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Tuberz McGee

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    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in CastleMania - A Castlevania/Pro Wrestling Concept Album   
    Let's make sure we cover a female wrestler and have her as a Diva. Shanoa or Sonia Belmont or whoever.
  2. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to WillRock in CastleMania - A Castlevania/Pro Wrestling Concept Album   
    oh! oops. Sorry OA. Hey I'll hit him up, we could collab maybe? I got a cool plan for it but OA Collab is also kewl maybe if he's game
  3. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    Thanks Mirby for getting this project started, and thanks Brandon for picking this up. Glad to see this is still happening. Let me know if you need anything.
  4. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Trev in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Hiya everyone!!!
    If anyone wants acoustic violin, I can offer that. Would love to play on your track. And if you want electric violin too: it sounds like a zany cross between lead synth and lead guitar.
  5. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from TCHLE in Sonic Adventure Album Project   

    Hey guys, Tuberz here. 
    I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog in 3D and I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the incredible adventures involved with... well... Sonic Adventure. 
    As one of my favourite games of all time (and with a bitchin' soundtrack) I figured it would make sense to start a project for it.
    So, well, here we are. 

    What do we need!?
    I'm glad that you asked that! We'll need musicians who are either interested in providing music or collaborating with someone else to provide music. This music will be arranged from the source material in the Sonic Adventure OST. 
    We'll also need artists and web designers and all that jazz down the line, but for now, the music is the core component.
    Not all tracks on the OST will need to be taken, I'm interested in having at least one piece of music from each 'Zone' taken. 
    I'm adamant about the character themes and battle themes however. The Chao music is not needed, but would be a valuable addition. 

    When do we need to be done by!?
    Another excellent question my friend. I'm not setting a strict final deadline for two reasons. The first one is that it's a fair ways from a major milestone anniversary for this game, therefore we should take our time and make every inch of it something we love. 
    My second reason is that I prefer an atmosphere which is inspired by art... rather than deadlines. Some people produce excellent tracks in a week, and some it takes them months of slow chugging. Neither is wrong. I want to cater to both of these kinds of people.

    How do I sign up!?
    Just flick me a Private Message with which source tune you're interested in, if you'd be open to a collaboration and any key stylistic points that you feel will come out of your track (This will help me get a vibe for what you're aiming for).
    If you are a posted mixer or I know the general quality of your work I'll let you take the claim no issues (probably(don't quote me on that). However, if you are unposted and I'm not familiar with your work you can either send me something that you've done which you are proud of... or a general WIP of the source tune you're interested in claiming and we'll work from there. 

    What's your role in this!?
    Well, I'm the guy who gets to eat chips and tell you if you're slacking (I kid).
    I'm going to be staying in touch with people on the reg to check in with how tracks are going and help out with pairing collaborative partners or giving possibly influential content for when you're stuck in a rut. I'll also be taking some tracks myself. 
    If you run into any issues just flick me a message and I'll deal with it ASAP. 
    I'll also be pooling my resources (read:lack of resources) to find another content evaluator to ensure that we get a diverse range of opinions on content.

    What are there so many Exclamation and Question marks!?

    Key: Open, No WIP, Rough WIP, Substantial WIP, Near Completion, Finished + WAV, Unnecesary track (Very small or similar to another track)

    Emerald Coast
    Azure Blue World - Yoshiblade Windy and Ripply - SuperiorX Big Fishes - Chernabogue
      Windy Valley
    Windy Valley - Tuberz McGee Tornado - Eino Keskitalo The Air

                                                                                         Casinopolis The Dreamy Stage  Dilapidated Way Blue Star

                                                                                            Ice Cap Snowy Mountain Icy Cave Be Cool, Be Wild, Be Groovy

                                                                                         Sky Chase Tornado Scramble

                                                                                       Twinkle Park Twinkle Cart - Final Kingdom Pleasure Castle - Tuberz McGee Fakery Way

                                                                                     Speed Highway Run Through - Jivemaster Going Down At Dawn Red Mountain
    A Symbol of Thrill Red Hot Skull - Garrett Williamson Skydeck
    Skydeck a Go! Go!  General Offensive Lost World
    Tricky Maze Chased by Rock Leading Lights - Lucasonic Final Egg
    Mechanical Response Crank the Heat Up! Hot Shelter
    Bad Taste Aquarium  Red Barrage Area - Sir Jordanius Sand Hill
    Sand Hill Egg Carrier
    Keeps us on the Move - Lady Wildfire Calm After the Storm Home Zones
    Welcome to Station Square - Rexy Mystic Ruin  
    Character Themes:
    Sonic - It Doesn't Matter Tails - Believe in Myself Knuckles - Unknown From M.E. - Zone Runners Amy - My Sweet Passion Big - Lazy Days - Tuberz McGee + ??? E102G's Theme - DevilBeats Super Sonic - Open Your Heart - Brandon Strader Eggman's Theme Tikal's Theme - Faseeh Chaos' Theme Perfect Chaos  
    Battle Themes:
    Egg Hornet - DusK E-101R Fight For My Own Way E Series Targets Chaos Ver 6 - Tuberz McGee  
    Chao Music:
    Chao Theme - TCHLE Chao Race Entrance Chao Garden Chao KM Chao RM Chao Race Collaborators: 
    Chernabogue: orchestra and drums programming, mixing and mastering.
    Eino Keskitalo: (modest) electric guitar & bass, keyboard/synth stuff, Renoise jiggery. 
    Final Kingdom: Vocals. Good Vocals too.

    And anything else that you feel is appropriate will be fine too. Just message me and we'll have a chat. 
    - Callum
  6. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Sonic Adventure Album Project   
    Welcoming TCHLE and Eino Keskitalo to the roster! 
    We're starting to get some good names up here! Feel free to put in WIPs if you're feeling the inspiration. As I'm doing my honours degree this year I'm going to be less active here, but I'll try and make sure I can use my time appropriately to help you dudes if you have any concerns. :3 
    Also, I'm gonna start setting some deadlines in the next few months. Take this time to really familiarise yourself with your source material and enjoy it.
  7. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Jorito in Arcadia Legends - History   
    Usually my collabs involve guest musicians who record parts for me that in general I wrote an initial MIDI mockup for. Since my WIP is still far from a near finished mockup, I didn't  reach out to any potential collaborators yet. So there's no collabs as of yet, but I hope to do some, as live instruments (probably guitar and harmonica) really would help the track.
  8. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Mirby in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Gilgamesh wields a weapon in each hand. Guitars are known as axes. Axes are weapons.

    Therefore Gilgamesh will be wielding a guitar in each of his 8 arms. Simple. 
  9. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Mirby in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Oh my god. That is something I didn't even know I wanted for the BotBB remix. 
    I'd suggest Tuberz as one of the arms since he's pretty good (and he obviously wants to be part of this at some point) but it's up to you. I mean he did make a rather dense FF5 remix on Cid. But yeah.
  10. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    There are one or two claims that are still being carried over. I'm going to only be doing one track each for the remaining three volumes (the prelude themes).
    So I guess I should start getting people for FIRE, but I'm not opening up the claims yet. I need to write up descriptions for the classes/characters so that people have something to work off of.
    But I do want to take this opportunity to put my plan for one of the tracks out there. FIRE will feature Gilgamesh as the enemy character, and of course, we're going to have a Battle on the Big Bridge remix. For this track, I want to gather eight musicians to form a VGM-rock supergroup called The Eight Arms of Gilgamesh. I want the BotBB arrangement to be very dense and really take advantage of having eight musicians playing together. I think it would be cool to have a really big, epic kind of rock arrangement that's a bit different from what The Black Mages and other bands have done in the past. I don't have a full eight musicians in mind and haven't contacted anyone about it yet, but I do have some names on a wishlist for the roster: sixto, Brandon Strader, OA, SnappleMan, and Ivan Hakstock. If there are any rockers out there who are interested in coordinating this and taking ownership of the arrangement, speak up.
  11. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    If this happens, you know where to find me. <3 
  12. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Jorito in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    If this happens, you know where to find me. <3 
  13. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Chernabogue in Hometown Heroes: Town Themes Arranged - History   
    Nice to see it back! Maybe I'll claim something once I'm done with my current load of projects (something more obscure like from a Digimon RPG game).
  14. Like
  15. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Black_Doom in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    I think I want to do something like what happened with Temporal Duality: one track was released on the game's anniversary, and the whole album was released a couple of moths later. In this case I'd like the remix of the most iconic tune to be released as a bithday present. If y'know what I mean
  16. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Chernabogue in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Oh man. This sounds dankkkkkk. 
    So keen. I only hope I'm good enough to be called on by the point "dawn" rolls around.  
  17. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    Music's done for WATER. Finished it last week. I wanted to be able to announce it's done at MAGFest.
    What I need to do now is put together the visual identity for the albums. I'm considering redoing the artwork for WIND and coming up with a better look that I can use across the series.
    Alright. Is it out of your system? That's the last time anyone gets to make that joke.
  18. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors   
    I'm gonna step on all of the toes, and steal the glory of posting about the return of FF5 Water It's coming back guys, for real! DarkeSword announced at MAGFest that the music was done!
    Look at that, haha! Two years between this post and the one a couple posts up from me...
    @Sagnewshreds it might! The release date for FFXV is being announced on March 30th at the Uncovered event, we'll see what happens!
  19. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in [STAFF FOUND!] CastleMania - Castlevania Remix Album   
    You've done alright with compos in the past, so you've got the organizational skills! It'd be great to have you heading things up. Let's get a pro-wrestling consultant to handle that side of the equation.
  20. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Chernabogue in [STAFF FOUND!] CastleMania - Castlevania Remix Album   
    And his name is...
    *du du dudu, du du dudu*
  21. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in [STAFF FOUND!] CastleMania - Castlevania Remix Album   
    Alright, I'll make this short and sweet. I know we have the excellent Vampire Variations series of albums that covers the Castlevania series, but I'd like to propose a new CV album with a special twist.
    CastleMania is an album of Castlevania remixes done in the style of pro-wrestler intro tracks. You know how all those wrestlers in the WWE have their own walk-in music? I want an album of remixes that casts Castlevania characters like Simon Belmont and Alucard as pro-wrestlers with their own entrance tracks. We can do the full production on these tracks too, with some light voice acting; an announcer introducing the character, the character themselves doing some catchphrase-filled crowdwork, some crowd noises to make it sound like it's at a big event arena.
    I obviously cannot run this album, as I have Final Fantasy V to work on, along with this year's FGC albums and some other personal projects. I'm looking to put together a team to take this album project on, preferably someone with knowledge of Castlevania, or pro-wrestling, or both. It doesn't have to be a long album either; even a six-track EP would be cool.
    Anyone game? I really want this to happen. The pun-based title is too good to pass up.
  22. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Brandon Strader in Undertale Remix Album   
    The thing about albums is that if you really like a game and its soundtrack, you should commit to doing the album for that game.. not asking if people are interested and posting a few different album ideas, etc etc... because people will start to see a pattern of stuff not happening and they'll question the validity of the project you eventually decide on.. what's to stop you from being like "Undertale is old hat now.. hey this new game just dropped, wow this song is cool! hey you guys wanna do an album for this!?"
    I also disagree on choosing something popular to do 'just because'. Even if you choose something that isn't really popular, you can still find people who care about that music as much as you should (if you're doing an album for it).. pick something that really appeals to you on a personal level, and follow it through. That's more important than gauging interest in a bunch of things and deciding to do what other people like the most.  but what do I know, I'm crazy!
  23. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Furilas in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    Well, I guess, but it's gonna be a weird departure from our smooth jazz standard.
  24. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Chernabogue in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    Time to channel Tony Iommi by cutting the tips of my fingers off. :3 
  25. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Chernabogue in Apex 2016: I Got Next - History   
    Started to remix my track. It's going to have an early Black Sabbath vibe
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