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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. "A Stormy Affair" is ready for an official moderator review! We have made every effort to address all the arrangement and production issues that Rozovian has been kind enough to address. Some of the suggested revisions have not been made as it comes down to a matter of individual taste. David and I are very pleased with this song! Thank you Rozovian for spending so much time and effort helping us with this song. Your words of advice have pushed the song, and the artists, to the next level.
  2. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yippee, woohoo, yeah!!! Between you and Monobrow we should have a fairly comprehensive database to work with! Finally some REAL help with this!!! *runs off shrieking with glee*
  3. Hey Monobrow, thanks for writing all that out, I'm gonna print it out and read over it a few times. Really appreciate that! Many of those things I have already been trying: different velocities, panning each note depending on which hand/finger would be playing them, varied velocities within chords, moving notes *slightly* etc. You're right about reverb, easy does it, and a little more decay does push it into the background when needed... so I've done a tiny bit of automation with that... all of this I am learning. I'm going to re-read this and play with it a little more. Confession - I have two songs going that have piano parts... one nicely polished and almost ready to go (will post link here in a day or so, partner adding more to it), and another wip that's much rougher... focusing mainly on writing/arrangement on that one... if I get brave I'll post that one too and you guys can let me know how bad it sucks, haha! (or better yet, offer arrangement suggestions )
  4. The song has been in the remix forum for quite awhile and has been reviewed multiple times by Rozovian. As of this moment, I am waiting for my collab partner to approve some changes I made, when he does I will update the post, bump for mod review and post the link here, tomorrow if all goes well. So please have a little more patience for the best possible version. Thanks for asking about it, I'd love to share it and get further feedback! *yeah!* And seriously thanks everyone for your opinions!
  5. Calm down everybody. Can't we all get along? There have been some great points made here, and I totally respect every one of you who can play an instrument. I haven't played an instrument since I played the flute at age 10 and that was *mumble mumble* years ago. I have heard wonderful things about midi keyboards, and I absolutely plan on looking into getting one. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the promised tutorial on piano humanization, as this is the last "icing on the cake" finishing touch on my collab remix that is just about ready to submit! Thanks to everyone who commented here! *gets garbage bag to collect remnants from huge water balloon fight*
  6. YES PLEASE!!! I have been looking/asking for this info for months! I would appreciate it greatly (and I'm sure I'm not alone). THANKS in advance!
  7. I'm sure it's not gonna be perfect... but it's not a solo, it's a backing track, and with good humanization, it will be good enough for me, for now. When I have an extra year lying around I'll learn the piano!
  8. That's awesome... yes please tell me what you did, in detail! You can pm me if you like, or just post it here for everyone! Really nice track too.
  9. Oh geez... I've got no midi keyboard and NO piano skillz... I've sequenced a pretty hairy piano part... I like it, but I can see how actually playing a piano would be a plus... haha! I will try the panning trick, I can see what you mean there... and I guess it's time for me to at least investigate midi keyboards. Thank you very much!!!
  10. Hi all, I am trying to make a piano part seem more human, less mechanical. It is part of my mix, not a solo. I've tried several things: - different velocities on every note, including each note of chords - moving each note slightly right or left - alternating the lengths of each note, some a little longer, some shorter, some overlapping, some with a gap between. I tried the articulator but that didn't seem to change the sound, just made all notes shorter by differing amounts. I looked at the "humanizing presets" but I'm not sure how they work or how to apply them to my song. I've also posted this question on several other forums and only received variations of the above answers (by well meaning people of course!). Is there something else that I am unaware of, anything else to try? Some change to the actual piano timbre or something? Any suggestions would be so helpful. Thanks.
  11. Yeah, another Plack Beach remix!!! http://soundcloud.com/chimpazilla/dark-beach-40
  12. WOW that's gorgeous and so moody! LOVE it! What about adding some strings coming in around 1:30? And maybe a gentle, filtered drum pattern coming in around 1:50 and fading out at 2:10? Something as simple as just a brush pattern? Strings again at 3:50, or some moody solo string instrument to accompany you? It's a tad repetitive... but really gorgeous. What about some different chord progressions? My friend and I have done a SoS remix, see the post below called "A Stormy Affair." We are still soliciting feedback on it, before mod review and submission!
  13. All issues have been addressed and hopefully remedied. Some new subtle melodies have been added, and some nice effects. Zelda's Lullaby should now be more clear during the bridge as well. We love it... what do you guys think? We would love a few more opinions, then it's a bump to mod review, after that it's off to submit for judging!
  14. ...and here it is, nice and hot! (link removed... see updated link, above and below) D - You are an amazing mentor, collaborator, and friend.
  15. Oh my... wow... *head spinning* It's going to take me awhile to absorb everything you just said Rozovian... but I wanted to say thank you very, very much for that incredibly detailed and thoughtful critique, and thank you for the words of encouragement (much needed after incredibly detailed and thoughtful critique). All suggestions are excellent. Whew. We shall see where this goes from here! Thanks again. Oh, and your SoS is, of course, amazing!
  16. It seems this little gem of a song got buried under a landslide of other posts... Come on mods, give the gentleman the review he requested so that he can move on to "submit!"
  17. OK so who doesn't love "Song of Storms?" This remix is meant to really impart the feeling of a storm brewing... weather changing almost imperceptibly at first, sense of something coming, sky getting darker, thunder in the distance... rain begins but then fades... then suddenly a crack of lightning and thunder... the storm is in full force! Wind howling, rain driving down, run for cover! But then as quickly as it began, the storm recedes... leaving a sense of calm and the earth refreshed. Written in 4/4, a new twist on an old favorite! "First some wind, then some rain......" A Stormy Affair, resub version updated 3-5-12 A Stormy Affair, original submission (submitted to judges 11-29-11, rejected with suggested resub) By: Chimpazilla & Anterroir Comments are requested and appreciated. Sources: "Song of Storms" "Zelda's Lullaby" (bridge) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qPtuOfQbyI (seriously, if you need to look at these source links, hang your head in shame, what are you doing on THIS forum?)
  18. Ooooh I like that... the highs could be brighter, more twinklies.
  19. Thank you very much Gario! I will see about tweaking some of my harmonies and levels. Sorry about the jarring... I appreciate the review! Oh... this isn't my first remix, but I am pretty new to this (4 months). This is definitely my best remix so far, and I'm working very hard to improve every day, learning all the tricks and skills. Anterroir gave me lots of good feedback and advice, especially in the area of eq.
  20. Hello? (hello-hello-hello....) *looks around* *tumble weed blows by* *crickets chirp* Echo! (echo-echo-echo...) Dang it's lonely in this post...
  21. Hello fellow remixers! This is a remix of "Plack Beach, Act II" from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. A happy, bouncy little tune made just a bit darker and more mysterious. http://soundcloud.com/chimpazilla/dark-beach-40 Here is the source: Special thanks to Anterroir for helping me learn how to arrange and mix. You are a good friend indeed.
  22. I had that same problem!!! About a month ago. ***FACEPALM*** I thought my song was ruined and I didn't know why. It appears my fader is moved down, half an octave. I had adjusted every single pattern but it still sounded weird (drums, cymbals, etc were all off too) so I abandoned the project. Now I would have to re-adjust every single pattern to revive the song. Maybe I'll do that someday... Glad to know what the issue was. How stupid!!! Geez. Glad you left the post here! Mystery solved.
  23. Anterroir I wrote you an email on your website. I really love what is on that mp3!
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