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Everything posted by zach72

  1. bs, have I ever mentioned you never fail to crack me up? Happy bday Emunator! To many more years of yoshi tetris attack avatars!
  2. Darke is busy working 3 jobs and saving the world-- all before dinner. Cut him some slack.
  3. I can't get over how epic 'Deadbeat' is! Really sick stuff dude :D!

  4. Pfft, Sword Man? There's no such thing as...What...What are you talking about (didn't realize there was a Sword robot master )
  5. Being the DarkeSworde that he is, I'd gladly place a bet on his favorite robot master being Dark Man or Blade Man! ... ... ... ...
  6. Congratz on your mixpost dood!

  7. Fantastic groove, Gario! Congratz on your first post dude
  8. If you didn't see this...? Not sure if this clears anything up, but Darke did italicize "any one of the wily battle themes"
  9. Nice new mix dood!

  10. Huh. I was definitely satisfied with Nutritious' Pendulum-like remix that just came out earlier this month, but now there's another awesome similar song! Really grows on ya after the first few listens
  11. I've got a raging reptile in my pants
  12. Someone already did that like 2 years ago, it was called the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle. :tomatoface:
  14. Possibly due to the fact that he was running out of steam
  15. As sick as ever...love all the insert rupee tracks to death. 'Tis a really good, playful remix >!
  16. Yeah, my production values and instrument choices are pretty wack xD! Glad you liked the arrangement though. Thanks for the review! yeah also /bandwagon SuperiorX + pH This competition was really fun working with other people...and just a fun thing altogether ! yep.
  17. As said, this is a really fantastic way to kick off 2012. A really cool mix.
  18. Yeah, sweet mixes from 'errybuddy. combo x2
  19. yeah ditto what dat guy sed V

  20. Hej! You have more posts than me. But someday...I will overtake you

  21. ...So I heard you like dem aeroz titles
  22. Ah...my mix for this week goes all over the place, although I think the first minute is solid stuff . Also, does anyone know when the mysterious Round 10 is going to be explained/when it's going to start, as DarkeSword isn't going to be back till Sunday ?
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