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  1. I really dig it man. Would love to hear it in context when the game is finished as well.
  2. It's cool to see a live performance of a real violin instead of a synth or midi violin. I've never played Uncharted, but this was nice.
  3. Not bad for being in a slump, I expected something to loop for 2 mins . Really though, this track was cool.
  4. I liked it, though the voice that came in at 1:13 seemed out of place or didn't quite sit right. What program do you use for your samples?
  5. hey I thought this was really cool and original
  6. Hard to discern between the 2 guitar tracks..it just seems muddy/gritty. Not sure if it's the tone or eq that needs adjusting, though I think if that was cleaned up, it would shine through. A rippin lead would be cool too
  7. sound real crisp, I like it
  8. cool vibe, but the percussion is too loud in contrast with the guitar imo. Is the plug for your website in every song?
  9. I can definitely see it in a fighting game. "Choose your character!" then bam!.. it comes out with that dirty, hard rock guitar riff and just gets you amped up to play.
  10. I thought it was cool, but it wasn't what I was expecting seeing the title "finalbattleofalltime". I thought I was going to get hit in the face with war drums and string epicness. lol.
  11. Wow, this is solid! I like the guitar tone, and I think everything sounds very punchy and EQd well. Which DAW do you use?
  12. I liked it a lot, and I've never played Mass Effect. So is this your first shot at a cinematic style track?
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