrock posted made me want to kick a puppy though. What in the fresh hell is that all about? Were they thinking "Stratovarius is from finland so nooooobody will ever notice". Joke's on them though. Finland makes some the best metal and rock earth shall ever know.
  5. Sums this up fairly well
  6. I KNOW MAN! So true! I got a spider III and I love it. Everyone on ultimate-guitar.com hates that amp. With my batman beyond cover I did recently, so far everyone on UG has said they love tone, especially the lead. So I must doing something right. I haven't told anyone on the site what I used. I wonder if their opinions would change if I told them lol. Well a lot of metal and rock players actually prefer solid states because they have harder clipping. Different harmonics. Still, you can get a sweet warmth out of tubes that you can't really emulate with solid state. So it depends what yur looking for I guess. And yes, you do have to replace tubes. How often depends on how much you use the amp and how hard you drive it. Since most tube amps have more than one tube. It can cost you......
  7. That's what I thought. Considering my .wav file on soundcloud is about 50mb where as the video file on youtube crammed it down to like 10-20mb. That's gotta hurt the audio somehow lol
  8. Well said Fishy. I think my favorite amps in the way of tubes is the Engl Invader and Peavey 5150ii. The thing that gets me about this is people who think they have stellar tone just because they have a tube amp. Like a friend of mine refuses anything but tubes. Yet I've heard his live playing and recordings and the guitar is dead center, he kills the mids, the overall EQ sucks, not even a tinge of verb, delay or anything on leads....... Then he has the balls to tell me my solid state's tone sucks lol
  9. Not like Buckethead wacky though.
  10. Thanks. Though I didn't change a thing with the guitars lol. I deliberately wanted a bit of a wacky solo though.
  11. Update. Did some more stuff to it.
  12. Remember the series Batman Beyond? It had a really killer soundtrack and it's making a comeback in comic book form. So I did a cover/remix thing of the theme. Check it out by clicking here, here, or here. Did I mention here?
  13. SENTINEL FORCE DANCE REMIX. It's coming along lol. Need to bring up his vocals a bit.
  14. I got the sound clips. I legit feel a remix comin' on
  15. I feel a remix comin' on
  16. Patch? This is Capcom we're talking about. The only thing I wish they'd do with Sentinel and some other characters is increase the recovery time between moves like NeUtraLiZe and SENTINEL FOARCE.
  17. Nice track Gar!! If ya send me a bass and drums track plus a transcription I could do the guitars for ya. Check out my playin' in my newest remix

  18. Just for you Bleck! Shit I've got a new strategy.
  19. Never said I didn't try to learn that stuff =D I'm simply pointing out things I notice about the game. In this case, people using the same massive combos. Especially with zero. That's not spamming. That's just the way the Marvel games usually are. It gets boring when you fight lots of people doing that. I'm starting to lose interest in the game. Me being a noob has nothing to do with it. It's a decent game but just not as fun as the older ones in my opinion. A bit too much repetition. That's why I said I hope the DLC keeps sparking my interest to play it. These games are most fun when you're playing offline with another person. All my friends hate fighting games though. So I'm stuck with the online. Apparently though, that counts as "crying".
  20. I've sent a lot of my stuff to video game companies big and small. A lot of companies just have their permanent audio people doing music. You're screwed if that's the case. Many companies specifically say on their websites that they don't accept unsolicited ideas. Demand for music composition for games seems kinda low. I could be wrong, I can only speak from my own limited experience with the video game biz so I don't really know too much about it. But I'd say your absolute best bet to do music for games is to apply for some audio position at a company rather than just sending a demo. Of course, you usually require pretty high education plus re-locating for a job like that. If you ain't an audio design guy or whatever. I'd say the next best bet is to become as well known as you can in general music and THEN send them your stuff. Hell, maybe they'll come to you.
  21. Yes. That makes for good entertainment.
  22. Thanks for listening! As for guitars and amps. I use nothing fancy. Just a Jackson JS30DKT and a line 6 spider III. The world's most hated amp! That link is pretty intense lol
  23. I'm sure everyone who plays electric guitar has had someone shove tubes down your throat and refuse to even look at an amplifier that is not tube powered. I personally believe that any decent amp and guitar can sound great as long as the player is good and you know what you're doing with EQs, mixing etc. Basically, any other fans of solid states as well? Any differences on recording the different kinds of amps?
  24. No it isn't what I stated. Why is it that everyone in this thread totally puts their own spin on posts? The high damage output of combos makes lots of people rely on a select few. Which they try to hit you with over and over and over. What is so difficult to grasp about such a simple concept? "This game is so awesome and flawless and I just love everything about it to death!" Is that what everyone wants to hear? That makes for a lame discussion. Keep forking over your hard earned cash to capcom. Because the only reason they went ahead and made this game was to profit off the success of the Marvel films and SFIV. That's a fact. This thread was fun about a month ago......now it's just lame. I quit.
  25. Jugga-lols
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