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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. I love how everyone interprets my posts as crying. When it's just stating something.
  2. I hadn't played this game for a few days but I came back to it today and ya know, I can't believe It's only now that I really realize something. Unlike the older games. When you get hit in this one. It actually hurts. I mean I knew the damage was higher to start with but now that the game has been out for a bit, even I have discovered combos that will do 100% damage on an average health character. Basically every match is becoming people doing the same shit over and over waiting for it to finally connect. That's not just n00b players like me either. It's like it's everyone! That's boring. I dunno man. I hope the dlc is enough to keep me playing.
  3. Comics are/were awesome! The one that came with it was retarded though.
  4. I did an electro metal cover of Cascada's hit song! Tell me what you think of it.
  5. If you mean not watching TV......there's almost never anything worth watching anyway lol. Sorry I don't got a bunk bed. Am I the only one who finds this Kim chick to be just "meh" looking? Oh well, almost anything's better than that gross "snooki" or whatever her name is.
  6. Same here lol Well I'll probably use em' online a bit too. Jill more than Shuma. Anyone else with the special edition been using the Marvel Digital comics thing? I've looked at it like once or twice.
  7. Yeah that's probably true. The most hilarious social example is "gangsta" kids.
  8. My world is dark and twisted place. Mainly cuz I don't watch TV.
  9. I know. Anyway Jill and Shuma in like 5 days......Who's downloadin'?
  10. All this talk of winning and losing has reminded me of one of Earth's greatest role models.
  11. Auto Tune Is Evil. Not familiar with source. and who the hell is Kim Kardashian? EDIT: Yes I heard your remix in the workshop forums.
  12. My neighbors love this song so much they invited the cops over to listen too!!!
  13. Thought so. I'll just screw around with it and come up with my own rhythms.
  14. I wanna make a metal cover of this song (if I can find an acapella) The song is pretty simple but I don't trust my ears that much. Basically all I wanna know is what key it's in and how that main riff goes. I've looked around but I can't find it. If someone could verify what key it is or post a little ascii guitar tab of that main riff I'd love you forever. I think it's in like G minor and is just a few notes long but again, I don't trust my ears........
  15. I used to play basketball as I'm sure many people reading this have. I can not recall a time playing against a team that was light years ahead of us in a competitive match. The Chicago Bulls are not going to be pit against a bunch of school kids for example. Noobs do get crushed, but his point still stands. The same is not true in video games. The only way you can pit players of equal skill against each other is by watching them. The game itself can't really do that. That's why you run into so many n00bs getting totally destroyed and discouraged. I disagree that if all skill levels are winning you don't have a competitive game. I think that's actually backwards. You don't have a competitive game if one player is totally destroying the opponent to the point where there IS no competition. Which is the thing people in this thread have been trying to say but only slammed for sucking at the game. A spectrum of worst-best is great, just make sure everyone is playing people within their rank. Again, I'm just a bastard trying to stir up trouble =P
  16. Now hold the phone. Where did PriZm say or even imply that every player is that good? Who wins or loses is somewhat irrelevant to the point. and wtf good is cake if you can't eat it?
  17. You seem to think everyone should just listen to your points while you completely ignore theirs. PriZm has a valid point as well. JILL LOOKS AWESOME
  18. Well, I try.
  19. I think this picture describes me pretty well
  20. K well then Daigo doesn't count
  21. Oh and I see your point but you make some of the worst comparisons. A basketball team represents (usually) a city and simply can't exist without it's hard working, professional level players. A video game and it's company can exist easily without "pro" gamers.
  22. If you're being paid money to do what you love then hell yeah so I guess I said that part wrong. Still I've never understood paying someone just to play a game. Unless they're testing it or something. I guess my point is invalid if people like Daigo are being paid to test the games and actually contribute to them. But if you're paid just to be cool and shake hands with fans........
  23. Now I'm probably going to get flamed for this. But I honestly doubt that most of the "pros" at fighters have much of a life. Like Daigo etc. These people have basically made a profession (for which they get paid REAL MONEY) out of playing a video game at tournaments and stuff. People like Seth Killian. The guy is capcom's "community manager". Basically he's a fanboy who's paid to play games and interact with fans. In short, he doesn't have a real job in the video game industry. It's like Korea and Starcraft. If you're super good at the game and you don't play it all the freakin' time. It's probably just because you've been playing the series for many years but not religiously.
  24. I agree with Bleck. Zero has some insanely long chain combos. Him and Dante. Akuma because of his infinite (doesn't work on every character though) plus the fact that he's the fastest moving character in the game and does good damage. 1 year from now I just know everyone's going to say Akuma is the best character.
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